Staňte sa intrigujúcim upírom, zastupujúcim jeden zo súperiacich klanov: Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nesferatu, Toreador, Tremere alebo Ventrue v kartovej hre Vampire: The Masquerade - Vendeta.
Vykladajte karty a žetóny krvi do niekoľkých rôznych lokácií, aby ste ovládli mocných spojencov, ako z radov ľudí, tak Spriaznencov, získali ich vplyv a sprístupnili ich zvláštne schopnosti. Na začiatku každého kola hry potom získate nové karty, s pomocou ktorých môžete prekvapiť svojich protivníkov.
Váš cieľ je jasný – získať zo všetkých klanov najviac vplyvu a stať sa novým chicagským princom!
Hra Vampire: The Masquerade - Vendeta obsahuje: 7 dosiek klanov, 63 klanových kariet, 8 kariet relikvií, 7 kariet lokácií, 30 kariet spojencov, 35 kariet obetí, 4 dosky lokácií, 28 doštičiek pozície, viac ako 100 žetónov a pravidlá v češtine.
Autor: Scott SnyderSéria: American Vampire The second tale comes straight from 1950s America, where American Vampire is terrorizing the suburbs with hot rods, teenyboppers, and fangs! Writer Scott Snyder (Batman, Swamp Thing) and artist Rafael Albuquerque bring together even more threads to the complex tapestry that is the world of American Vampire.
Nové vydanie! Děsivý a působivý příběh o ztrátě svobody a identity v totalitní společnosti. V JAKO VENDETA, to je obraz světa, kde vládne zoufalství a nic nepromíjející tyranie. V JAKO VENDETA, to je břitký pohled na svět a lidi, inteligence, vtip, hořkost i cit: všechno, čím komiks údajně nikdy neměl být. Anglie vládne.
Nové vydanie! Děsivý a působivý příběh o ztrátě svobody a identity v totalitní společnosti. V JAKO VENDETA, to je obraz světa, kde vládne zoufalství a nic nepromíjející tyranie. V JAKO VENDETA, to je břitký pohled na svět a lidi, inteligence, vtip, hořkost i cit: všechno, čím komiks údajně nikdy neměl být. Anglie vládne.
Autor: Stephen King, Scott SnyderSéria: American Vampire Writer Scott Snyder (Batman, Swamp Thing) and artist Rafael Albuquerque bring together even more threads to the complex tapestry that is the world of American Vampire.
Autor: Scott SnyderSéria: American Vampire Pearls husband Henry joins a clandestine group on a secret mission to Japan to hunt a new breed of bloodsucker, while Skinner Sweet has plans of his own! And in Europe, Felicia Book and Cash McCogan go behind enemy lines in Romania in search of a rumored vampire cure.
Autor: Scott SnyderSéria: American Vampire You are cordially invited to a party - to die for! This volume collects eight amazing stories set in the world of American Vampire, with "lost tales," new characters and old favorites. Don't miss these stories brought to you by series creators Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque
Autor: Scott SnyderSéria: American Vampire A New York Times bestseller! In the first story, series mainstays Skinner Sweet, Pearl, and company return to Hollywood in the '50s during the Red Scare. In a time where America was on the lookout for the next Communist threat, was the real danger something far more insidious?
Sága o americkom upírovi od Scotta Snydera, známeho autora z dielne DC comics, prichádza s komiksovou novinkou American Vampire 1976.
Autor: Joss Whedon Séria: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Forty-five intricately-detailed original illustrations ready for you can add your own colors to Buffy and the good guys as well as all the big bad guys!
Originálny darček pre fanúšikov seriálu Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Pripomente si lov upírov s klasickými hláškami z tohto ikonického seriálu a prečítajte si aj o jeho histórii v mini knižke.
Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this bookMarvel Titan Books #14Morbius: The Living Vampire - Blood TiesMorbius the Living Vampire seeks to end his curse of a thirst for blood, and to stop a demonic cult from unleashing hell on Earth. SEEKING TO CURE HIS RARE BLOOD DISORDER, DR. MICHAEL MORBIUS INSTEAD CURSED HIMSELF WITH AN INSATIABLE LUST FOR HUMAN BLOOD. HE HAS BECOME THE LIVING VAMPIRE. While trying to cure his horrific condition, he has become allied with Amanda Saint, whose sister Catherine
Omnibus k hororovej knižnej sérii z budúcnosti s názvom Vampire Hunter D zahŕňa prvé 3 knihy z tejto série. Prečítajte si o boji upírov a ľudí v ďalekej budúcnosti. Na základe tejto úspešnej sérii románov boli vytvorené aj viaceré videohry a manga a anime série.
Remy Pendergast is a masterful hunter, but rumours that he's half-vampire are tarnishing his name among fellow Reapers. Desperate to clear his name and investigate newly mutated bloodsuckers, Remy sets out alone... until fate intervenes. Enter Xiaodan Song, a kind-hearted heiress, and her arrogant lord fiancé, Zidan Malekh. While joining forces with the vampire couple may not help Remy's reputation, they hold the key to defeating the deadly creatures. As they navigate the dangerous terrain and face new th
It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise. Ever since, vampires have waged war against humanity building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Gabriel de León, half man, half monster, and last remaining silversaint – a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night – is all that stands between the world and its end. Imprisoned by the very monsters he has vowed to destroy Gabriel is forced to tell his story – a story o
Jednoduchá spoločenská hra s dvomi svinkami, ktoré vyhodíte do vzduchu a po dopade zrátate body za ich polohu pri dopade.