INFOA jazykové učebnice, jazykové hry a knihy pro děti • Infoa

INFOA vydává jazykové učebnice a jazykové hry pro studenty, učitele a širokou veřejnost. Vydáváme rovněž kreativní knihy pro děti.


Creativo - Fun card English Christmas and Winter

This set contains 50 quiz cards about Christmas and winter. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of Englishspeaking countries. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Have Got

Thanks to this set, your students will not have any problems using the verb Have Got in questions, affirmative and negative sentences. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 pictures and 150 sentences with gaps to complete.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Hallowen

This set contains 50 quiz cards about Halloween. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to this topic and broaden their knowledge of the culture of Englishspeaking countries. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Gerund vs Infinitive

Gerund or Infinitive that is the question. After a few games with this set your students will definitely have fewer dilemmas like that. The set consists of 100 examples of Gerund or Infinitive sentences!

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Future Simple

With this set your students will develop the skill of answering Future Simple questions automatically. Students have to answer questions using both affirmative and negative sentences. You can mix cards from different sets and practise a few tenses at the same time. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 questions, 100 pictures and the answers on the reverse side.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Easter and Spring

This set contains 50 quiz cards about Easter and spring. With this set, your students will expand the vocabulary related to these topics and broaden their knowledge of the culture of Englishspeaking countries. There is an answer and additional information related to the question on the reverse of each card.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Countable and Uncountable Nouns

5.90 The set consists of sentences with gaps and focuses on the words like some, any, much, many, a few, a little, a lot of, no, enough, loads of, too much, too many, too few, too little. The box contains 50 cards with 100 sentences to complete, 200 words to use.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Conditionals

Conditionals cause a lot of problems for students. Thanks to this set students learn how to automatically create first, second and third conditional sentences, both affirmative and negative. 50 cards, 100 pictures and answers on the reverse side of the cards.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Can/Can´t

With this set your students will develop the skill of answering questions with the verb Can automatically. Students have to answer questions using both affirmative and negative sentences. The set consists of 50 cards with 50 questions, 100 pictures and the answers on the reverse side.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Articles

When to use a, an and the? English language learners often ask this question. Fun Card English Articles was designed to show students when to use definite and indefinite articles and when not to articles at all. The set consists of 50 cards with more than 100 examples of use!!!

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

Creativo - Fun card English Adverbs vs Adjectives

Adjectives and adverbs can be really confusing sometimes. This set was designed to show students the difference between them. The box contains 50 picture cards with 50 adjectives and adverbs, 100 sentences to complete with the answers on the reverse side of the cards.

  • Cena: 218.00 Eur

ELI - Š - Jóvenes y Adultos 2 - Las inquietudes de Shanti Andía + CD

Fascinado desde su infancia por su tío Juan de Aguirre, Shanti Andía intenta resolver el misterio que lo rodea. 191Quién fue este rocambolesco personaje? 191Está realmente muerto o sigue en vida? El protagonista, Shanti Andía, ya anciano, recopila los fragmentos de un diario escrito en diferentes épocas de su vida. Por él conocemos su infancia en el pueblecito vasco de Lúzaro, su juventud so241adora en tierras gaditanas, sus venturas y desventuras como capitán de fragata, y sobre todo la fascinación p

  • Cena: 162.00 Eur

ELI - Š - hra - El dominó de cada día New

Un juego de dominó de nivel elemental a intermedio. Aprender vocabulario y estructuras gramaticales. Cada dominó contiene el dibujo de una acción y su descripción escrita. Cada jugador debe relacionar ambas formas. Eligiendo el tiempo verbal a utilizar, el profesorado varía el nivel de dificultad.

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - N - hra - Bilder-Bingo New

BingoSpiel für Anfänger. Nach dem klassischen BingoSpiel werden Karten mit Darstellungen oder mit Wörtern gezogen, wobei die Spieler das entsprechende Feld auf ihrem Spielbrett abdecken müssen. Mit dieser Methode werden 100 Vokabeln aus dem Grundwortschatz auf spielerische Art erlernt und wiederholt.

  • Cena: 465.00 Eur

ELI - N - Erwachsene 2 - Schloss Gripsholm + CD

Eine Sommergeschichte. Ein Liebespaar fährt nach Schweden und macht dort Urlaub. Sie genießen die Landschaft und ihre gemeinsame freie Zeit. Für Abwechslung sorgen ein Freund und eine Freundin, die das Paar besuchen. Als ein kleines Mädchen in Schwierigkeiten ist, helfen sie ihm. Diese Erzählung von 1931 ist ein Klassiker unter den Liebesgeschichten, den sich Verliebte auch heute noch schenken.

  • Cena: 162.00 Eur