Presenta el vocabulario de cada unidad ordenado por categorías gramaticales. Ofrece expresiones frecuentes que responden a estructuras muy utilizadas en la comunicación frases hechas y expresiones pluriverbales. Incluye actividades orientadas para la práctica autónoma o individual. Glosario alfabético al final del libro que remite a las unidades y la solución de los ejercicios propuestos.
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
Cuaderno de ejercicios que acompa241a al manual Vitamina Básico, para estudiantes jóvenes y adultos, de niveles A1A2 según el MCER. Consta de 18 unidades que refuerzan el trabajo propuesto en el Libro del alumno, con más de 20 actividades en cada unidad y una atención especial a la gramática y al léxico. En las secciones A, B y C se abordan los contenidos tratados en el libro del alumno, una actividad final y una sección para la reflexión sobre lo aprendido. Toda la unidad se desarrolla a
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
The students book comprises 12 units, each of which are divided into 4 parts. At the end of each chapter there is a section entitled Acción, which presents students with a task or mini project, as well as a learning diary to encourage them to assess their understanding of the content covered. Furthermore, there are activities integrated into the 12 units that will help students prepare for the DELE. The Gramática section of the coursebook contains a wealth of exercises designed to test learners knowled
Un ańo en Espańa es un manual intensivo de espańol para niveles A1 y A2. Está dirigido a estudiantes que se preparan para sus estancias Eramus en las universidades espańolas. Los estudiantes podrán usarlo como material de autoaprendizaje y para su uso en el aula. Este método proporciona conocimientos de idioma y cultura, a través de las experiencias de los estudiantes extranjeros en Espańa. Además 1) Consta de 14 unidades dividas en cinco secciones destinadas a reforzar las destrezas lingüísticas
Superdrago es un método de espańol como lengua extranjera para nińos con edades comprendidas entre 6 y 11 ańos. El manual está divido en cuatro niveles ricamente ilustrado y basado en una pedagogía activa. Principales características Aprendizaje basado en la participación del estudiante. Atención especial a los aspectos lúdicos, creativos y participativos. Multitud de juegos, canciones, trabalenguas. El libro del alumno tiene 9 unidades didácticas, 4 repasos y 4 proyectos, un repaso final, un
Amplia exposición de los principales conceptos de la lingüística textual acompańada de una serie de actividades que faciliten la asimilación de dichos conceptos. Se abordan aspectos fundamentales de la lingüística del texto a lo largo de 6 capítulos. Se proponen una serie de actividades prácticas comentdas al final de cada capítulo que finalizan con una breve reflexión sobre la trascendencia de estos conceptos en la enseńanzaaprendizaje de ELE. Al final del libro se publica una bibliografía de re
Superdrago 2 cuaderno de actividades forma parte del curso de espańol como lengua extranjera para nińos de entre 6 y 12 ańos. El manual está dividido en cuatro niveles, es novedoso y completo, y está ricamente ilustrado y basado en una pedagogía activa. Entre sus principales características 1) Aprendizaje basado en la participación del estudiante. 2) Atención especial a los aspectos lúdicos, creativos y participativos. 3) Multitud de juegos, canciones, trabalenguas. 4) El cuaderno de actividad