'The Sun Bird was beginning to travel fast, close to the edge of the whirlpool. They could look right down into the hollow of spinning water' While flying over Africa's New Sea, a water project in the heart of the Sahara desert, Mark Sunnet's rocket plane crashes and is sucked through a hole in the desert floor into a strange, cavernous new world. There, he and his partner Margaret encounter the survivors of an ancient race of underground dwellers whose whole existence is now threatened. Captured and forced to live with other prisoners taken from the surface, the pair know that they must escape before the waters above drown them all . . . The Secret People, published in 1935, is John Wyndham's first novel. 'Perhaps the best writer of science fiction England has ever produced' Stephen King
It is many years since God sent the Tribulation to punish the forebears for their sins, and in the rural settlement of Waknuk David Strorm's father decries any and all blasphemies against nature. Little does he realise that David and his cousin Rosalind, have their own secret aberration which would label them as mutants. But as they grow older it becomes more difficult to conceal their differences from the village elders. Soon they face a choice: wait for eventual discovery, or flee to the terrifying and
It is many years since God sent the Tribulation to punish the forebears for their sins, and in the rural settlement of Waknuk David Strorm's father decries any and all blasphemies against nature. Little does he realise that David and his cousin Rosalind, have their own secret aberration which would label them as mutants. But as they grow older it becomes more difficult to conceal their differences from the village elders. Soon they face a choice: wait for eventual discovery, or flee to the terrifying and
Autor: Cullen BunnSéria: Deadpool From the team that brought you DEADPOOL KILLUSTRATED comes the most Secretest War of all! Collecting: Deadpools Secret Secret Wars 1-4, Secret Wars (1984) 1
Ľudstvo osleplo. Svet ovládli mäsožravé rastliny. Dychberúce kultové sci-fi. Biológ Bill Masen je po operácií očí a ako jeden z mála ľudí na svete si nemôže pozrieť zvláštny meteorický roj. Všetci, ktorí toto vesmírne divadlo videli, však oslepli. Bezpečný a známy svet, ktorý Bill poznal len pred dvadsiatimi štyrmi hodinami, je navždy preč. Okrem nástrah po katastrofickej udalosti všade číhajú aj trifidy – dvojmetrové mäsožravé rastliny, ktoré dokážu kráčať a jedovatým žihadlom poľahky zabiť dospelého člo
Ľudstvo osleplo. Svet ovládli mäsožravé rastliny. Dychberúce kultové sci-fi. Biológ Bill Masen je po operácií očí a ako jeden z mála ľudí na svete si nemôže pozrieť zvláštny meteorický roj. Všetci, ktorí toto vesmírne divadlo videli, však oslepli. Bezpečný a známy svet, ktorý Bill poznal len pred dvadsiatimi štyrmi hodinami, je navždy preč. Okrem nástrah po katastrofickej udalosti všade číhajú aj trifidy – dvojmetrové mäsožravé rastliny, ktoré dokážu kráčať a jedovatým žihadlom poľahky zabiť dospelého člo
In 2145AD John Hackett's adventure is just beginning. In Year 30, Mela's story is coming to a close. Hackett, in his trusty ship the Perseus, is not just a space traveller - beginning his travels with an expedition to Neptune and back - but, thanks to the time-dilation effect, a time traveller as well. His new mission will take him to Andromeda, to get a close-up look at the constellation which will eventually crash into the Milky Way, and give humanity a heads-up about the challenges which are coming. A
In 2145AD John Hackett's adventure is just beginning. In Year 30, Mela's story is coming to a close. Hackett, in his trusty ship the Perseus, is not just a space traveller - beginning his travels with an expedition to Neptune and back - but, thanks to the time-dilation effect, a time traveller as well. His new mission will take him to Andromeda, to get a close-up look at the constellation which will eventually crash into the Milky Way, and give humanity a heads-up about the challenges which are coming. A
The epic conclusion to Adrian Tchaikovsky's award-winning fantasy trilogy, Echoes of the Fall. Now reissued with a fresh cover look. The unmaking of the world has begun. From the depths of the darkest myths, the soulless Plague People have returned. Their pale-walled camps obliterate villages, just as the terror they bring with them destroys minds. In their wake, nothing is left of the true people: not their places, not their ways. The Plague People will remake the world as though they had never been. The
The epic conclusion to Adrian Tchaikovsky's award-winning fantasy trilogy, Echoes of the Fall. Now reissued with a fresh cover look. The unmaking of the world has begun. From the depths of the darkest myths, the soulless Plague People have returned. Their pale-walled camps obliterate villages, just as the terror they bring with them destroys minds. In their wake, nothing is left of the true people: not their places, not their ways. The Plague People will remake the world as though they had never been. The
A girl who can speak to gods must save her people without destroying herself. A prince in danger must decide who to trust. A boy with a monstrous secret waits in the wings. Together, they must assassinate the king and stop the war. In a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet, their three paths entwine in a shadowy world of spilled blood and mysterious saints, where a forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales between dark and light.
A girl who can speak to gods must save her people without destroying herself. A prince in danger must decide who to trust. A boy with a monstrous secret waits in the wings. Together, they must assassinate the king and stop the war. In a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet, their three paths entwine in a shadowy world of spilled blood and mysterious saints, where a forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales between dark and light.
Pod ulicami Ríma bojuje John Wick o život v tejto PVC dioráme založenej na scéne z druhého filmu série John Wick. John v tejto 23 cm vysokej dioráme drží výkonnú brokovnicou s nábojom vychádzajúcim z hlavne. Soška je vyrobená z vysoko kvalitného PVC s jemnými detailmi a sfarbením. Dioráma sa dodáva v plnofarebnom balení s oknom. Navrhol Caesar, vytvoril Rocco Tartamella.
Deti od 8 rokov si zamilujú autentický traktor 42136 John Deere 9620R 4WD od LEGO Technic. Traktor a príves boli navrhnuté v spolupráci so spoločnosťou John Deere a sú doslova nabité realistickými funkciami. Nechýbajú obrovské kolesá, kĺbové riadenie a kabína vodiča s otočným sedadlom.
John McEnroe je bývalý profesionálny tenista. Počas svojej kariéry sa opakovane umiestňoval na prvom mieste v rebríčku ATP. Hmotnosť: 250gKód produktu: FK47733-REV1
Pod ulicami Ríma bojuje John Wick o svoj život v tejto PVC diorame na základe druhého filmu v sérii John Wick. Táto približne 23 cm vysoká diorama, kde Wick drží brokovnicu, s vystupujúcou guľkou z hlavne, je vyrobená z kvalitného PVC a vyznačuje sa detailným zobrazením a farbou. Zabalená v krabičke s priehľadným okienkom. Navrhol Caesar, vyrezával ju Rocco Tartamella. Výrobca: Diamond Select Toys Kód produktu: DIAMSEP192489 Hmotnosť: 1030g