INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


ELI - A - Teen 2 - A Faraway World - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Oh! says Alex, a little surprised. Dont you feel African at all? No, not at all! Marquat replies firmly. Just because Im black doesnt mean Im not British. I am British, just like you! Tags Friendship Social Issues In this Reader you will find Focus on... KETstyle activities Glossary of difficult words Test yourself Comprehension activities Marquat, born in Cardiff, but with Nigerian parents is a typical teenager. Hes an intelligent, inquisitive boy but also sometimes insecure and

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur

ELI - A - Teen 1 - The Wind in the Willows - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Toad is never happy to sit at home and do nothing. He likes adventure and fun. Sometimes things go wrong, but he is a lucky Toad. He has the most important thing that anyone can have. He has friends. He has Rat, and Mole, and Badger. Follow these four friends around the English countryside. Visit them inside their houses, and travel with them in a car, or on a boat on the river. Listen to the wind in the willows.

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur

ELI - A - Teen 1 - The Canterbury Tales - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Teen ELi Readers Stage 1 ELi Readers is a beautifully illustrated series of timeless classics and speciallywritten stories for learners of English Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales In 1387, a group of people went to Canterbury. On their way, they told stories. The stories were exciting and interesting. They helped the group to enjoy their time travelling. But these stories do not only tell us about the past. They are stories that anybody can read and enjoy today. And they are stories that can teach us

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur

ELI - A - Teen 1 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court - readers + CD

This novel tells the story of Hank Morgan, the boss of a factory in late 19th century Connecticut, who awakens to find himself transported back in time to early medieval England at the time of the legendary King Arthur. One day, while Hank Morgan is working, a man attacks him and hits him on the head. When Hank wakes up he is in sixth century England. He is at the Court of King Arthur where he meets the Knights of the Round Table and Queen Guenever. Thanks to his superior knowledge, Hank soon becomes

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - Thumbelina + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes flowers the pond rooms in the house nature

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes opposites means of transport the living room prepositions

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - The Tin Soldier + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes toys the city the market (singular and plural) prepositions

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - The Little Mermaid + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes the family weather underwater life in the garden

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - The Fox and the Stork + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes farm animals setting the table rooms in the house food

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - The Emperor´s New Clothes + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes clothes sewing in the living room the town

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - Snow White + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes appearance the wood in the house fruit

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - Pinocchio + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes the human body fun and games sea life the bedroom

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - Jungle Book + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes animals actions nature the picnic

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Ready to Read Green - Goldilocks and the Three Bears + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

A simple approach which captures the young readers attention. Children learn basic English vocabulary and structures. Full colour illustrated words and activity pages. Illustrated vocabulary includes wood animals what is on the table in the living room adjectives

  • Cena: 132.00 Eur

ELI - A - Elementary - Mystery at the Water Olympics + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Someone wants to ruin the water Olympics. A new mystery for Harry and Camilla to solve. Appealing stories relating to teenage life engage and motivate young students to read for pleasure in English. ...

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur