Sada zberateľských Marvel pohľadníc s ikonickými obálkami komiksov o X-menoch z posledných 60 rokov. Obsahuje 30-stranovú knižku s kľúčovými momentmi X-menov.
Kolekcia 100 zberateľských pohľadníc Star Wars. Zachytáva najlepšie obálky komiksov a filmov z celej histórie, od New Hope až po súčasné vzrušujúce príbehy.
Sada Marvel zberateľských pohľadníc s obálkami komiksov o Spider-Manovi za posledných 60 rokov. Známe postavy zo Spider-Verse - Gwen Stacy, Venom, Miles Morales atď.
Bazárový tovar! 1000 Comic Books You Must Read is an unforgettable journey through 70 years of comic books. Arranged by decade, this book introduces you to 1000 of the best comic books ever published and the amazing writers and artists who created them. See Superman from his debut as a sarcastic champion of the people, thumbing his nose at authority, to his current standing as a respected citizen of the worldExperience the tragic moment when Peter Parker and a generation of Spider-Man fans learned that w
Bazárový tovar! 1000 Comic Books You Must Read is an unforgettable journey through 70 years of comic books. Arranged by decade, this book introduces you to 1000 of the best comic books ever published and the amazing writers and artists who created them. See Superman from his debut as a sarcastic champion of the people, thumbing his nose at authority, to his current standing as a respected citizen of the worldExperience the tragic moment when Peter Parker and a generation of Spider-Man fans learned that w
Nádherná krabička vo farbách obľúbeného japonského štúdia Studio Ghibli obsahuje 100 jedinečných plnofarebných pohľadníc s motívmi všetkých animovaných filmov.
Royal Dirties Comics #1 is the first comic book by the group of artists known as Royal Dirties. This first issue contains a comic story Memento, six comic stories about Ronald & Donald, 2 chapters about The Undertaker from Mokvas by Martin Jurík, a postcard story and comic strips by Tomas Galata. Ronald & Donald is a couple of cute bunnies who perform their everyday battle for dignity, understanding, money, and mostly food. Some of their actions may be considered harsh or even violent. The
Royal Dirties Comics #1 is the first comic book by the group of artists known as Royal Dirties. This first issue contains a comic story Memento, six comic stories about Ronald & Donald, 2 chapters about The Undertaker from Mokvas by Martin Jurík, a postcard story and comic strips by Tomas Galata. Ronald & Donald is a couple of cute bunnies who perform their everyday battle for dignity, understanding, money, and mostly food. Some of their actions may be considered harsh or even violent. The
Autor: Bill WillinghamSéria: Fables, Mýty Acclaimed by critics and readers alike, these modern classics of comic book storytelling are now collected for the first time in a series of beautiful hardcover volumes.
Udržujte svoju komiksovú zbierku perfektne usporiadanú s prémiovými oddeľovačmi Ultimate Guard Premium Comic Book Dividers Black. Ideálny spôsob ako udržať vaše obľúbené komiksy v poriadku a chrániť ich pred poškodením. Každý balík obsahuje 25 ks elegatných čiernych oddeľovačov, ktoré vám pomôžu ľahko a efektívne triediť a organizovať vaše komiksy. Nečakajte a objednajte si svoj oddeľovač ešte dnes a začnite mať svoju zbierku perfektne usporiadanú!
Autor: Art Spiegelman On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its first publication, here is the definitive edition of the book acclaimed as "the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust" (Wall Street Journal) and "the first masterpiece in comic book history" (The New Yorker).
Autor: Neil Gaiman Séria: Sandman The third book of the Sandman collection is a series of four short comic book stories. In each of these otherwise unrelated stories, Morpheus serves only as a minor character.
Originálna kniha o lodiach zo Star Treku so sadou podložiek pod poháre. Podložky s magnetom na spodnej strane môžu slúžiť aj ako magnetky. Originálny darček.
Jedinečná Harry Potter sada obsahuje miniatúrnu figúrku roztomilého elfa Dobby umiestnenej na podstavci s nápisom. Po aktivovaní malého tlačidla Dobby hovorí nezabudnuteľné repliky z filmu.
Autor: Warren EllisSéria: Avengers The first in a series of all-new comic stories published directly in book form! Comrades-in-arms. Mighty heroes led by a living legend, stronger together than apart. They are the Avengers.
From the creators of Cyanide & Happiness comes a card game where players compete to finish an awful comic strip. The creators said: Someone on the Internet once told us that making stick figure comics is easy as hell, and that we were ugly and stupid. They were right on all counts. So, after crying for a few hours, we created the Random Comic Generator which since its inception in 2014 has entertained millions with its computer-generated comedy. After a few weeks of playing with the Random Comic