Stranger Planet (Strange Planet Series)

Stranger Planet (Strange Planet Series)

Originálne a výstižné krátke komiksy z instagramového hitu Strange Planet. V tomto dieli sa autor zameriava na témy tradícia, príroda, emócie a vedomosti.

Strange Planet

Strange Planet

Obľúbený fenomén Strange Planet prichádza so súborným vydaním krátkych komiksov o životnom cykle obyvateľov sveta, ktorý nie je až taký vzdialený od toho nášho.

Strange Planet: The Comic Sensation of the Year

Strange Planet: The Comic Sensation of the Year

Komiksová senzácia známa z instagramu pokračuje. Súborné vydanie krátkych stripov Strange Planet o mimozemskej planéte, ktorá sa až tak nelíši od tej našej.

Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature

Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature

Ďalšia séria internetových komiksov z obľúbenej série Strange Planet od Nathana W. Pyleho. Sledujte obľúbených mimozemšťanov pri skúmaní mačky a jej správania. 

Strange Planet: Existence Chronicle
Doctor Strange - Nejvyšší čaroděj 3: Herold [Waid Mark]

Doctor Strange - Nejvyšší čaroděj 3: Herold [Waid Mark]

DOCTOR STRANGE JAKO... GALACTUSŮV HEROLD?! KDYŽ SE OBJEVÍ MIMOZEMSKÝ ČARODĚJ A POŽADUJE, ABY MU STEPHEN STRANGE POMOHL zachránit jeho planetu před Galactusem, skončí to vyhoštěním Požírače světů do nejtemnějších koutů magických sfér! Nyní se musí vyčerpaný Strange pustit do záchranné mise, jaká nemá v historii vesmíru obdoby! Jak se na Galactusovi podepíše konzumace planet odlišné reality? Narušení kosmické rovnováhy způsobí destabilizaci dimenzí a milý doktor se náhle musí postarat, aby záchvat intergala

Doctor Strange - Nejvyšší čaroděj 3: Herold [Waid Mark]

Doctor Strange - Nejvyšší čaroděj 3: Herold [Waid Mark]

DOCTOR STRANGE JAKO... GALACTUSŮV HEROLD?! KDYŽ SE OBJEVÍ MIMOZEMSKÝ ČARODĚJ A POŽADUJE, ABY MU STEPHEN STRANGE POMOHL zachránit jeho planetu před Galactusem, skončí to vyhoštěním Požírače světů do nejtemnějších koutů magických sfér! Nyní se musí vyčerpaný Strange pustit do záchranné mise, jaká nemá v historii vesmíru obdoby! Jak se na Galactusovi podepíše konzumace planet odlišné reality? Narušení kosmické rovnováhy způsobí destabilizaci dimenzí a milý doktor se náhle musí postarat, aby záchvat intergala

Planet Banksy: The man, his work and the movement he inspired

Planet Banksy: The man, his work and the movement he inspired

Planet Banksy zdôrazňuje význam Banksyho pouličného umenia a spôsob, akým sa jeho vplyv stále rozširuje, a spája niektoré z najlepších umeleckých diel zo všetkých kútov sveta, ktoré Banksy inšpiroval.

Bitch Planet 2 - President Bitch

Bitch Planet 2 - President Bitch

Eisner Award-nominated writer KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) and VALENTINE DE LANDRO (X-Factor) follow up on the success of EXTRAORDINARY MACHINE with the second installment of their highly acclaimed and fiercely unapologetic BITCH PLANET.

Hair Carpet Weavers [Eschbach Andreas]

Hair Carpet Weavers [Eschbach Andreas]

In the dusty wastes of a far-flung planet, strange artisans toil. Like their fathers before them, they tie intricate knots out of the hair of their wives and daughters, slowly forming carpets. Delicate and unique, each carpet requires an entire lifetime of work - and all will be sold to pave the Emperor's palace. Then, one day, the empire falls. Soon, strange men begin to arrive from the stars, in search of the carpets' true destination. What they discover will astonish them all... Combining brilliant wor

Hair Carpet Weavers [Eschbach Andreas]

Hair Carpet Weavers [Eschbach Andreas]

In the dusty wastes of a far-flung planet, strange artisans toil. Like their fathers before them, they tie intricate knots out of the hair of their wives and daughters, slowly forming carpets. Delicate and unique, each carpet requires an entire lifetime of work - and all will be sold to pave the Emperor's palace. Then, one day, the empire falls. Soon, strange men begin to arrive from the stars, in search of the carpets' true destination. What they discover will astonish them all... Combining brilliant wor

Downward to the Earth [Silverberg Robert]

Downward to the Earth [Silverberg Robert]

Gundersen returned to Holman's World seeking atonement for his harsh years as colonial governer. But now this lush, exotic planet of mystery was called by its ancient name of Belzagor, and it belonged once again to its native alien races, the nildoror and the sulidoror. Drawn by its spell, Gundersen began a harrowing pilgrimage to its mist-shrouded north, to witness a strange ritual rebirth that would alter him forever.

Downward to the Earth [Silverberg Robert]

Downward to the Earth [Silverberg Robert]

Gundersen returned to Holman's World seeking atonement for his harsh years as colonial governer. But now this lush, exotic planet of mystery was called by its ancient name of Belzagor, and it belonged once again to its native alien races, the nildoror and the sulidoror. Drawn by its spell, Gundersen began a harrowing pilgrimage to its mist-shrouded north, to witness a strange ritual rebirth that would alter him forever.

Planet Coaster (Console Edition) (PS5)

Planet Coaster (Console Edition) (PS5)

Obal je tlačený po francúzsky, hra je v anglickom jazyku.   Doposiaľ najpokročilejšia simulácia zábavných parkov je tu! Prekvap, poteš a nadchni návštevníkov svojej ríše horských dráh. Popusť uzdu svojej fantázii a podeľ sa o svoj úspech s celým svetom! S Planet Coaster sa môže stať návrhárom zábavných parkov každý. Polož cesty, vytváraj malebné scenérie, upravuj atrakcie – štýlom „kúsok po kúsku“ a s pomocou viacej ako tisícovky unikátnych stavebných prvkov vybuduj park ako žiadny iný.

Green Lanterns 1: Rage Planet (Rebirth)

Green Lanterns 1: Rage Planet (Rebirth)

Autor: Sam Humphries     Séria: Green Lanterns Blazing forth from the blockbuster DC Universe Rebirth event comes GREEN LANTERNS VOL. 1: RAGE PLANET, the start of a thrilling saga starring all-new, all-different heroes from the creative team of Sam Humphries (Uncanny X-Force) and Robson Rocha (EARTH 2: WORLD’S END) - featuring contributions from superstars Geoff Johns, Ethan Van Sciver, Ed Benes, Tom Derenick and more! Collects GREEN LANTERNS: REBIRTH #1 and GREEN LANTERNS #1-6.

SW X-Wing Series: The Bacta War [Stackpole Michael] (Star Wars: X-Wing #4)

SW X-Wing Series: The Bacta War [Stackpole Michael] (Star Wars: X-Wing #4)

After her attempt to strike at the heart of Coruscant with a deadly virus, the sinister Ysanne Isard sets her sights on destabilizing the New Republic by seizing its medicinal bacta production. Under the guise of a mere power struggle between corporations on the planet Thyferra, the imperial mastermind has taken control of one of the galaxy's most precious resources. The heroes of Rogue Squadron are desperate to liberate the planet, and free prisoners trapped by Isard, only to find their plans foiled by t
