Séria Pána prsteňov, pozostávajúca zo šiestich kníh, ktoré zahŕňajú tri epické fantasy filmy, je uznávaná ako jedna z najúspešnejších filmových ság všetkých čias. Oba príbehy, ktoré vznikli v súvislosti so sériou Hobit, sa odohrávajú vo vesmíre Stredozeme, pričom Hobit sa odohráva 60 rokov pred Pánom prsteňov. Názov filmu odkazuje na zlého vládcu série, temného pána Saurona, ktorý vlastní Jeden prsteň, ktorý vládne všetkým ostatným 19 prsteňom. Keď sa prsteň zahreje v ohni, odhalí jedinečný nápis v písme Tengwar, ktorý symbolizuje moc prsteňa ovládať všetkých ostatných v Stredozemi.
Známy citát, ktorý znie: „Jeden prsteň im všetkým vládne, jeden prsteň ich nájde, jeden prsteň ich všetkých privedie a v tme ich zviaže“, ikonický prsteň je skvele zobrazený na rube tejto neuveriteľnej 0,999 postriebrenej mince. Prezentované na oficiálne licencovanej karte Pána prsteňov. Toto je ideálny darček pre fanúšika Pána prsteňov, tak si ho zaobstarajte hneď, kým sú zásoby vypredané!
SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN 5 EURO PONTIFICATE OF BENEDICT XVI - 8th YEAR - 2012 SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN - THE CENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF POPE JOHN PAUL I Nominal value: 5 Euro Title: Ag 925/1000 Diameter: 32 mm Legal Weight: 18 g Outer rim: COOPERATORES VERITATIS + MMXII+ Version: Proof Sculptor: Daniela Fusco Engraver: Ettore Lorenzo Frapiccini Max. Mintage: 8,999 coins Mint: IPZS (Italy) SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN 10 EURO PONTIFICATE OF BENEDICT XVI - 8th YEAR 2012 SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN - 20th WO .
In 2006 the world celebrates Mozarts 250th birthday. This silver coin is an impressive collectors piece for this occasion. It shows a profile portrait of Mozart himself with the Salzburg cathedral in the background. The small mark designed from the € symbol and the European star identifies the coin as part of a Europa Series by a number of European states. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the deno ...
5 Euro - 200th Anniversiary of the Death of Joseph Haydn (2009) The silver 5 Euro coin shows a portrait of the famous composer in profile. Across his chest stretches a bar of his music with the date “2009”. To the right are two violins with his name “Joseph Haydn” and the dates of his life: 1732–1809. The official side of the nine-sided coin displays the shields of the nine Federal Provinces of Austria and the denomination of 5 Euros. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic fo .
The new nine-sided silver coin shows Karajan in one of his typically dynamic poses while conducting. In the background is the score of Beethoven’s Ninth. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denomination 5 with the inscription Republik Österreich and Euro .
The new silver coin shows the bearded Andreas Hofer in his characteristic broadbrimmed hat. Beside him stands Giuseppina Negrelli holding the flag of Tyrol. This “lady captain” represents the little known role of women in the popular revolt against Napoleon. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denomination 5 with the inscription Republik Österreich and Euro .
The new silver coin shows the bearded Andreas Hofer in his characteristic broadbrimmed hat. Beside him stands Giuseppina Negrelli holding the flag of Tyrol. This “lady captain” represents the little known role of women in the popular revolt against Napoleon. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denomination 5 with the inscription Republik Österreich and Euro .
The reverse side of the silver coin shows the Vienna Hofburg in the square called the Josefsplatz after the equestrian statue of Joseph II in its centre. The wing of the Hofburg to the right contains the Spanish Riding School and the so-called Redoutensäle , which will be the venue for many of the meetings and conferences during the Austrian presidency. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denominati .
The silver coin shows the Grossglockner High Alpine Road winding its way through the mountainous landscape shortly before reaching the peak of Grossglockner itself. An elegant “old timer„ from the days of the original opening in 1935 and a sports car of our own time symbolise the 75 years of the famous roadway’s existence. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denomination 5 with the inscription Repub .
