Vydavateľ: 2010 Egmont SKPočet strán: 48Náklad: - (Vydanie prvé)Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu
Váha: - kg
Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, inak v poriadku
The Story Cards have enlarged version of the pictures from the stories in the Pupils Book. They can be used by teachers to present and practise the stories. The story text (as well as guidelines for telling the story) are written on the back of each card enabling teachers to narrate the story without having to memorise it.
The Story Cards have enlarged version of the pictures from the stories in the Pupils Book. They can be used by teachers to present and practise the stories. The story text (as well as guidelines for telling the story) are written on the back of each card enabling teachers to narrate the story without having to memorise it.
The Story Cards have enlarged version of the pictures from the stories in the Pupils Book. They can be used by teachers to present and practise the stories. The story text (as well as guidelines for telling the story) are written on the back of each card enabling teachers to narrate the story without having to memorise it.
Jack and the Beanstalk is a story presented both in narrative and play form with lively songs to provide maximum enjoyment. The story recycles key language from the units and includes a picture dictionary to be used as a point of reference. The story and the songs are recorded on CDcassette. In the Teachers Book, the teacher can find useful information if heshe wants to stage the play form of the story.
Vydavateľ: 2010 Egmont SKPreklad: Žofia Dzuriková Počet strán: 72Náklad: - (Vydanie prvé)Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu Váha: - kg Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, inak v poriadku
Original / British EnglishOne day Rafael was well; the next day he was completely mad. What happened to him? The story of Rafael and his gold ring is a strange story of murder, mystery and love. Many people know part of the story. But only Rafael knows the true facts. And Rafael is mad.
Obrazový sprievodca svetom živočíchov a ich správaním. Vydavateľ: 2009 Ikar Počet strán: 512Náklad: - (Vydanie -)Väzba: tvrdá, s prebalom Váha: - kg Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, malé ohnutia na prebale, inak v poriadku
A true story of bullying and friendship. Hello! My name is Michael, and this is my secret diary. Well, its not really a secret, because I want you to read it. This is my story, but its also everybodys story. Look at the picture on the front of this book. Thats me! Im going to school, and Im not very happy about it. The other children are not very kind to me. But Ive got a very special friend who always helps me. Do you want to know more? Well, open the book and read it. I hope you enjoy it.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears, told in rhyme and with accompanying songs, will delight and entertain all young learners of English. This beautifully illustrated story is presented both in the form of a narrative and play. Young learners can enjoy reading this childrens classic and put on a performance at the end of the school year. A picture dictionary provides the key words of the story.
Original / British EnglishOne day Rafael was well; the next day he was completely mad. What happened to him? The story of Rafael and his gold ring is a strange story of murder, mystery and love. Many people know part of the story. But only Rafael knows the true facts. And Rafael is mad.
Na Maltě najdete prehistorické chrámy, útesy poseté zkamenělinami, skryté zátoky, vzrušující potápěčské lokality i mimořádně zajímavé historické památky.
Mistrovská umělecká díla, větrné mlýny, tulipány a stylové kavárny koexistují s převratnou architekturou, špičkovým designem a vyhlášeným nočním životem.
lt;p>Vítejte v romantické a divoké, obyčejné i fascinující zemi. Turisty byla dlouho přehlížena, ale dnes už je na příjezd zvídavých cestovatelů dobře připravena.
Our story begins just outside Miss Pinkertons Academy for Young Ladies at Chiswick Mall in London. A large family carriage is waiting for two young ladies, Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp. Vanity Fair was written 200 years ago, but it is a thoroughly modern story that provides us with universal truths about what it means to be human, in all its splendour and with all its imperfections. It is a story full of memorable characters who accompany you on a fascinating journey through the first part of the nin
Věčné střetávání moře s pevninou vytváří spolu s chvějícím se světlem oceánu jedinečný kaleidoskop nálad, ze kterého čerpá bretaňská krajina svou sílu.