Uč se anglicky jako profesionál - úroveň angličtiny B1 Chcete udělat rychlý pokrok v anglické konverzaci? To je nyní možné díky sadě karet "Uč se anglicky jako profesionál". Nejenže se postarají o skvělou zábavu, ale především zajistí efektivní učení slovní zásoby v kontextu a přirozené učení celých vět. Vstupte do světa angličtiny s našimi chytrými kartičkami "Uč se anglicky jako profesionál" Chytré kartičky jsou vhodné nejen pro individuální učení, ale také jako vzrušující karetní hra pro celou rodinu.
Uč se anglicky jako profesionál - úroveň angličtiny Začátečník Chcete udělat rychlý pokrok v anglické konverzaci? To je nyní možné díky sadě karet "Uč se anglicky jako profesionál". Nejenže se postarají o skvělou zábavu, ale především zajistí efektivní učení slovní zásoby v kontextu a přirozené učení celých vět. Vstupte do světa angličtiny s našimi chytrými kartičkami "Uč se anglicky jako profesionál" Chytré kartičky jsou vhodné nejen pro individuální učení, ale také jako vzrušující karetní hra pro celou
The set contains 200 picture cards containing 600 basic words. It is perfect for people who start their adventure with the German language. However, for more advanced students we can set more difficult tasks, eg. saying a sentence in the tense we want to practise (or asking a question to the next player) with a word from the card. The set consists of 400 nouns, 100 verbs, and 100 adjectives.
The set contains 200 picture cards containing 600 basic words. It is perfect for people who start their adventure with the English language. However, for more advanced students we can set more difficult tasks, eg. saying a sentence in the tense we want to practise (or asking a question to the next player) with a word from the card. The set consists of 400 nouns, 100 verbs, and 100 adjectives.
With this set your students will master the skill of creating sentences with comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. The set consists of 50 cards, 50 adjectives, 150 pictures and 150 sentences on the reverse side of the cards.
Educational cards and an exciting grammar game all in one. The set consists of 48 cards containing 192 sentences with gaps. Grammar points included Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Pefect Continuous Past Simple Used To Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Simple Going To Future Continuous First Conditional Second Conditional Third Conditional.
Educational cards and an exciting grammar game all in one. The set consists of 48 cards containing 192 sentences with gaps. Grammar points included Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Future Simple Going To Future Continuous First Conditional Second Conditional.
Educational cards and an exciting grammar game all in one. The set consists of 48 cards containing 192 sentences with gaps. Grammar points included Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Future Simple First Conditional.
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Educational cards and an exciting game all in one. 5 variants of the game!!! The set contains 155 doublesided cards with 330 useful words and phrases. Vocabulary themes icluded school subjects tools and useful things health adjectives in the bathroom spring in the kitchen on holiday landscape space in the city household chores containers and quantities winter Halloween
Educational cards and an exciting game all in one. 5 variants of the game!!! The set contains 155 doublesided cards with 330 useful words and phrases. Vocabulary themes icluded school items colours toys body parts the weather clothes food sports pets and farm animals transport free time activities jobs fruit and vegetables house and furniture technology.
A set of educational cards with questions on fractions and decimals. Cards can be used for individual learning or as an exciting, dynamic card game. The set consists of 100 cards (2 decks of 50 cards) containing a total of 600 questions.
A set of educational cards with questions on adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. Cards can be used for individual learning or as an exciting, dynamic card game. The set consists of 100 cards (2 decks of 50 cards) containing a total of 600 questions.