Washington Square

Washington Square

If one were really put to it to name the finest product of that ever on.going experiment in democratic living which is oddly designated the United States of America, one would not name some mass-produced and highly intricate gadet, an example of our plumbing or our architecture, or our amazingly managerial organizations or systems of accounting, but would point instead to the American women. Autor : Henry James

Pearson English Readers: The Testament  (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Testament (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Contemporary / American EnglishNate O’Riley is a powerful Washington lawyer. Returning to work after a long stay in hospital is difficult for Nate. Then he is sent on a journey that takes him from the tense courtrooms of Washington to the dangerous swamps of Brazil. It is a journey that will change his life forever…

Pravdivá história 2021/05

Pravdivá história 2021/05

Medicína naprieč časom; Priekopníci medicíny; Ako pracovali lekári v starovekom Egypte; Deň v živote: Stredoveký lekárnik; Mala americká CIA prsty vo zvolení pápeža Jána Pavla II.?; Skutočný Sherlock Holmes; Prvý prezident Washington George Washington; Maľba Bratislavy ukrytá v srdci Florencie; 11. september o 20 rokov neskôr; Tajomstvá Mayov; 10 najhorších pirátov; Hon na čarodejnice; Bitka pri Trafalgare... PREDPLATNÉ časopisu Pravdivá história »



From the bestselling of The Assassini and The Wind Chill Facto comes a towering suspense novel of desire, betrayal, and obession in time of war. FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT, PASSION AND DRAMA ... I DIDNT WANT IT TO END. - David Morrell, The Washington Post Autor : Thomas Gifford

Empire Bulders

Empire Bulders

Steel tracks and the lure of the sea led them to Washington Terrority... but only a few would survive in this time of heartbreak and hope! Empire Builders is the story of Tavish Wilder, the poor son of a circuit-riding preacher. Autor : Linda Chaikin

Do you know what day tomorrow is ?

Do you know what day tomorrow is ?

Do you know what dy tomorrow is ? It might be the anniversary of the day the first man went into space, or the sinking of the Titanic. It might be the bithdate of George Washington Carver, or the anniversary of the day Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettyburg Adress. Autor : Lee Benett Hopkins, Misha Arenstein

Pearson English Readers: The Pelican Brief  (John Grisham | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Pelican Brief (John Grisham | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Contemporary / British EnglishIn Washington, two Supreme Court judges are murdered and only the young and beautiful law student Darby Shaw knows why. She has uncovered a deadly secret but will anyone believe her? Can she stay alive long enough to persuade them she is right?

W. Irving, N. Hawthorne, E.A. Poe, H. Melville

W. Irving, N. Hawthorne, E.A. Poe, H. Melville

Literárna príručka popisujúca dielo a život štyroch významných literátov: Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe a Herman Melville. Kniha je písaná dvojjazyčne. Po rusky a po anglicky... Autor: kolektív autorov

Pearson English Readers: The Pelican Brief + MP3 Audio CD  (John Grisham, B2 - Upper-Intermediate - 1800-2300 Headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Pelican Brief + MP3 Audio CD (John Grisham, B2 - Upper-Intermediate - 1800-2300 Headwords)

Contemporary / British EnglishIn Washington, two Supreme Court judges are murdered and only the young and beautiful law student Darby Shaw knows why. She has uncovered a deadly secret but will anyone believe her? Can she stay alive long enough to persuade them she is right? This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow  (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishRip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home twenty years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head. Are there ghosts in these stories? What do you think?

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow + Audio CD  (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow + Audio CD (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishRip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home twenty years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head. Are there ghosts in these stories? What do you think?

Jabloňový chodník

Jabloňový chodník

Spojené štáty nevytvorili iba štátnici, prezidenti a generáli, akými boli George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton a iní, ale aj prostí ľudia. typu Jonathana Chapmana, Davida Vermona, doktora Stronga, tety Mary Lakeovej a ostatných postáv tejto knihy. Týmito slovami uvádza český autor Fráňa Velkoborský svoj vinikajúci životopisný román Jabloňový chodník ..... Autor: Fráňa Velkoborský

Odvrácená strana mýtu

Odvrácená strana mýtu

Chlapeckého a svižného Paula McCartneyho je možné zahlédnout obvykle v pracovní den ráno, jak vstupuje do své kanceláře na Soho Square. Je menší, než byste čekali, a vlasy má delší, než je v módě... Autor: Ross Benson

Pearson English Kids Readers: Let's Draw Shapes CLIL  (Kay Bentley | Level 2 - 400 headwords)

Pearson English Kids Readers: Let's Draw Shapes CLIL (Kay Bentley | Level 2 - 400 headwords)

Can you draw shapes? Ovals, circles, a square? Can you draw Straight and curved lines? Great! Now you can draw a bird, a fish, a boat, a tree, flowers and a beautiful butterfly!

ASB 2022/03

ASB 2022/03

Biznis a reality: Dôležité čísla; Stavebníctvo systematicky upadá, chýbajú projekty; Stavebníctvo zrkadlí neistotu; Čo vznikne na území Matadoru?; Compass Architekti: Projekt Akord ako nová výzva; Bude projekt Vilharia ikonou Ľubľany?; Ako chceme rozvíjať kancelárie v novej ére?; Worship Square – Londýnska pýcha slovenského developera; Ricardo Boffil: Medzi utópiou a realitou; Nodi – drevený unikát... PREDPLATNÉ časopisu ASB


ELI - F - hra - La planete en jeu

A card game with an illustrated playing board. Players must move along a path that contains information about an ecofriendly lifestyle (recycling, energy conservation, ecofriendly consumption) in order to reach the finish square. The understanding and sharing of this information in order to play the game help to make learning, revision, and the correct use of language structures and vocabulary a fun and enjoyable experience. (CEFR A2B1) The game consists of a playing board, a die, 60 photo cards, 72 ga
