Having been saved through the ministry od literature, George Verwer often felt guilty for challanging people to distribute literature without telling them now to do it. Autor : George Verwer
Here , writes John Murray, we have the theology of evangelism, and evangelism without scriptural theology has lost its moorings. R. B. Kuipers writing, as his preaching and lectruing, was always characterized by clarity and simplicity. Autor : R. B. Kupier
The study of literature is an important part of every young persons educational experience. In good literature, one can meet and experience life bz entering the lives of others for a time.
The book comes sequel to the Reader in modern american literature (1917-1941) compiled by the same authors in 1974. The volume covers the 40s and the 50s. It was the time of certain decline in American literature, which was marked by a decrease of social and artistic value of literary production, as compared to that of roaring thirties .... Autor: Kolektív autorov
Rozsah slovníka - slovná zásoba spisovnej ruštiny, obsiahnutá v krásnej literatúre, v populárnovedeckej a politicko-hospodárske literatúre a tlači. Autor: A.V. Isačenko, D. Kollár
Rozsah slovníka - slovná zásoba spisovnej ruštiny, obsiahnutá v krásnej literatúre, tlači a v literatúre populárnovedeckej a politicko-hospodárskej, značne presahuje100 tisíc slov.... Autor: M. Filkusová a iní
Pathways to Literature provides an exploration of English literary masters timeless works from the 16th to the 20th century. It aims to teach important values and help learners acquire a better understanding of both the English language and the cultural heritage of the Englishspeaking world. The course includes a wide variety of excerpts with carefully planned activities that allow students to approach English Literature with confidence. Extensive analysis on title, characters, themes, setting, values, mo
Pathways to Literature provides an exploration of English literary masters timeless works from the 16th to the 20th century. It aims to teach important values and help learners acquire a better understanding of both the English language and the cultural heritage of the Englishspeaking world. The course includes a wide variety of excerpts with carefully planned activities that allow students to approach English Literature with confidence. Extensive analysis on title, characters, themes, setting, values, mo
A straightforward introduction to biblical Aramaic. All Aramaic passages in the Old Testament are included, along with an introduction to other Aramaic texts, such as ancient inscriptions, Dead Sea Serolls, rabbinic literature, and
There is a new group on the British Christian landscape. fast growing, highly commited and fearless in street evangelism - they put many traditional evangelicalmn churches to shame. Autor : Steve Wookey
Tvorba Hermanna Kenta ovečená niekoľkými literárnymi cenami ( cena Heinricha Manna za román Aula, cena Nemeckého slobodného odborového zväzu, cena mládežníckej organizácie FFDJ a i. ) sa v slonveksej prekladovej literatúre prvý raz prezentuje románom Aula, čím si spĺňame jednu z podĺžnostií voči literatúre Nemeckej demokratickej strany. Autor : Hermann Kent
Most of us can think of 101 reasons not to evangelize. Rebecca Pippert and Ruth Siemens understand how intimidating evangelism can - be for Christians and non-Christians. Autor : Rebecca Pippert and Ruth Siemen
The study of literature at Level 12 continues the development od appreciation and insights that, beginning in kindergarten, extends through high school and into maturity.
A major adn deeply infuential contribution to the literature on Christian marriage witch has proved invaluable to couples of all ages and in many countires throught the world, now reissued by popular demand. Autor : Ed Wheat
Dielo sovietskeho spisovateľa Iľju Štemlera Taxikári možno zaradiť do zaužívanej kategórie tzv. výrobného románu, ktorá už má v sovietskej literatúre svoju tradíciu. Autor: Iľja Štemler
Americký humor zjavuje sa na obzore 19. storočia ako jeden z neodškriepiteľných výplodov novej republiky. V Európe neraz vyslovili pochybnosti o americkej literatúre. Autor: Mark Twain