Při sledování napínavého životního příběhu muže, který zvolil odchod do exilu, aby získal možnost rozvinout vlastní biblickou práci, jež byla v tehdejší Anglii ilegální, nám zároveň vyvstává před očima úvodní dějství anglického reformního
William Tyndale lived a life of adventure, danger, perseeution and courage. He risked his life for his beliefs. The translation of the Bible into English had been outlawed - a crime punishable by death. Determined to continue God's work
William Tecumseh Sherman has been called the first modern general. Accordinf to military historian B. H. Liddell Hart, he understood before his contemporaries that wars and battles would be won more by the movements of troops than by fighting. Autor : William S. McFally
William the Baptist is a concise and Scroptural case for infant baptism. The volume is unquietly effective throught the authors approach to te subject in dialogue form. Autor : James M. Chaney
William Blake was an abscure craftman, an engraver who lived all his outwardly uneventful life in London during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth. Autor : James Daugherty
William Shakespeare's Henry V is the historical English drama of its title character. King Henry V ascends to the throne of England following the death of his father at the beginning of the play. The King soon makes a claim to parts of France based on some distant ancestral ties. When Dauphin, prince of France responds insultingly to Henry's claim, King Henry V orders England to invade France and the two nations soon find themselves at war.
So wrote the poet William Wordsworth early in the nineteenth century as he recalled his feelings during days he had spent in France of the Revolution, 1791-92. Autor : H. Arthur Klein
Keby som si bol pripustil myšlienku, že ľudské rasy sú si také vzdialené, musel by som zapochybovať aj o hodnovernosti Shakespearovho Othella. Autor: William Styron Vydal TATRAN Zachovalá
Othello: To on šel prve odtud? Desdemona: Pravda že on. Tak zkormoucen a zničen, že mi tu část své ztrápenosti nechal a já se soužím s ním. Příjmi ho zpět! Autor: William Shakespeare
It was a cold, snowly evening, but the streets of Albany, New York, were crowed with carriages drawn by fine orse. Women in long skirt and men in top hats smiled and nodded to one another and called, Happy Holdays! Autor : William K. Durr
V brilantne vykreslených epizódach tohto širokokoncipovaného románu Styron odhaľuje nebezpečenstvo všetkých foriem etnickkej nadradenosti, nacionalistického fanatizmu, neznášanlivosti a genocídy. Autor: William Styron
,, Že z perverznosti božej, ktorá skúma život každej rastliny a červa i mravca s pavúka, aj ropuchy a zmije, by nikdy, nikdy nemal jediný lúč spočinúť na mne? Autor: William Styron
What is your view of everyday work? Are you pleased with your job, or do you suspect God would prefer you in some type of full-time Christian services ? You need to come to some conclusion about this, because work is so central to life. Autor : Dough Sherman, William Hendbricks
,,Napadli nás v noci, vyprávěl William Hoogstone, když se posadil proti Martenovi a Carrotovi v kapitánské kajutě Zefýru. ,, Bylo to tak náhlea nečekané, že mě probudil teprve první výstřel z děla. Autor : Janusz Meissener
The popularity of house plants has now reached such proportions that it is unusual to visit a house in which no plant at all is grown. Autor : William Davidson
V lietadle spoločnosti British Airways podriemkávala v sedadle pri obloku moja dcéra, červenohnedé kučery sa jej vlnili okolo tváričky a padali rozstrapatené až na chrbát. Ešte sme jej ich nikdy nestrihali... Autor: Betty Mahmoodyová - William Hoffer