WoW: Before The Storm [Golden Christie]

WoW: Before The Storm [Golden Christie]

Azeroth is dying.
The Horde and the Alliance defeated the demonic Burning Legion, but a dire catastrophe is unfolding deep below the surface of the world. There is a mortal wound in the heart of Azeroth, struck by the sword of the fallen titan Sargeras in a final act of cruelty.
For Anduin Wrynn, king of Stormwind, and Sylvanas Windrunner, warchief of the Horde and queen of the Forsaken, there is little time to rebuild what remains and even less to mourn what was lost. Azeroth's devastating wound has revealed a mysterious material known as Azerite. In the right hands, this strange golden substance is capable of incredible feats of creation; in the wrong ones, it could bring forth unthinkable destruction.
As Alliance and Horde forces race to uncover the secrets of Azerite and heal the wounded world, Anduin enacts a desperate plan aimed at forging a lasting peace between the factions. Azerite jeopardizes the balance of power, and so Anduin must gain the trust of Sylvanas. But, as ever, the Dark Lady has her own machinations.
For peace to be possible, generations of bloodshed and hatred must be brought to an end. But there are truths that neither side is willing to accept and ambitions they are loath to relinquish. As Alliance and Horde alike grasp for the Azerite's power, their simmering conflict threatens to reignite all-out war--a war that would spell doom for Azeroth.

A is For Azeroth [Golden Christie]

A is For Azeroth [Golden Christie]

A is for Azeroth and B is for Blood Elf in this charming, official book inspired by Warcraft. New York Times-bestselling author Christie Golden leads readers on a delightful adventure through the Warcraft universe, featuring favorite heroes, lands, creatures, and quests. A is for Azeroth weaves WOW’s popular characters, locations, monsters, and dragons into an epic alphabetical adventure on Azeroth. In this heartfelt take on the classic alphabet primer, fans of Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft universe c

A is For Azeroth [Golden Christie]

A is For Azeroth [Golden Christie]

A is for Azeroth and B is for Blood Elf in this charming, official book inspired by Warcraft. New York Times-bestselling author Christie Golden leads readers on a delightful adventure through the Warcraft universe, featuring favorite heroes, lands, creatures, and quests. A is for Azeroth weaves WOW’s popular characters, locations, monsters, and dragons into an epic alphabetical adventure on Azeroth. In this heartfelt take on the classic alphabet primer, fans of Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft universe c

WarCraft: Legends 4 (Blizzard Manga)
World of Warcraft: Putování Azerothem 1 - Východní království [Golden Christie]

World of Warcraft: Putování Azerothem 1 - Východní království [Golden Christie]

VYRAZTE ZA DOBRODRUŽSTVÍM PO VÝCHODNÍCH KRÁLOVSTVÍCH! Od blyštivých věží Silvermoonu přes sirnou horu Blackrock až k bílým kamenným zdím Stormwindu, Východní království jsou rozlehlá a plná divů. Každý kout majestátního kontinentu v sobě nese nespočet příběhů, pokladů a více než několik tajemství, která by si někteří přáli nechat spát. Sledujte, jak mistr špeh Mathias Shaw a kapitán Flynn Fairwind vyráží z pověření krále a jeho země na expedici po Východních královstvích, zaznamenávají tamní historii a ka

World of Warcraft: Putování Azerothem 1 - Východní království [Golden Christie]

World of Warcraft: Putování Azerothem 1 - Východní království [Golden Christie]

VYRAZTE ZA DOBRODRUŽSTVÍM PO VÝCHODNÍCH KRÁLOVSTVÍCH! Od blyštivých věží Silvermoonu přes sirnou horu Blackrock až k bílým kamenným zdím Stormwindu, Východní království jsou rozlehlá a plná divů. Každý kout majestátního kontinentu v sobě nese nespočet příběhů, pokladů a více než několik tajemství, která by si někteří přáli nechat spát. Sledujte, jak mistr špeh Mathias Shaw a kapitán Flynn Fairwind vyráží z pověření krále a jeho země na expedici po Východních královstvích, zaznamenávají tamní historii a ka

Warcraft - Christie Golden - Pred búrkou

Warcraft - Christie Golden - Pred búrkou

Horda a Aliancia síce porazili démonickú Plamennú légiu, ale pod povrchom buble hroziaca katastrofa. Srdce Azerothu dostalo smrteľnú ranu, keď doň padlý titán Sargeras v poslednom akte krutosti zabodol svoj meč.

Assassins Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment

Assassins Creed Unity: Abstergo Entertainment

Autor: Christie Golden Séria: Assassins Creed  A thrilling, in-world overview of Abstergo Industries, the mysterious organization at the center of the Assassin’s Creed® franchise.

