INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


ELI - N - Erste 2 - PB3 Und der Fisch + CD

Bringen die Farben den kleinen Fischen Glück? PB3 und sein Roboter Petra erforschen zusammen mit ihren Freunden, den Kindern Ben und Susi, einen Strand. Plötzlich kommt ein Raumschiff Die bösen Oos wollen die beiden Außerirdischen fangen! PB3 und Petra springen ins Meer und entdecken unter Wasser eine andere Welt. Als sie versuchen, einigen grauen Fischen zu helfen, bringen sie diese in große Gefahr. Ben und Susi erklären ihnen, wo das Problem liegt. Können sie alles wieder in Ordnung bringen?

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - I - Giovani adulti 2 - Mandragola + CD

Una divertentissima storia damore e una critica spietata allipocrisia. Un marito sciocco, una moglie bellissima e fedele, un giovane innamorato e una pianta magica ma mortale la mandragola! Con questi elementi, Machiavelli costruisce una storia divertentissima, dove ognuno cerca la propria felicit224 a danno di qualcun altro! Una commedia comica, capolavoro della letteratura italiana del Cinquecento, da sempre rappresentata in tutto il mondo.

  • Cena: 162.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins/Fables 3 - Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

La vraie beauté vient de lintérieur ! Cest lhistoire dune princesse qui sappelle BlancheNeige et qui est tr232s belle. Malheureusement, la reine, méchante et tr232s jalouse, veut la tuer. Obligée de quitter son château, Blanche Neige senfuit dans la for234t et rencontre sept nains Que vatil se passer ? La reine vatelle retrouver BlancheNeige ? Lis lhistoire pour le découvrir !

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins/Fables 2 - Le Lievre et la Tortue - readers + Downloadable Multimedia

Cest lhistoire de Pierre le li232vre et de Lucie la tortue. Pierre est facteur et il est tr232s rapide. Lucie aime peindre et elle est tr232s lente. Un jour, Pierre le li232vre propose 224 Lucie la tortue de faire une course. Lucie accepte Selon toi, qui va gagner cette course ? Lis lhistoire pour le découvrir !

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - Poussins 2 - PB3 et les poissons - readers + CD

PB3 et Martine ont une aventure sousmarine. PB3 et son robot Martine sont sur la plage avec leurs amis humains Arnaud et Chloé . Soudain, les méchants Oos arrivent dans leur soucoupe volante pour les chasser. PB3 et son robot senfuient et plongent dans leau. L224, ils découvrent un autre monde sous la mer. Ils rencontrent des poissons gris. Ils essaient de les aider, mais ils les mettent en danger. Arnaud et Chloé vontils réussir 224 les aider ? Lis lhistoire pour le découvrir !

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - F - juniors 2 - Le piano de Margot- readers + CD

Margot passe la journée 224 travailler ses morceaux de piano. Elle passe plusieurs heures sur son clavier, mais elle reste insatisfaite Margot est une lycéenne brillante. Elle joue du piano et doit préparer un concert pour la f234te de la musique. Elle est passionnée, mais entre le lycée, le bac français qui arrive, ses amitiés et les sorties avec les copines, la vie de Margot devient compliquée en cette fin dannée scolaire. La jeune fille est démotivée. Mais une rencontre va tout changer et Margot v

  • Cena: 134.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young/Fairy Tales 3 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - readers + Multi-Rom

Real beauty comes from inside. This is the story of a wicked queen and her magic mirror. Snow White runs away and goes to the forest. She meets seven kind dwarfs. But does the queen find Snow White? Who can save Snow White? Read the story to find out!

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 4 - My Bolivia! - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Meet Ricardo, his family and friends. Meet Ricardo, a young boy from Bolivia who wants to tell you about his homeland and what life is like in a small Bolivian village. Then join Ricardo and his friends from Santa Cruz as they go on a fun day trip to the Pajcha waterfall!

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 4 - Juanita and her Alapca - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

Discover my Per249. Juanita has a dream she hopes her alpaca will have two little babies, one for her and one for her brother. But usually alpacas only have one baby at a time Lets find out more about this Peruvian girl, her country, family and friends. Youll love getting to know her!

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Fish - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob)

PB3 finds that helping isnt always as easy as it seems and its important to think before you act! PB3 and his robot, Robin, are with their Earth friends, Ben and Sue finding out about life at the beach. Suddenly the evil OOs arrive in their spaceship and try to catch them. In their hurry to escape the two ETs dive into the water and discover another world under the sea. In their attempt to help some grey fish they put them in great danger. Ben and Sue help them to understand but can they put the situa

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Phantom of the Opera

Strange things are happening at the Paris Opera House. Young singer Christine is suddenly famous but who is her angel of music? There are stories about a ghost. Can they be true? Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

  • Cena: 100.00 Eur

Usborne - English Readers 2 - The Little Mermaid

The little mermaid dreams of swimming up to the sea surface and the world above. She falls in love with a human prince but what price will she pay to live in his world? Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

  • Cena: 100.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 4 - The Children of the Forests - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Do you enjoy walking among the trees and watching for forest animals? Do you know how important forests are for our world and our health? This book is about the three main different types of forests, about where you can find them, what the weather is like there and which animals live in and under the trees. It is also an adventure story about two children who overhear plans to destroy a part of their forest and who ask other children to join them to help save it.

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 4 - Our Water. Our World. - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

How we look after water is something that will greatly affect the future of our Earth and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. This book asks children to think about the questions What do you know about water? How much water is there on Earth and why is it so important? What do you know about the animals that live in our oceans, rivers and lakes? Are we looking after this vital natural resource? It also tells three stories from different parts of the world about how children have dealt with problems related

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur

ELI - A - Young 4 - Oliver Twist - readers (do vyprodání zásob)

Dickens asked his readers to have a heart that never gets hard. As readers follow the life of Oliver Twist, a poor orphaned boy struggling against the dangers of life in 19thcentury London, they can empathise with his childhood in a workhouse and his life with a gang of pickpockets. They can also share his relief that there were some good people, ready and willing to rescue a child in need.

  • Cena: 121.00 Eur