Kde vraj kedysi stála stará Caracca národov Begani, v údolí Addy na osemnásť míľ od Bergama, stojí teraz mestečko Caravaggio. Ešte dnes tam obdivujú nádhernú svätyňu, asi na míľu vzdialenú od Porta Nuova. Autor: Luigi Capranica
Wo ein kleines gelbes Band viele Probleme lösen kann oder nicht? Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des Lieds Bildwörterbuch Th232mes Abenteuer, Magie Anna verliert auf dem Weg zur Schule immer ihre Sachen. Aber Oma Fix hat eine gute Idee Sie legt ein magisches gelbes Band in Annas Schultasche. Das Band holt alles, was Anna verliert, wieder zurück. Wunderbar bloß taucht jetzt ein anderes Problem auf!
Glenn Miller, the leader of the most famous big band in the USA Pérez Prado, the Cuban musician who was known as the King of Mambo Ella Fitzgerald, the most popular female jazz singer in the USA Luciano Pavarotti, one of the worlds best opera singers John Lennon, member of the famous band The Beatles
Mladý moslimisim ktorého desia nočné mory, až kým sa nestretne s Isom (Ježišom)... Bývalý vodca fundamentalistického moslimského hnutia, ktoré prenasledovalo kresťanov... Privilegovaná mladá moslimská žena, ktorá je zadržiavaná svojou
When life on the farm becomes too dangerous for a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, they decide to join a band but the band are really a rascally gang of robbers! First Reading Level 3 are real books for beginner readers which develop reading stamina through simple, repetitive text. Featuring the colourful illustrations of Mike Gordon. Includes several pages of readingrelated puzzles. Part of the Usborne Reading Programme developed with reading experts at the University of Roehampton.
Trójska vojna, ktorá sa odohrala v jedno jesenné popoludnie v istom bulharskom meste, sa pomaly blíži ku koncu. Ako však skončí, to v tejto chvíli ešte nevie ani Boril, vodca Achájcov, ani jeho protivníci Trójania, na čele ktorých stojí odvážny Retorta. Autor: Čavdar Aladžov
Pohasnutý ohník pomaly doháral a dymil. Na čiernych tlejúcich polenách preskakovali ohnivé mravce, pohmýrili sa a zmizli. Nastala tma. Autor: Kolektív autorov
Najkrajší záprah čiernych koní v Eagle Forkse stál zapriahnutý do pohrebného koča pred nájomnou stajňou, dupal kopytami a čakal, až Andrew chytí opraty. Autor: Cedric Belfrage
Let us stand still, and hear the men play as they pass. I hope they will stop here and play for us. See the large man in front of the band, with his big hat. What has he in his hand ? How fine he looks! Look, too, at the man on that fine horse. Autor : McGuffey
Cup, cup, cup ... čľap, čľap, čľap... mihajú sa drobné chlapčenské nôžky v čiernych bagančekoch s drevenou, už hodne obodranou podošvou. Cup, cup, cup...čľap, čľap, čľap... Autor: Helena Križanová - Brindzová
Fleeing Kentucky with her regtag band of freed slaves and Throughbred horses, Jesselynn Highwood discovers her destination in Missouri has been ravaget. With no place of refuge left, she gathers supplies and heads west on the Oregon Trail, enduring grim adversity and dangeralong the way. Autor : Lauranie Snelling
V Bretónsku bolo vtedy sedem hrozných lesov. Vendée je kňahyňou vzbury. Pomocníkom tejto vzbury bol les. Temnoty sa podporujú. Tých sedem bretónskych čiernych lesov bolo... Autor: Victor Hugo
Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?
Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?
Original / British EnglishKaty and her boyfriend Tom are happy in their band, Steel City. But then Tom gets a new guitar and the trouble begins. Suddenly he can play very well, but he seems to be a different person. Why is he always so angry? When Katy discovers the secret of the guitar she is very afraid. Can she save her boyfriend’s life?
V tú jesennú noc sa mu na zapratanej povale neveľkého domca na Batyjevovom vrchu zazdalo, že pochopil čosi, čo sa vymyká ľudskému chápaniu. Chladné, drsné poznanie mu však neprinieslo šťastie - náhle pocítil bleskový závratný vpád do nekonečna, do hĺbky vesmíru, do čiernych priestorov neba a toho nevedomého, čo sa začína kdesi v diaľke, tam, kde sa končí obloha... Autor: Jurij Ščerbák