INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Meerkats - readers + CD

Six baby meerkats sad and far from home! Uncle Jack and the children come to the rescue! When Uncle Jack and the children find some homesick baby meerkats they decide to take them home to the Kalahari Desert. Getting there is easy in Uncle Jacks balloon. But the desert is a dangerous place. Can they keep them safe? Tags Animals Adventure Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Animals, nature, feelings,

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Here are the Emperor Penguins as happy as can be. Theyre off to lay their eggs in a place far from the sea. They stay here all the winter as cold as cold can be. Until their babies hatch in a place far from the sea. Tags Adventure Social Issues Animal Story In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Come on an Antarctic adventure! Some Emperor Penguins cannot get to the place where they go every year to lay

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 3 - Uncle Jack and the Bakonzi Tree - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

In the deep green forest what can you see? Ants and snakes and spiders and monkeys up a tree! In the deep green forest what can you do? Take photos. Climb up and swing from trees too! Tags Adventure Social Issues Spy In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary A nail biting adventure in the Rwandan rainforest with Uncle Jack, Jim, Daisy and May (and of course Grumpy the dog!). Can they save the life of King

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 3 - The Canterville Ghost - readers + CD

Do you believe in ghosts? Well, the Otis family didnt until they met the Canterville Ghost. This is a story of life and death and love of a ghost trapped in the present because of the bad thing he did in the past and how a young girl helps him to move on. Tags The Supernatural Human values In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Time, family and friends, the home, weather Grammar and st

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in London there was a happy family in a happy house. Happy parents, happy children, and a happy dog. Tags Friendship Adventure In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Never leave your windows open at night. Anything can get in. The story of a boy who never grew up, with his friends Wendy and the jealous fairy Tinker Bell. Why are there no Lost Girls in Neverland? What did the croc

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers + CD(do vyprodání zásob)

Once upon a time, a long time ago, in London there was a happy family in a happy house. Happy parents, happy children, and a happy dog. Tags Friendship Adventure In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Never leave your windows open at night. Anything can get in. The story of a boy who never grew up, with his friends Wendy and the jealous fairy Tinker Bell. Why are there no Lost Girls in Neverland? What did the croc

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters? Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the story of how Dorothy made some wonderful friends in a magic land and how she tried to get back home to Kansas. Did she manage? Youll have to read the story to fi nd out! Tags Friendship Fantasy Courage and persistence In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - The Gingerbread Man - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Is it OK to trust everyone? Read about the Gingerbread Man as he runs away from an old woman, an old man, a cow and a horse. No one can catch him! But then he meets a fox... Who is more clever? The fox or the Gingerbread Man? Syllabus Vocabulary areas Vocabulary areas Food and cooking The rooms in the house Parts of the body Actions Grammar and structuress Present simple Present continuous (not with future reference) conjunctions because, and Verb ing Verb infinitive Can Cant for abil

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Vegetables - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

They dont have apples Potatoes or beans Or even a pea. They dont have pears. They dont have grapes. Poor Robin and PB3! Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An extraterrestrial adventure in which a bully gets more than he expects. When Fred helps a friendly extraterrestrial, PB3, and his robot, Robin, to buy Earth fruit and vegetables he doesnt know tha

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. Theres a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat. Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An exciting adventure with a friendly extraterrestrial and his robot. When a big black spaceship arrives everyone is afraid. Who is in it? What do they want?

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and Coco the Clown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

How PB3 and Robin help to save a life and a love! PB3 and his robot are excited to find themselves in a circus! Elephants and jugglers and an acrobat and a clown! They go with Sally to have tea in Coco the clowns motorhome, visit the circus school and finally the big top. Little did they suspect that the excitement is just about to begin! Tags Circus Family Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Fa

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 1 - Sophie´s Dream - readers + CD

Its late. Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. In her dream she meets Giggles the clown and Juliet the ballet dancer. Tags Fairy Tale and Fantasy Animal Story In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. What would happen if during the night e

  • Cena: 203.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Ann is ALWAYS losing her things and her teacher is angry. But help is on the way! Granny Fixit and her piece of yellow string solve all her problems or do they? Tags Adventure Magic Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas School, family and friends, the home, toys Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is There are Can for ability Question words Where?

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and the Pirate - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Look at the parrots! Pink and blue Grey and purple Green ones too. Parrots parrots everywhere One on the wardrobe One on the chair. Tags Friendship Adventure Magic In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An action story about Granny Fixit, a sad pirate and a crowd of multicoloured parrots. When Jill and Ahmed find themselves by magic on a pirate ship they meet sad Pirate Bill. He has no pirate h

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur