W. Irving, N. Hawthorne, E.A. Poe, H. Melville

W. Irving, N. Hawthorne, E.A. Poe, H. Melville

Literárna príručka popisujúca dielo a život štyroch významných literátov: Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe a Herman Melville. Kniha je písaná dvojjazyčne. Po rusky a po anglicky... Autor: kolektív autorov

Šarlatánove písmeno

Šarlatánove písmeno

V júni roku 1849 stratil Nathaniel Hawthorne svoje zamestnanie v salemskej colnici, čo zostával po celé tri roky. Mla štyridsaťpäť rokov, a hoci aj získal istú povesť autora krátkych poviedok, nikdy si spisovateľstvom nezarobil dosť na výživu svojej rodiny. Autor: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Raj ľudožrútov

Raj ľudožrútov

Udalosti opísané v tejto knihe odohrali sa pred vyše tromi rokmi. S výnimkou niekoľkých posledných mesiacov strávil autor väčšinu tohto času na šírom mori. Autor: Herman Melville

Prvá plavba

Prvá plavba

Po zaistení kotvy sa nás ujal vlečný parník so siláckym menom HERKULES. Pustili sme sa popri dlhom rade lodí, nákladných prístavísk a skladísk, zabočili sme okolo zeleného južného výbeku ostrova, kde je Batéria, minuli sme Guvernérov ostrov a zamierili sme rovno k Narrows... Autor: Herman Melville

Six Great Modern Short Novels

Six Great Modern Short Novels

Lilly, the caretakers daughter, was literally run off her feet. Hardly has she brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office on the ground floor and helped him off with his overcoat than the wheezy hall-door bell clanged again and she had to scamper along the bare hallway to let in another guest. Autor : William Faulkner, James Joyce, Herman Melville, Nikolay Gogol, Katherine Anne Porter, Glenway Wescott

Dom so siedmimi štítmi

Dom so siedmimi štítmi

Román romanticko fantastický, v ktorom sa autor pokúsil spojiť minulosť s prítomnosťou, tak rýchlo sa od nás vzďaľujúcou. Je to príbeh, ktorý presahuje z obdobia zastretého sivým rúškom minulosti do svetla prežiareného dneška a prináša so sebou opar dávnych čias... Autor: Nathaniel Hawthorne

Žízeň po životě

Žízeň po životě

Pane van Goghu! Musíte vstávat! Vincent očekával Uršulin hlas už ve spánku. Byl jsem vzhurů, slečno Uršulo, zavolal v odpověď. Ne, nebyl, zasmála se dívka, ale teď jste. Slyšel ji, jak sestupuje po schodech do kuchně. Autor: Irving Stone

Pani prezidentová

Pani prezidentová

Pani prezidentová je románom životopisným,od historického románu sa odlišuje tým,že nerozvíja fiktívne postavy na pozadí histórie,ale naopak podáva príbeh skutočných ľudí,ktorí históriu žili a pomáhali ju tvoriť. Autor: Irving Stone

Pearson English Readers: The Scarlett Letter  (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Scarlett Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishBoston in the 1600s is a small town, but a large crowd waits for Hester Prynne outside the prison. She carries a baby in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” is on her dress. “A” is for adulteress. Who is the father of her baby? Nobody knows and Hester will not say.

Pearson English Readers: The House of the Seven Gables  (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The House of the Seven Gables (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishThe House of the Seven Gables is the home of an important family: the Pyncheons. They have the house and a lot of land, but no money and many problems. Is there a curse on the family? This is a story about money, murder, and love. 

Pearson English Readers: The House of the Seven Gables + Audio CD  (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The House of the Seven Gables + Audio CD (Nathaniel Hawthorne | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishThe House of the Seven Gables is the home of an important family: the Pyncheons. They have the house and a lot of land, but no money and many problems. Is there a curse on the family? This is a story about money, murder, and love.

Grécky poklad

Grécky poklad

Pomáhala dievčatám z dediny ozdobiť k sviatku ikonu svätého Meletia a pripevňovala veniec uvitý z margarét,chryzantém a skyllakií na svätostánok v strede malého kostola,keď sa bez dychu prihnala mladšia sestra Marigo a zvolala: Sofia!Prišiel Američan.Tvoj nápadník,pán Schliemann! Autor: Irving Stone

Pearson English Readers: Moby Dick  (Herman Melville | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Moby Dick (Herman Melville | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishMoby Dick is the most dangerous whale in the oceans. Captain Ahab fought him and lost a leg. Now he hates Moby Dick. He wants to kill him. But can Captain Ahab and his men find the great white whale? A young sailor, Ishmael, tells the story of their exciting and dangerous trip.

Setting Free the Bears

Setting Free the Bears

When the Soviet Army entered Vienna in the closing days of World War II, every animal was gone from the Vienna Zoo, they were probably eaten by the starving citizens of the city. In this historical novel of the Nazi takeover of Austria and Soviet occupation of Vienna, the liberation of the Vienna Zoo is re-enaced by two Viennese university students in 1967..... Autor: John Irving

Pearson English Readers: Moby Dick + Audio CD  (Herman Melville | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Moby Dick + Audio CD (Herman Melville | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishMoby Dick is the most dangerous whale in the oceans. Captain Ahab fought him and lost a leg. Now he hates Moby Dick. He wants to kill him. But can Captain Ahab and his men find the great white whale? A young sailor, Ishmael, tells the story of their exciting and dangerous trip This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow  (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Rip Van Winkle The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Washington Irving | A1 - Level 1 - 300 headwords)

Classic / American EnglishRip Van Winkle walks into the mountains one day and meets some strange old men. He comes home twenty years later. One dark night, Ichabod Crane is riding home and sees a man on a black horse behind him. The man has no head. Are there ghosts in these stories? What do you think?
