The stainless steel connection hose 1 flexi with 60 cm elbow is used to connect two unreinforced parts of the pressure system to prevent vibration transmission or to compensate for expansion movements. Ideal for connecting pumps to pressure vessels or for flexibly connecting water filters to pipes.
The electronic switch for controlling the pump operation, or in other words press control, provides the function of a pressure switch, thus allowing the automation of the operation of the electric water pump depending on the pressure drop and when the water flow in the distribution system is stopped (i.e. when the electrical contacts of the device are opened and closed) - it allows the pump or water plant to run automatically. The automatic, press control PC-59 with pressure gauge and self-start also prov
The PC-16 control unit with a dry-running self-starting pressure gauge for pump run control, provides the function of a pressure switch or pressure vessel, thus enabling the automation of the operation of submersible or self-priming (surface pumps). Depending on the pressure drop and when the water flow in the distribution system stops, it allows the pump or waterworks to run automatically. With the control unit PC-16 you do NOT need a pressure vessel (watering, irrigation), pressure switch or dry-run pro
The pressure switch with integrated pressure gauge PC-2 can be used with submersible and surface pumps (230V). It can also be used to connect directly to the pump or pressure vessel.
The SK-13 dry run protection is suitable for self priming, surface pumps and the vast majority of submersible pumps, including spindle submersible pumps up to 1.5kW. A minimum pump outlet pressure of 0.8 bar is required for proper use of the SK13 Dry Run Protection. The SK13 dry run protection is restarted manually. Advantages: easy installation in any (horizontal or vertical ) position protects the pump from damage is also suitable for use in domestic waterworks with pressure vessel and pressure switch (
The dry run protection SK13 works by controlling the pressure at the pump outlet. The SK13 dry run protection is suitable for self priming, surface pumps and the vast majority of submersible pumps, including spindle submersible pumps up to 1.5kW. A minimum pump outlet pressure of 0.8 bar is required for proper use/operation of the SK13 Dry Run Protection. The SK13 dry run protection is restarted manually. The advantage of the SK13 dry run protection is the easy installation in any (horizontal , or vertica
Fire hose coupling for type C sludge hose with 2 male thread.
Application: for sludge and drainage pumps, rollable to flat ends as on fire hose C on both sides
Application: for sludge and drainage pumps, rollable flat ends as on fire hose C on both sides
The SANIBO 5 pumping device is used in rooms that do not allow the drainage of sewage by natural gravity. The SANIBO 5 pumping station is a small compact automatic pumping station with three additional inlet connections. It is designed for pumping domestic wastewater from showers, bidets and washbasins as well as from toilets with horizontal connections. The SANIBO 5 pumping station has a fully functional thermal fuse for the electric motor. In the SANIBO 5 pumping station, the pumps are equipped with a s
Condensate pump CONIBO 1 is designed for condensate drainage, cooling, heating and air conditioning systems. The pump is fully automatic and its operation is very simple. The CONIBO 1 pump has automatic overflow protection. When the condensate is full, the pump automatically starts and drains the condensate through the 6m long hose included in the package. Technical parameters: tank capacity: 1.9 l Hose length: 6 m Pipe connection: 3/8 Stroke height: 4.5 m Delivery capacity: 5.5 l/min. Power: (230V) 80W
The SANIBO Mini pumping station is designed for pumping water from bathtubs, washbasins, shower trays, washing machines and dishwashers, while not exceeding the maximum temperature of 45°C of the pumped liquid. It is not recommended for use for kitchen sinks due to the lack of a shredder in the pumping station. Possibility of connecting several devices simultaneously, e.g. sink, cabin, bidet, etc. Set includes: pump accessories / caps for unused nozzles set of metal caps Technical parameters: stroke heigh
MWQ series pumps are professional pumps designed for use in wastewater pumping stations. MWQ submersible sludge pumps with agitator are designed for pumping raw water, waste water, sludge, or otherwise heavily polluted water where thick sediments may be present. The pumps have a special additional internal impeller for agitation and crushing of dense sediments. The motor shaft is made of stainless steel.The motor chamber is sealed with a double mechanical seal.
DOMÁCA VODÁREŇ 1100W AJ50/60 IBO NÁDRŽ 50L A ČERPADLO 60l/min Domáca vodáreň AJ 50/60 sa používa na zásobovanie rodinných alebo viacgeneračných domov, ideálna pre letné domy alebo záhradky. Pevná skriňa motora z liatiny a sacie teleso z nerezovej ocele INOX zaisťujú odolnú konštrukciu. Celá zostava je uspôsobená na čerpanie čistej, studenej vody odoberanej z hĺbky 8m. Ďalšou výhodou je tichý chod a nízka hmotnosť čerpadla. Čerpadlo generuje vysoký tlak (až 5 bar), čo má za následok dlhý prúd vody na
Vibračné ponorné čerpadlo – inak nazývané malyš, je vynikajúcou voľbou pri zásobovaní vodou zo studní alebo vrtov od priemeru 110mm na polievanie záhrad, alebo napĺňanie nádrží na závlahy. Veľmi dobre je osvedčené ako finančne nenáročné čerpadlo na prívod vody ku stavbám rodinných domov.Dĺžka kábla (m) 10Výrobca IBOVýtlak (m) 60Maximálny prietok (l/min) 17Prevedenie (V) 230Rozmery v x š x h (cm) 28x10,5Váha (kg) 3,8DN výtlak (mm) 1/2"Príkon el. motora (kW) 0,25Plavákový spínač Nie