The nine-sided silver coin displays a map of Europe with the accession countries clearly distinguished with small token flags. The names of the ten new members are inscribed below each in its own official language and each with a star. (Unlike the flag of the U.S.A., the European flag will not change from the original circle of twelve stars which represent the union rather than the individual states.) A small logo to the left of the design identifies the Austrian coin as a contribution to a European ser .
SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN 5 EURO 2013 PONTIFICATE OF POPE FRANCIS - 46th World Day of Peace Nominal value: 5 Euro Title: Ag 925/1000 Diameter: 32 mm Legal Weight: 18 g Outer rim: COOPERATORES VERITATIS + MMXIII+ Version: Proof Sculptor: Mariangela Crisciotti Engraver: Giuliano Imperatori Max. Mintage: 5,999 coins Mint: IPZS (Italy) SILVER COMMEMORATIVE COIN 10 EURO 2013 PONTIFICATE OF POPE FRANCIS - 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations Nominal value: 10 Euro Title: Ag 925/1000 Diameter: 34 mm Lega .
Strieborná zberateľská minca 10 eur / Silver commemorative coin - nominal value 10 euro - Chatam Sofer Poštovné zdarma / Shipping free worldwide Paypal accepted Údaje o minci / Information about coin: Autor / Designer: Pavel Károly Materiál: Ag 900, Cu 100 Hmotnosť / Weight: 18 g Priemer / Diameter: 34 mm Hrana - nápis / Edge - inscription: „ – RABÍN – UČENEC – SUDCA – UČITEĽ “ ( – Rabbi – Scholar – Judge - Teacher) Výrobca / Producer: Mincovňa Kremnica Rytec / Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt Náklad / Num .
Strieborná zberateľská minca 10 eur / Silver commemorative coin - nominal value 10 euro - Chatam Sofer Poštovné zdarma / Shipping free worldwide Paypal accepted Údaje o minci / Information about coin: Autor / Designer: Pavel Károly Materiál: Ag 900, Cu 100 Hmotnosť / Weight: 18 g Priemer / Diameter: 34 mm Hrana - nápis / Edge - inscription: „ – RABÍN – UČENEC – SUDCA – UČITEĽ “ ( – Rabbi – Scholar – Judge - Teacher) Výrobca / Producer: Mincovňa Kremnica Rytec / Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt Náklad / Num .
Predstavujeme kráľovskú mincovňu Queen Elizabeth II Memorial 2022 50p Silver Proof Coin, ktorú musí mať každý nadšenec mincí. Táto minca vyrobená v Spojenom kráľovstve je cenným prírastkom do vašej zbierky. S limitovaným vydaním je to vzácny nález, ktorý si nechcete nechať ujsť. Táto minca 2022 je skvelou investíciou so súpravou nátlačkov, ktorá zaručuje jej pravosť a kvalitu. Má ohromujúci dizajn, ktorý predstavuje kráľovnú Alžbetu II. a pripomína jej dlhú a pozoruhodnú vládu. Nepremeškajte túto prí
The coin shows the facade of the basilica with its characteristic central gothic tower flanked by two baroque towers. One is struck from the first by this nine sided coin, symbolic for the nine federal provinces of Austria. Their coats-of arms encircle the denomination 5 with the inscription Republik Österreich and Euro .
Naša 2023 Disney Love Coin obsahuje plnofarebný obrázok Disneyho Mickey Mouse a Minnie Mouse. Sú vyobrazené v romantickej póze, obklopené rozkošnými milostnými motívmi. Pekný ružový okraj rámuje mincu v tvare srdca a dodáva jej očarujúci nádych! Na prednej strane je vyrytý erb Niue, ktorý potvrdzuje, že ide o zákonné platidlo. Každá oficiálne licencovaná minca je prezentovaná v na mieru navrhnutej škatuľke s tematikou lásky, ktorú zdobia rozkošné obrázky milovaných. Otvorte krabičku a nájdete v nej unikát