Planet Banksy: The man, his work and the movement he inspired

Planet Banksy: The man, his work and the movement he inspired

Planet Banksy zdôrazňuje význam Banksyho pouličného umenia a spôsob, akým sa jeho vplyv stále rozširuje, a spája niektoré z najlepších umeleckých diel zo všetkých kútov sveta, ktoré Banksy inšpiroval.



Kniha o Banksy nikdy nemôže byť obyčajnou knihou, rovnako umelec, o ktorom hovorí - je rovnako výnimočná ako sám Banksy.

Banksy in New York

Banksy in New York

Banksy in New York offers a first-hand account of his residency: the defacement and removal of his pieces, reactions from neighbors and building owners and interactions between Banksy's fans and foes.

Paycheck and Other Classic Stories [Dick Philip K.

Paycheck and Other Classic Stories [Dick Philip K.

Readers worldwide consider Philip K. Dick to have been the greatest science fiction writer on any planet. Since his untimely death in 1982, interest in Dick's works has continued to mount, and his reputation has been enhanced by a growing body of critical attention. The Philip K. Dick Award is now presented annually to a distinguished work of science fiction, and the Philip K. Dick Society is devoted to the study and promulgation of his works. This collection draws from the writer's earliest short and med

Paycheck and Other Classic Stories [Dick Philip K.

Paycheck and Other Classic Stories [Dick Philip K.

Readers worldwide consider Philip K. Dick to have been the greatest science fiction writer on any planet. Since his untimely death in 1982, interest in Dick's works has continued to mount, and his reputation has been enhanced by a growing body of critical attention. The Philip K. Dick Award is now presented annually to a distinguished work of science fiction, and the Philip K. Dick Society is devoted to the study and promulgation of his works. This collection draws from the writer's earliest short and med

Stranger Planet (Strange Planet Series)

Stranger Planet (Strange Planet Series)

Originálne a výstižné krátke komiksy z instagramového hitu Strange Planet. V tomto dieli sa autor zameriava na témy tradícia, príroda, emócie a vedomosti.

Banksy Wall and Piece

Banksy Wall and Piece

Artistic genius, political activist, painter and decorator, mythic legend or notorious graffiti artist?

Strange Planet

Strange Planet

Obľúbený fenomén Strange Planet prichádza so súborným vydaním krátkych komiksov o životnom cykle obyvateľov sveta, ktorý nie je až taký vzdialený od toho nášho.

Strange Planet: The Comic Sensation of the Year

Strange Planet: The Comic Sensation of the Year

Komiksová senzácia známa z instagramu pokračuje. Súborné vydanie krátkych stripov Strange Planet o mimozemskej planéte, ktorá sa až tak nelíši od tej našej.

Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature

Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature

Ďalšia séria internetových komiksov z obľúbenej série Strange Planet od Nathana W. Pyleho. Sledujte obľúbených mimozemšťanov pri skúmaní mačky a jej správania. 

Bitch Planet 2 - President Bitch

Bitch Planet 2 - President Bitch

Eisner Award-nominated writer KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) and VALENTINE DE LANDRO (X-Factor) follow up on the success of EXTRAORDINARY MACHINE with the second installment of their highly acclaimed and fiercely unapologetic BITCH PLANET.

Trafalgar [Gorodischer Angélica]

Trafalgar [Gorodischer Angélica]

In the cafes and bars of Rosario, Argentina, there are sure to be many tall tales told. But none, perhaps, quite as spectacular as those recounted by Trafalgar Medrano. With a coffeepot and a pack of cigarettes to hand, he will nonchalantly tell you all about his otherworldly adventures: from studying dancing troglodytes on a mucky planet, to befriending the only chaotic man in a perfectly arranged society, to a close shave in 15th century Spain. The things Trafalgar has seen... Cosmopolitan, wildly imagi

Říká se mu Banksy

Říká se mu Banksy

Komiksový príbeh o streetartovom umení a najväčšej ikone, ktorá tento smer ovplyvnila. Ponorte sa do komiksu, ktorý ide po stopách Banksyho, neznámeho umelca.

Cells at Work! 2

Cells at Work! 2

Naučte sa ako fungujú červené krvinky, neuróny, krvné doštičky a iné časti vášho organizmu v ďaka mange Cells at Work, ktorá inšpirovala aj úspešný anime film.

Cells at Work! 1

Cells at Work! 1

Spoznajte ako funguje ľudské telo v originálnej manga sérii Cells at Work. Náučné aj zábavné čítanie vás oboznámi s červenými krvinkami a mnohými inými dôležitými bunkami.

Strange Planet: Existence Chronicle