A week after our daughter Lauren was born, my wife Bonnie an I were completely exhausted. Each night Lauren kept waking us. bonnie had been torn in the delivery and was taking painkillers. Autor : John Gray
Original / British EnglishAt the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of women in business seemed strange. Today more and more women are reaching the top of business life. This book tells the business success stories of five very different women: Coco Chanel, Hanae Mori, Anita Roddick, Oprah Winfrey and Madonna. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Le classique inquiétant envo251tera centainement les jeunes lecteurs Th232mes Myst232re, Sentiments Dans cet ouvrage des dossiers culturels un glossaire des mots et expressions diffi ciles des exercices DELF des activités ludiques tr232s variées. La Vénus dIlle fait partie de la littérature fantastique. Cette histoire se passe dans le Roussillon, au sud de la France. Une statue en bronze peutelle épouser puis assassiner un homme ? Le doute persiste chez le lecteur.
Little Women tells the story of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March growing up in nineteethcentury America. Born into a poor but loving family, the girls must overcome personal difficulties and challenges to find selffulfilment and happiness.
A wake-up call to thecrises facing women around the world, told throught the exciting stories of nine courageous people and hard-hitting Vital Statistics files. Autor : Deborah Meroff
When the glow of youth fades and the nest empties, four women find themselves in a new stage of life- a time to let their hearts play a new melody. Autor : Andrea Boeshaar, Dianna Crawford, Sally Laity, Diann Mills
Even Those who agree that scripture must determine our answers do not agree on a what it teachs. And too often differting sides have not been willing to listen to one another. Autor : Bonnidell Clouse & Robert G. Clouse
It was a cold, snowly evening, but the streets of Albany, New York, were crowed with carriages drawn by fine orse. Women in long skirt and men in top hats smiled and nodded to one another and called, Happy Holdays! Autor : William K. Durr
Racing was a men's sport - and then came the women. Danica Patrick is from the United States. Mika Duno is Venezuelan. Laleh Seddigh is from Iran. They race with men and they are winners. Read their stories.
Racing was a men's sport - and then came the women. Danica Patrick is from the United States. Mika Duno is Venezuelan. Laleh Seddigh is from Iran. They race with men and they are winners. Read their stories.
If one were really put to it to name the finest product of that ever on.going experiment in democratic living which is oddly designated the United States of America, one would not name some mass-produced and highly intricate gadet, an example of our plumbing or our architecture, or our amazingly managerial organizations or systems of accounting, but would point instead to the American women. Autor : Henry James
As life expectancy pushes into the late 70s for men and well into 80s for women, ever more people want help in order to be able to live their lives to the full for as long as possible. Ho will demographic and labour market trends affect the supply of family, friends and care workers avaible to the eldery?
J. Allan Peterson is founder and president of Family Concern, Inc., based in Wheaton Illinois. He travels extensively, speaking in seminars on family life. He alson edited the best-selling books For Women ONly, For Men Only, For Families ONly, nd The Marriage Affair. Autor : J. Allan Peterson
Bez Jupiterovho dobrodružstva by slnečná sústava vyzerala úplne inak; Ako rozdeľujeme hviezdy; Raketa na Mars; 20 vecí, ktoré ste nevedeli o mozgu; Najhorší literárni zločinci a ich brutálne predlohy; Formula E; Nadzvukové (nielen) drony; Ako vyzerali prvé ľudské obydlia; Posledné kúsky divočiny; Braillovo písmo; Zozbierajte odtlačky prstov; Smrtiace rastliny
In the oral and written histories of every culture, there are countless records of men and women who have displayed extraordinary physical, mental, and spiritual capacities. In modern times, those records have been supplemented by scientific studies of exceptional functioning. - Murphy Michael
Astronaut Neil Amstrong thought they had a fiftyfifty chance of landing on the moon the first time. But Katherine thought differently. She was confident in her numbers. This is the story of the AfricanAmerican women and their amazing maths which helped the US win the space race. Their story was largely unknown until now.