Of all the animals on earth, the strangest to us are the great whales. They are huge. They are shaped like fish. They have warm blood and give milk. They breathe air, not water. They spend their lives swimming throught cold and trackless oceans. Autor : Faith McNulty
Pomedzi chodcov sa pretískal John Halibut, hlavný zapisovateľ Akadémie všestranných vedomostí o príbrežných moriach a nekonečných oceánoch. Zrazu na okamih zastal na mieste, kde avenue Krištofa Kolomba odbočovala... Autor: Joža Horvat
Of all te visible creatures of te sea, there is in particular whose animal grace, friendliness, and inteligence grip our fancy and inflame our curiosity. Thi is the dolphin, more commonly called the porpoise. Autor : Henry Chapin
- Bum!... Bác!... - zarachotili takmer naraz obe pištole. Súboj sa našťastie skončil dobre, lebo gguľky protivníka ani neškriabli, zato jedna zasiahla do chrbta krava, čo sa popásala na päťdesiat metrov odtiaľ a nemala, pravdaže, s celou záležitosťou nič spoločné... Autor: J. Verne
Jean, Sander a Napoleona sa vytratili spolu so Slamkom, ktorý držal v ruke veľký prútený kôš na nákupy. - A teraz, Kornélia, keď sme sami, porozprávajme sa, - ozval sa pán Gascabel... Autor: J. Verne
Here is THE book for all parents who want to teach their children. It has more help between two cvers than any other such book avaible. Includes sections on reading, writing, and arthemic, as well as subject beyond the three Rs. Autor : Ruth Beechick
A helpful word to the student : This book is designed to help you in reviewing for Regents, College Boards and other uniform examinations; and it will - if used properly.
Recognized as one of Americas early twentieth-century beloved ficition writers, Harold Bell Wright possessed the remarkable ability of crafting timeless, dramatic stories charged with spiritual singinficance. Autor : Harold Bell Wright
To the world at large, Doc Savage is a strange, mysterious fugire of glistening bronze skin and golden eyes. To his amazing co-adventurers-the five greatest brains ever assemled in one group-he is a man of superhuman strenght and protean genius, whose life is dedicated to the destruction of evil-doers. Autor : Doc Savage
Do you know what dy tomorrow is ? It might be the anniversary of the day the first man went into space, or the sinking of the Titanic. It might be the bithdate of George Washington Carver, or the anniversary of the day Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettyburg Adress. Autor : Lee Benett Hopkins, Misha Arenstein
The Cold War is over, and Keith Landry, one of the nations top intelligence officers, is forced into earlz unwanted retriment. Restless, Landrz returns to Spancerville, the small Midwestern town where he grew up. Autor : Nelson Demille
Dvaja tínedžeri Rendy a Jáchym odchádzajú na hory, aby sa naučili jazdiť na snowboardoch. Veria, že si užijú skvelý týždeň a tajne dúfajú, že sa vďaka svojmu novému imidžu konečne tiež zamilujú. Lenže skutočnosť sa od ich predstáv dosť líši..... Autor a réžia: Karel Janák
1.díl - RAJČATA - Focaccia (Italský chléb Focaccia) - Insalata Caprese (Salát Caprese) - Bruschetta (Topinka) - Sugo pomodoro (Zavařená omáčka z rajčat) - Scaloppini di manzo alla pizzaiolla (Hovězí plátky podle pizzaře).... Autor: Emanuele Ridi
Graeme Goldsworthy, formerly Lecture in Old estament Studies at Moore Theological College, Sydney, is Associate Minister of St Stephens Coorparoo, Brisbane. He is author of The Gospel in Revelation : Gospel and Apocalypse and Gospel and Wisdom : Israels Wisdom Literature in the Christian Life. Autor : Graeme Goldsworthy
For four decades Eugenia Price has shared her love and knowledge of the American South with tens of milions of readers worldwide. From the intimate details of her characters lives and loves, to the pageant of historz that sweeps across the land like a relentless storm, her books beloved novelists of our time. Autor : Eugenia Price