Anna Brinková. Áno tak povedal. Oslovil ma dievčenským menom. Aké čudné, lebo už dávno mi tak nik nepovedal. Najmenej päť rokov. Choď preč, povedala som do vankúša, choď dolu a lahni si. Autor: Ake Leijonhufvud
Throroughly Christian, highly readable, and richly varied, each anthology in this series offers features never before avaible to English classes in Christian schools. All selections have been made on the basic of Christian principles, with emphasis on character.building and life-enriching themes.
These miniature Christian Classics date from the year 1984 when D. L. Moody first saw the need for inexpensive Christian literature. Some of the finest writing on a variety of Christian themes are avaible in the Moody Colportage Library. Autor : Bernard Palmer
Kniha Anna, Berlin je zjednodušené čítanie pre mládež so znalosťou jazyka na úrovni A1 z edície Lese-Novelas . Kniha obsahuje veľmi jednoduchý príbeh, ktorý je pochopiteľný už žiakom s elementárnymi znalosťami jazyka. Hlavnou postavou je dievča Anna, ktorá žije so svojimi rodičmi, ktorí si želajú, aby Anna pracovala v rodinnej firme. Anna by si však chcela s kamarátkou otvoriť internetovú firmu. Až jedného dňa stretne na diskotéke jedného muža ...
Kniha Anna, Berlin je zjednodušené čítanie pre mládež so znalosťou jazyka na úrovni A1 z edície Lese-Novelas . Kniha obsahuje veľmi jednoduchý príbeh, ktorý je pochopiteľný už žiakom s elementárnymi znalosťami jazyka. Hlavnou postavou je dievča Anna, ktorá žije so svojimi rodičmi, ktorí si želajú, aby Anna pracovala v rodinnej firme. Anna by si však chcela s kamarátkou otvoriť internetovú firmu. Až jedného dňa stretne na diskotéke jedného muža ...
Elsa and Anna are sisters. Elsa can make magic snow and ice with her hands. But she is angry and her ice hits Anna. Who can help Anna? Can Elsa make things right?
Throughly Christian, highly readable, and richly varied, each anthology in this series offers features never before avaible to English classes in Christian schools.
Many Christian schools wish they could be doing more for students who learn differently but simply dont know what con be done or dont have the budget, materials, of staff to set up a specialized program.
Here, as last, is a guide to Christian counseling written specifically for laymen. Dr. Adams wrote this book in response to hundreds of requests from Christian laymen and pastors. Autor : Jay E. Adams
Leonard Ravenbill, a very godly friend, gave me a copy of Christian in Complete Armour the solemn words, This book is going to revolutionize your life. It has had profound effect on my life an I believe you are prepared to receive its message now. Autor : Wiliam Gurnall
Interpret: Christian Walz Album: Paint na numbers Piesne: Hit n run, No no, Wonderchild, Never be afraid again, Sunday morning breakup, Maybe not, Die, Red eye, Missing you, I will let you down, a iné....
Talking effectively to youth, in the name of Christ, is one of the tougher assignments any Christian evangelist can take on. All honour, therefore, to the thousands of front-line fighters in the battle For a Christian Britain, who week by week, in Younth Groups of many sorts, attempt the job. Autor : Leonard Barnett
A resounding cry for informed and responsible Christian involvement in all the social, moral, economic and family issues of our day. As Director of Care Campaignis, Raymond Johnston did much to make Christian values heard at every level od goverment and spoke on behalf of many disadvantaged groups in society. Autor : Raymond Johnston
Widespread personal and group Bible study have always marked times of special spiritual vitality in your Christian era. It´s the same for individuals. The believer who is eager to grow in his or her personal realtionship with Jesus turns to the Word of God and seeks a deeper fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters who also want a slocer walk with the Lord. Autor : Randy Mayeux, Dr. Larry Richards
Keď Anna otvárala dvere bistra, netrpezlivo myslela na pohárik bieleho vína a na muža, s ktorým sa má stretnúť. Muž tam nebol. Do pohára jej čašníčka naliala víno. Takmer každý večer, keď odišla z kancelárie, sa zastavila u starého Georgesa, aby si uhasila smäd ... Autor: Henry Troyat
Novela Ben liebt Anna od Petera Härtlinga rozpráva príbeh Hansa, ktorý stále musí myslieť na Annu. Napíše jej list, ale na odpoveď musí dlho čakať ... Zjednodušená četba kategórie A (nutná slovná zásoba 600 slov).