This book contains tests, speed tests, and quizzes for Basic Mathematics. All test, speed test, and quizzes are scheduled in the Seventh Grade Basic Mathematics Curriculum.
This book will take you from basic arithmetisc through the foundation od many areas of mathematics, including geometry,measurement, algebra, and scale and graph reading.
This book will be take you from arithmetic to the threshold of the wide world of mathematics. The lessons encompass the content of arithmetic- addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimal fractions, and common fraction. Autor : Stephen Hake, John Saxon
We study mathematics because it is an important part od our daily lives. Our school schedule, our trip to the store, the preparation of our meals, and many of the games we play all involve mathematics. Many of the word problems you will see in this book are drawn from our daily experiences. Autor : Stephen Hake, John Saxon
To teach is to have a part in the transformational nature of the education process. Every teacher in every classroom in every school impacts the lives of students.
With this Lifepac we begin a look at family finances that we will conclude in the following LIFEPAC. We will look at income, taxes, budgets, and buying.
Krok za krokem V knize se dozvíte jak - - pracovat s jazykem Visual Basic a orientovat se v prostředí Vizual Studio 2005 - upgradovat programy z předchozích verzí Visual Basicu - hledat chyby v programech, ladit je, zvyšovat jejich efektivitu - programovat databázové aplikace, využívat technologii ADO.NET - vytvářet weby a webové stránky prostřednictvím nástroje Microsoft Visual Web Developer a ASP.NET
Catch the words! is a language game designed to teach basic English words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in English covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic English nouns developing conversation skills
Trouvons les mots! is a language game designed to teach basic French words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in French covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic French nouns developing conversation skills
Troviamo le parole! is a language game designed to teach basic Italian words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in Italian covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic Italian nouns developing conversation skills
Words in Action is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic English words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in English covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic English nouns developing conversation skills
Die Wörter in Aktion is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic German words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in German covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic German nouns developing conversation skills
Le parole in azione is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic Italian words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in Italian covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic Italian nouns developing conversation skills
Les mots en action is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic French words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in French covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic French nouns developing conversation skills
Lasst uns die Worte finden! is a language game designed to teach basic German words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in German covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic German nouns developing conversation skills
Fyzická mapa Európy s detailnou cestnou sieťou, v mierke 1:4,5mil, formát 99,6 x 126 cm, laminovaná. Mapa je nalepená na zapichovacej podložke - bielej polyuretánovej odľahčenej doske a zarámovaná v ráme podľa Vašeho výberu. VÝHODY RÁMOVANEJ ZAPICHOVACEJ MAPY mapa v ráme je pevná, vyhnete sa riziku prehnutia dosky estetičnosť, interiérová dekorácia nízka váha máp aj pri väčších formátoch možnosť vyznačovať body špendlíkmi Pred vložením rámovanej mapy do košíka NEZABUDNITE ZAŠKRTNÚŤ typ rámu v