Syrian Yankee

Syrian Yankee

Salom Rizk was born in 1909 in a tiny powerty-stricken town in Syria. Althought he grew uo as a Syrian, when Rizk was twelve years old he dicovered that his mother had been an American citizen. Autor : Salom Rizk

The Land Tamers

The Land Tamers

A fugive from Yankee justice, Confederate veteran Sandy Thompson looks for pease and solitude in the expanses of the untamed West. Autor : Stephen Bly

Yankee z connecticutu Na dvore kráľa Artuša

Yankee z connecticutu Na dvore kráľa Artuša

Americký humor zjavuje sa na obzore 19. storočia ako jeden z neodškriepiteľných výplodov novej republiky. V Európe neraz vyslovili pochybnosti o americkej literatúre. Autor: Mark Twain

Robur dobyvateľ, Pán sveta (Verne)

Robur dobyvateľ, Pán sveta (Verne)

Práve v predchádzajúcej noci sa nad kanadským územím medzi Ontariom a Erijským jazerom rozliehal zvučný hlas trúby. Jedni počuli pieseň Yankee Doodle, iní Rule Britannia... Autor: J. Verne


ELI - A - Teen 1 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court - readers + CD

This novel tells the story of Hank Morgan, the boss of a factory in late 19th century Connecticut, who awakens to find himself transported back in time to early medieval England at the time of the legendary King Arthur. One day, while Hank Morgan is working, a man attacks him and hits him on the head. When Hank wakes up he is in sixth century England. He is at the Court of King Arthur where he meets the Knights of the Round Table and Queen Guenever. Thanks to his superior knowledge, Hank soon becomes
