Throroughly Christian, highly readable, and richly varied, each anthology in this series offers features never before avaible to English classes in Christian schools. All selections have been made on the basic of Christian principles, with emphasis on character.building and life-enriching themes.
Having been saved through the ministry od literature, George Verwer often felt guilty for challanging people to distribute literature without telling them now to do it. Autor : George Verwer
The study of literature is an important part of every young persons educational experience. In good literature, one can meet and experience life bz entering the lives of others for a time.
The book comes sequel to the Reader in modern american literature (1917-1941) compiled by the same authors in 1974. The volume covers the 40s and the 50s. It was the time of certain decline in American literature, which was marked by a decrease of social and artistic value of literary production, as compared to that of roaring thirties .... Autor: Kolektív autorov
Jonathan Swifts best known fulllength work, and a classic of English literature. In this Reader you will find information about Jonathan Swifts life CLIL History European Exploration glossary comprehension activities exit test Tags Classic literature satire Gulliver is a doctor on a ship. He travels from England to many places. He meets little people and giants, he meets people from the past and horses who can talk. He also encounters pirates and terrible storms. Will he ever return
Rozsah slovníka - slovná zásoba spisovnej ruštiny, obsiahnutá v krásnej literatúre, v populárnovedeckej a politicko-hospodárske literatúre a tlači. Autor: A.V. Isačenko, D. Kollár
Rozsah slovníka - slovná zásoba spisovnej ruštiny, obsiahnutá v krásnej literatúre, tlači a v literatúre populárnovedeckej a politicko-hospodárskej, značne presahuje100 tisíc slov.... Autor: M. Filkusová a iní
Pathways to Literature provides an exploration of English literary masters timeless works from the 16th to the 20th century. It aims to teach important values and help learners acquire a better understanding of both the English language and the cultural heritage of the Englishspeaking world. The course includes a wide variety of excerpts with carefully planned activities that allow students to approach English Literature with confidence. Extensive analysis on title, characters, themes, setting, values, mo
Pathways to Literature provides an exploration of English literary masters timeless works from the 16th to the 20th century. It aims to teach important values and help learners acquire a better understanding of both the English language and the cultural heritage of the Englishspeaking world. The course includes a wide variety of excerpts with carefully planned activities that allow students to approach English Literature with confidence. Extensive analysis on title, characters, themes, setting, values, mo
Classic / British EnglishCount Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people’s blood. He lives in a lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania. But then he comes to England and strange things start happening. People change. People become ill. Professor Van Helsing knows about vampires, but can he stop Count Dracula?
Joshua was a great soldier. He led the people of Israel into their promised land. He fought the battle of Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. He helped Gods people defeat their enemies. At the end of this Joshua life reminded Gods people : The Lord your God has given you all the good things that he promised. Every promise he made has been kept; not one has failed . Autor : Ron Klug
A straightforward introduction to biblical Aramaic. All Aramaic passages in the Old Testament are included, along with an introduction to other Aramaic texts, such as ancient inscriptions, Dead Sea Serolls, rabbinic literature, and
Classic / British EnglishCount Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people’s blood. He lives in a lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania. But then he comes to England and strange things start happening. People change. People become ill. Professor Van Helsing knows about vampires, but can he stop Count Dracula? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
I have been privileged to see International Team people in training and in action around the world. I am conviced thatno missions agency of my acquaintance does a better job of motivating and mobilizing young people in powerful, effective ministry. Autor : Kevin G. Dyer
Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a step-by-step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Nominated for the 2014 ERF Language Learner Literature award, Adolescent & Adult Intermediate Category. Sarajevo is under siege. There is little food or water and the city is attacked, every day, from the hills. Ordinary people try to live their lives, but they are losing hope for the future. Then, one day, some decide to wait in a line for bread...
Tvorba Hermanna Kenta ovečená niekoľkými literárnymi cenami ( cena Heinricha Manna za román Aula, cena Nemeckého slobodného odborového zväzu, cena mládežníckej organizácie FFDJ a i. ) sa v slonveksej prekladovej literatúre prvý raz prezentuje románom Aula, čím si spĺňame jednu z podĺžnostií voči literatúre Nemeckej demokratickej strany. Autor : Hermann Kent