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (PS4)

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (PS4)

Hra Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders je adventúra adaptovaná podľa klasickej novely Agathy Christie. Ste famóznym súkromným detektívom Herculom Poirotom z perspektívy tretej osoby. Vašim cieľom je odhaliť mysteriózneho vraha známeho ako "ABC". Vaše dedukcie budú musieť byť prezieravejšie ako kedy predtým a váš mozog ostrý ako čepeľ, aby ste zvládli vyriešiť najzložitejšie hádanky a puzzle, ak budete chcieť zastaviť záhadného vraha. Hráči musia preskúmavať miesta činu, ich okolie a miesta v Londýne, ako sú

Assassins Creed IV Black Flag: Blackbeard - The Lost Journal

Assassins Creed IV Black Flag: Blackbeard - The Lost Journal

Autor: Christie Golden Séria: Assassins Creed  Delve into the world of Ubisoft’s latest installment in the acclaimed Assassin’s Creed® series with this fascinating glimpse of one of history’s most storied legends: Edward Thatch, otherwise known as the infamous pirate captain Blackbeard.

SW: Dark Disciple [Golden Christie] (Star Wars Disney Canon Novel)

SW: Dark Disciple [Golden Christie] (Star Wars Disney Canon Novel)

When the Jedi decide to target Count Dooku-Darth Tryanus- himself, they turn to his ex-apprentice, Asajj Ventress, for help in getting close to the slippery Sith Lord. But when unexpected sparks fly between Ventress and Quinlan Vos, the unorthodox Jedi sent to work with her, the mission becomes a web of betrayal, alliances, secrets, and dark plotting that might just be the undoing of both Jedi and Sith - and everything in between!

Warcraft: Durotan [Golden Christie] (Warcraft: Movie Novelization #0)

Warcraft: Durotan [Golden Christie] (Warcraft: Movie Novelization #0)

In the world of Draenor, the strong and fiercely independent Frostwolf Clan are faced with increasingly harsh winters and thinning herds. When Gul’dan, a mysterious outsider, arrives in Frostfire Ridge offering word of new hunting lands, Durotan, the Clan’s chieftain, must make an impossible abandon the territory, pride and traditions of his people, or lead them into the unknown. An original tale of survival, conflict and magic that leads directly into the events of Warcraft , an epic adventure from Legen

Warcraft: Durotan [Golden Christie] (Warcraft: Movie Novelization #0)

Warcraft: Durotan [Golden Christie] (Warcraft: Movie Novelization #0)

In the world of Draenor, the strong and fiercely independent Frostwolf Clan are faced with increasingly harsh winters and thinning herds. When Gul’dan, a mysterious outsider, arrives in Frostfire Ridge offering word of new hunting lands, Durotan, the Clan’s chieftain, must make an impossible abandon the territory, pride and traditions of his people, or lead them into the unknown. An original tale of survival, conflict and magic that leads directly into the events of Warcraft , an epic adventure from Legen

SW: The Fallen Star [Gray Claudia]

SW: The Fallen Star [Gray Claudia]

In this gripping sequel to Star Wars: The Rising Storm, the light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour.In this gripping sequel to Star Wars: The Rising Storm, the light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour.Time and again, the vicious raiders known as the Nihil have sought to bring the golden age of the High Republic to a fiery end. Time and again, the High Republic has emerged battered and weary, but victorious thank to its Jedi protectors-and there is no monument to their cause grander than the Starlight Bea

SW: The Fallen Star [Gray Claudia]

SW: The Fallen Star [Gray Claudia]

In this gripping sequel to Star Wars: The Rising Storm, the light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour.In this gripping sequel to Star Wars: The Rising Storm, the light of the Jedi faces its darkest hour.Time and again, the vicious raiders known as the Nihil have sought to bring the golden age of the High Republic to a fiery end. Time and again, the High Republic has emerged battered and weary, but victorious thank to its Jedi protectors-and there is no monument to their cause grander than the Starlight Bea

World of Warcraft:: Před bouří [Golden Christie]

World of Warcraft:: Před bouří [Golden Christie]

Azeroth umírá. Horda a Aliance sice porazily démonickou Plamennou legii, ale pod zemským povrchem bublá blížící se katastrofa. Srdce Azerothu dostalo smrtelnou ránu, když do něj padlý Titán Sargeras v posledním aktu krutosti vrazil svůj meč. Král Anduin Wrynn ani Sylvanas Windrunner, nejvyšší náčelnice Hordy, si nemohou dovolit plýtvat čas truchlením. Strašlivá rána odhalila záhadný materiál – azerit. Ve správných rukou může tato zlatavá esence konat neuvěřitelné zázraky; v těch špatných by ale mohla přiv
