Stane sa Naruto najlepším ninjom na svete? Jeho dramatická cesta plná súbojov pokračuje v ďalšom špeciálnom vydaní, ktoré obsahuje rovno tri plnohodnotné diely.
Manga Banana Fish 6 rozširuje krvavú a neľútostnú cestu hlavného hrdinu Asha, ktorá sa dodnes radí medzi šokujúce žánrové zlomy.
Špeciálna edícia veľkolepého diela od Naokiho Urasawu. Príbeh sleduje hlavného hrdinu, ktorý cestuje Tokyom. No mesto je plné kriminality a zločincov, ktorí čoskoro spustia reťazec teroru.
Dva geniálne mozgy sa snažia prinúťsvoje srdcia k doznaniu lásky. Kto ako prvý prizná svoje city?
Testy lovcov pokračujú. Tentokrát na hrdinov okrem náročných skúšok, ktoré preveria ich schopnosti, čakajú i jedovaté hady a takzvaný "obrátený turnaj".
Autor: Kaiu Shirai, Posuka DemizuSéria: The Promised Neverland The children of the Grace Field House orphanage have their happy lives upended when they find out they’re being raised to be fed to demons. Can they escape their fate before it’s too late?
Autor: Kohei HorikoshiSéria: My Hero Academia Heroes, trained and licensed to protect and defend the public against supervillains, stand above all the rest.
Majstrovský mangaka hororových sérii, Junji Ito (Shiver, Dissolving Classroom, Uzumaki, Tomie), prichádza s ďalším strhujúcim dielom Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection. Kniha, ktorú musíte mať keď milujete anime a manga.
Štvrtá časť populárnej manga a anime série Way of the Househusband od Kousuke Oono.
Adventures inspired by the best-selling Pokémon video games! All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga!
Autor: Hidenori Kusaka Séria: Pokemon All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! Yellow Caballero, prepare to battle the Elite Four's top trainer, Lance... It'll take everything you have and everybody you know to beat him!
All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! Keep an eye on Team Rocket, Gold... Could they be behind this crime wave?
The next Tenka’ichi Budokai martial art tournament is just around the corner, and an eager Son Goku can’t wait to face even tougher fighters for the “Strongest Under the Heavens” title!
Autor: Sui IshidaSéria: Tokyo Ghoul The Commission of Counter Ghoul is the only organization fighting the Ghoul menace, and they will use every tool at their disposal to protect humanity from its ultimate predator
Autor: Karuho ShiinaSéria: Kimi ni Todoke Will the curse of Sadako leave her friendless for life? R to L (Japanese Style). Sadako's chance to become friends with Yano and Yoshida is about to go down the drain when rumors start flying that Yano's been around the block and Yoshida's a former gang member.