Arnold Schwarzenegger a jeho kniha Total Recall, v ktorej nájdete jeho jedinečný a jedinečne zábavný príbeh. Arnold ho osobne brilantne rozpovie na stranách knihy Total Recall.
V tejto knihe Arnold brilantne vyrozprával svoj výnimočný a svojský aj zábavný príbeh. Narodil sa v roku, keď panoval hladomor, v malej rakúskej dedinke ako syn prísneho žandárskeho veliteľa. Sníval o tom, že sa odsťahuje do Ameriky a stane sa šampiónom v kulturistike a filmovou hviezdou. Ako dvadsaťjedenročný už žil v Los Angeles a získal titul Mr. Universe. V priebehu piatich rokov sa naučil anglicky a stal sa najznámejším kulturistom na svete. V priebehu desiatich rokov získal univerzitné vzdelanie a s
This series presents a total of 180 proverbs. It aims to make the learning of proverbs fun by associating them with humorous stories and images. Each proverb is explained in plain, everyday English and is presented in a set of cartoons with captions or dialogue to help learners use the proverbs correctly and confidently in different contexts.
This series presents a total of 180 proverbs. It aims to make the learning of proverbs fun by associating them with humorous stories and images. Each proverb is explained in plain, everyday English and is presented in a set of cartoons with captions or dialogue to help learners use the proverbs correctly and confidently in different contexts.
This series presents a total of 180 proverbs. It aims to make the learning of proverbs fun by associating them with humorous stories and images. Each proverb is explained in plain, everyday English and is presented in a set of cartoons with captions or dialogue to help learners use the proverbs correctly and confidently in different contexts.
1. diel učebnice nemčiny pre deti Ja klar! na vedomostnej úrovni A1 je určený pre deti ZŠ od cca 8 rokov veku. Kniha obsahuje 10 lekcií a rad doplnkových aktivít a zohľadňuje poznatky TPR - Total Physical Response.
2. diel učebnice nemčiny pre deti Ja klar! na vedomostnej úrovni A1-A2 je určený pre deti ZŠ od cca 8 rokov veku. Kniha obsahuje 10 lekcií a rad doplnkových aktivít a zohľadňuje poznatky TPR - Total Physical Response.
3. diel učebnice nemčiny pre deti Ja klar! na vedomostnej úrovni A2 je určený pre deti ZŠ od cca 8 rokov veku. Kniha obsahuje 10 lekcií a rad doplnkových aktivít a zohľadňuje poznatky TPR - Total Physical Response.
2. diel učebnice nemčiny pre deti Ja klar! na vedomostnej úrovni A1-A2 je určený pre deti ZŠ od cca 8 rokov veku. Kniha obsahuje 10 lekcií a rad doplnkových aktivít a zohľadňuje poznatky TPR - Total Physical Response.
3. diel učebnice nemčiny pre deti Ja klar! na vedomostnej úrovni A2 je určený pre deti ZŠ od cca 8 rokov veku. Kniha obsahuje 10 lekcií a rad doplnkových aktivít a zohľadňuje poznatky TPR - Total Physical Response.
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Conversation cards for beginners and a card game all in one. The deck consists of 48 picture cards with a total of 240 questions. Each card makes students talk. The cards were designed to develop speaking skills and learn new vocabulary. Grammar points included TO BE HAVE GOT THERE IS ARE PRESENT CONTINUOUS
A set of educational cards with questions on adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. Cards can be used for individual learning or as an exciting, dynamic card game. The set consists of 100 cards (2 decks of 50 cards) containing a total of 600 questions.
A set of educational cards with questions on fractions and decimals. Cards can be used for individual learning or as an exciting, dynamic card game. The set consists of 100 cards (2 decks of 50 cards) containing a total of 600 questions.
Coursebooks that can be completed in one year, giving students a clear sense of progress Informative and engaging topics that involve teenagers in their learning Unique features on word building and sentence patterns Characters that promote positive values and use real spoken language. Activities for building learner strategies for independent learning Magazine at the back of the Students Book to support mixed ability classes Strong grammar and skills sections give students confidence in using the l
Bikeline Cycling Guide cykloturistický sprievodca DANUBE BIKE TRAIL 4 - Esterbauer Part 4: From Budapest to Belgrade On the Beautiful Blue Danube GPS-Tracks spiral bounding local maps height profiles distance 570 km 120 pages Charakteristika cyklosprievodcu vydavateľom: The fourth part of our Danube Bike Trail series begins in the Hungarian capital Budapest and ends in the Serbian capital Belgrade.With a total length of 2,845 kilometers, the Danube is Europe’s second longest river (after the Volga wi