Iris a Theo Sternovci majú na prvý pohľad všetko: spokojné manželstvo, štyri krásne deti, výstavný dom s množstvom nádherných vecí, ba aj vážnosť, ktorú ziskali vďaka Theovej práci. Theo patrí k špičkovým chirurgom. Lenže bokom stojaci Paul Werner vie viac.................... Autor: Belva Plain
Hej, Buntoš! - zakričal jej ktosi veselo za chrbtom. Vo fabrike na dvore stál pri pumpe vysoký mládenec a usmieval sa. Pod čiapkou, zaprášenou hustým tabakovým prachom, mu utajene svietilo dvoje povedomých očú. Autor: Alexej Segrenski
Lidská ruka je obdivuhodný nástroj. Jejim dílem jsou veľké stavby i drobné předměty, jež obohacují a zpestřují život každého z nás. Vďečíme jí za zrození krásy utajené v tvůrčích záměrech vědců a umelců... Autor: Dr. Josefa Gafronová
Around the city is a lively board game based on the observation of illustrations related to the city. Students memorise, learn and develop their knowledge of lexical sets connected to urban features, shops, places in town and services, means of transport, road signs and road safety, all in a very engaging way. The game can be used in class with a teacher or at home with friends.
Original / British EnglishJoanna Jimbuku is a nurse in Australia. She works with a Flying Doctor. One day a baby is very ill. Joanna takes the baby to Sydney. It’s her first visit to a big city, and she loves it. Does she stay in the city or go home?
Original / American EnglishEvery year, millions of tourists visit New York—the most exciting city in the world. Read about its history, its sights and its people. What makes New York “the city that never sleeps?”
Original / British EnglishJoanna Jimbuku is a nurse in Australia. She works with a Flying Doctor. One day a baby is very ill. Joanna takes the baby to Sydney. It’s her first visit to a big city, and she loves it. Does she stay in the city or go home?
Original / American EnglishEvery year, millions of tourists visit New York—the most exciting city in the world. Read about its history, its sights and its people. What makes New York “the city that never sleeps?
Original / British EnglishMark Jackson is on holiday in Turkey. He visits the old city of Troy and finds a yellow stone. ‘I know this stone,’ he thinks. ‘It comes from … from ...’ Suddenly Mark goes back in time. He can see a beautiful city, soldiers and a big wooden horse.
Original / British EnglishMark Jackson is on holiday in Turkey. He visits the old city of Troy and finds a yellow stone. ‘I know this stone,’ he thinks. ‘It comes from … from ...’ Suddenly Mark goes back in time. He can see a beautiful city, soldiers and a big wooden horse.
ASB špeciál 01/2019. TOP 40: Pozemné stavby podľa výšky investície: Twin City + Twin City Tower; Zuckermandel; Slnečnice-Mesto, bytové domy A1, A2, A3; BORY Bývanie I; Bytový dom NUPPU; Blumental Rezidencia & Blumental Offices; Obytný komplex New Stein; Landererova 12 (Panorama Business III); Eperia Shopping Mall; Urban Residence, BD1, BD2; Einsteinova Business Center; Rezidencie pri Mýte; Bytový dom Tammi; Arboria, budovy BD4, BD6, Arboria Zelená...
After a long, sweaty and exhausting climb the team reaches the eastern peak of Ben Nevis. But a surprise is waiting for them when they reach the top In this Reader you will find Focus on Glossary of difficult words Comprehension activities PETstyle activities Test yourself An audio recording of the story Tags Adventure Nature Friendship Young professor Peng is looking for archaeology enthusiasts to help her in the search for the lost city of Karminia. Are you ready to follow her an
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of Lamb down the Middle of the great street of the city.
Tajná obdivovatelka.. Nesmělá Cynthie se zamiluje - do svého nejlepšího kamaráda Billa. Ale bojí se mu své city přiznat v tváří v tvář. Pokud je neopětuje mohl by být konec s jejich kamarádstvím. Autor : M. E. Cooperová
Bola sobota ráno a ešte som ležal v posteli. Leora, moja slúžka, ma rada rozmaznáva, odkedy som sám, a tak mi priniesla podnos s raňajkami do postele. Nerád jedávam v posteli, ale nechcel som raniť jej city. Autor: Patrick Quentin
Román je tragédiou bývalého ministra hutníctva, ktorý vždy so svojou strojovou presnosťou plnil príkazy zhora, nikdy o nich ani trochu nezapochyboval. Prestíž, kariéra, slepá viera v J. V. Stalina v ňom otupili mnohé ľudské city. Autor: Alexander Bek