Linguadice - I - Le parole in azione

Le parole in azione is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic Italian words and expressions.

AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults.
CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in Italian covering methodical remarks.
180 key words and expressions.

Educational goals

learning basic Italian nouns
developing conversation skills


Linguadice - I - Troviamo le parole!

Troviamo le parole! is a language game designed to teach basic Italian words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in Italian covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic Italian nouns developing conversation skills


ELI - I - L’Italiano con le parole crociate 3 - CD-ROM Interattivo (do vyprodání zásob)

Litaliano con le parole crociate, la storica serie di tre volumi di attivit224 per la scuola secondaria, si arricchisce di un nuovo componente interattivo. Il DVDROM allegato genera automaticamente nuove parole crociate basandosi sugli elenchi di vocaboli, corregge gli errori e assegna un punteggio finale allo studente. Con un semplice click 232 anche possibile ascoltare la pronuncia dei singoli vocaboli. Utilizzando il DVD sulla lavagna interattiva multimediale (LIM), sar224 facilissimo catturare latten


ELI - I - hra - Bis - Italiano

Gioco di abbinamento tra immagini e parole. Ideale anche per giochi di osservazione e memoria. La scatola contiene 2 mazzi di 60 carte, una guida.


Linguadice - A - Catch the Words!

Catch the words! is a language game designed to teach basic English words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in English covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic English nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - F - Trouvons les mots!

Trouvons les mots! is a language game designed to teach basic French words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in French covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic French nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - A -Words in Action

Words in Action is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic English words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in English covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic English nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - F - Les mots en action

Les mots en action is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic French words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in French covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic French nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - N - Die Wörter in Aktion

Die Wörter in Aktion is a language game designed to practice sentence building using basic German words and expressions. Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 6 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in German covering methodical remarks. 180 key words and expressions. Educational goals learning basic German nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - N - Lasst uns die Worte finden!

Lasst uns die Worte finden! is a language game designed to teach basic German words from six thematic categories. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1 CONTENT 9 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in German covering methodical remarks. 48 key words. Educational goals learning basic German nouns developing conversation skills


Linguadice - F - Générateur de questions

Générateur de questions is a language game designed for learning to build questions in the French language with the use of eight question words Quel(le)(s)? Qui? QueQuoi? O249? Quand? Pourquoi? Comment? Combien? Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1A2 CONTENT 8 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in French covering methodical remarks. Over 180 nouns and verbs. Educational goals formulating interrogative senten


Linguadice - I - Generatore di domande

Generatore di domande is a language game designed for learning to build questions in the Italian language with the use of eight question words Quale?Quali? Chi? Dove? CheCosaChe cosa? Quanto? Come? Quando? Perché? Details AGE RANGE Children from 7 years of age, adolescents, adults. LANGUAGE LEVEL Beginner A1A2 CONTENT 8 cardboard dice, 4,5cm x 4,5cm each manual in Italian covering methodical remarks. Over 180 nouns and verbs. Educational goals formulating interrogative sen


Linguadice - R - Ekskursija po Rossii

106910821089108210911088108910801103 10871086 105610861089108910801080 is a language game aimed at learning Russian through popular symbols of the Russian Federation (places, characters, cultural heritage, monuments of history, cuisine, lifestyle elements). The game is for anyone who wants to broaden their knowledge of Russian in a relaxed and stressfree environment and get to know basic information about the popular symbols of Russia. Details AGE RANGE Children from 8 years of age, adolescents, a


ELI - I - Foto Carte

Fotocarte ELI 232 una raccolta di 75 carte fotografiche corredate da una piccola guida al loro uso. Ideale supporto per le attivit224 di classe, sia orali che scritte. Fotocarte 1 pratica cartella rigida contiene 75 carte e una guida al loro uso. Sul retro di ciascuna carta numerata 34 domande guida introducono largomento della discussione. Temi principali elenco delle tematiche e delle parole chiave. Altri temi suggerisce argomenti di approfondimento correlati alla tematica. Miniatura d


ELI - I - hra - Triboo

CHE COS200? Triboo 232 un gioco da tavolo utile e stimolante, basato sullo scambio di domande e risposte attraverso lutilizzo di parolechiave da indovinare e di parole di suggerimento in lingua italiana. OBIETTIVI LINGUISTICI Permette agli studenti di apprendere e verificare, in modo piacevole e coinvolgente, elementi lessicali, culturali e interdisciplinari e di migliorare la pratica della produzione orale. CONTENUTO Il gioco 232 composto da 132 carte, suddivise in 6 mazzi corrispondenti a 6 c


ELI - F - Seniors 4 - Les Misérables - readers

La publication des Misérables suscita dans les milieux littéraires et politiques un tollé général. Livre dangereux , livre immonde, inepte ... selon les mots de Lamartine, faisait trop craindre aux heureux et trop espérer aux malheureux . Dans cet ouvrage deux dossiers un glossaire des mots et expressions difficiles des exercices de compréhension de texte et de réemploi. Thčmes La société La réforme sociale La nature humaine La justice Lamour Si la critique fut hostile, le peu
