Medzinárodný workshop/Comminicating Sciens ( Bratislava, jún-júl 1993). Medzinárodná konferencia/Science and the Public (Bratislava, jún 1994). Zborník príspevkov III. diel. Autor: nie je uvedený
The gifts of speaking in tongues, healing, receiving visions, working miracles, casting out demons, and prophesying have all come back in this twentieth century. The mighty sign-miracles of New testament times are being experienced again. Autor: Peter Masters, John C Whitcomb
Jerry Bridges is Vice President for Corporate Affairs of The Navigators. He formerly served as Treasure od The Navigators as well as in Navigatros field ministries in California, Missouri, and Holland. Autor: Jerry Bridges
My initial interest in writing this book was sparked by the response I received from a number of people to whom I preached a brief series of messages from Ezekiel. Most of them said that they knew nothing about him or his book, but were glad to learn a little and were stimulated to further study. Autor : Stuart Briscoe
The conviction that much of our missionary thinking is based on myths, rather that on biblical truth, had been with me for a long time. The invitation from President Vernon Grounds and Professor Ralph COvell to deliver a series of mission lectures at the COnservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver, Colorado, crystallized my desire to share my concern about the mixture of myth and Scripture with students and whit other thinking Christians. Autor : Horace L. Fenton, Jr.
The biography has every ingredient of a thrilling story - king cardinal, secret agents, betrayer and fugitive. It ist set in the colorful and cruel days of Henry VII when men were burned, racked and mained for lesser crimes than that of smuggling the Bible into England. Autor : Brian H. Edwards
Fleeing Kentucky with her regtag band of freed slaves and Throughbred horses, Jesselynn Highwood discovers her destination in Missouri has been ravaget. With no place of refuge left, she gathers supplies and heads west on the Oregon Trail, enduring grim adversity and dangeralong the way. Autor : Lauranie Snelling
Oloo! -Oo-oo-oop!-ooooo! All alone, high on the slope od the Little Giant in the French Alps of Saucie, ten-year-old Marcel yodeled to keep himself company. Like other boys in his village, Marcel would have to look over the familys cows during the summer ; and the himflexible, age-old rule was, Dont visit, keep to yourself, mind your own bussiness, attend to your own cows and nothing else. Autor : Claire Huchet Bishop
Join the thousands who have experienced dramatic weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and improvement or reversal of the damages of heart discase, adult-onset diabetes, and other major diseases by following this medically proven program. Autor : Michael R. Eades, M.D. and Mary Dan Eades, M. D.
Short.term missions is to the missions enterprise from North America, what Mark McGwire is to home run records in major league baseball- the first image that most people under the age of 40 think of. Its a toss up for those older than that, manz of whom still think first of Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, and career missionaries.
Is a childerns programme important ? I Need convicing that it is. How can Penny and Donald convince the programme controller of Roundbay Radio that their programmme, Crusos Island, is as necessary as the adult programmes ? Autor : John Escott
Ben Stiller leads an all-star cast including Robin Williams in the hilarious blockbuster hit. When Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) is hired as a museum night watchman he soon discovers that all the exhibits come to life after the sun sets. Suddenly, Larry finds himself face-to-face with frisky T-rex skeleton, tiny armies of Romans and cowboys and a mischievous monkey who taunts him to the breaking point. But he may just figure out a way to control the chaos and become a hero in his sons eyes. Boasting jaw dr ..
Matt Lee Whitlock pracuje ako šerif v idylickom floridskom mestečku Banyan Key. Je poctivý, dôsledný a obľúbený, avšak len do doby, než sa stane podozrivým z vraždy dvoch ľudí..... Autor: Carl Franklin
Snímka experta na medvede Timothyho Treadwella, ktorý sa pravidelne vydával na Aljašku, aby študoval medvede grizzly a žil s nimi. Dokázal sa k tomuto ohrozenému druhu priblížiť ako nikto pred ním. Jeho vášeň sa mu však stala osudnou. ...
Seděli jsme pod starým stromem na obyčené, nenatřené, stářím zašedlé lavičce vzadu za naším nádražím, kousek od studánky, které se odjakživa říkalo Živá voda, a pozorovali tenký, skomíravý pramínek, jak z ní vyteká železnou trubkou a pospíchá dál... Autor: Valentin Katajev