Kniha plná nálepiek s ilustráciami, graffiti a inými obrázkami. Séria nálepkových kníh Stickerbomb prináša aktualizované vydanie, ktoré obsahuje až 330 samolepiek.
Séria nálepkových kníh Stickerbomb prináša aktualizovanú verziu s 30 novými nálepkami. Spolu obsahuje viac ako 280 samolepiek od umelcov, ilustrátorov a graffiti umelcov.
Last Friday Revised Edition je hra pre 2 až 6 hráčov, rozdelená do štyroch kapitol plných hrôzy a napätia ( Príchod do tábora , Prenasledovanie , Masaker a Záverečná kapitola ), s herným časom 30 až 45 minút na kapitolu, ktorú môžete hrať jednotlivo alebo spoločne v rámci dlhej noci hrôzy!
Mansions of Madness Second Edition is a fully cooperative board game of horror and mystery for one to five players that takes place in the same universe as Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign. Explore the veiled and misty streets of Innsmouth and stumble through the haunted corridors of Arkham’s cursed mansions as you search for answers and respite. Eight brave investigators stand ready to confront four scenarios of fear and mystery, collecting weapons, tools, and information, solving complex puzzles, and figh
Prežite čaro Harryho Pottera a Fantastic Beasts s úchvatnou knihou prútikov a ich príbehov! Preskúmajte históriu a tajomstvá čarodejníckych predmetov a ponorte sa do sveta mágie.
Prežite hrôzu Five Nights at Freddys s príručkou plnou animatronikov, máp, skrytých odkazov a úžasných detailov! Must-have pre všetkých fanúšikov FNAF!
Ponorte sa do sveta MCU s Encyklopédiou postáv Marvel Studios a spoznajte viac ako 200 postáv! Objednajte si ju už teraz a zažite dobrodružstvo plné epických bitiek a tajomstiev!
Encyklopédia postáv zo Star Wars, ktorá vám predstaví viac ako 275 postáv. Zoznámte sa so známymi, ale aj menej známymi hrdinami a záporákmi sveta Star Wars.
Kompletne aktualizovaná encyklopédia LEGO setov a postavičiek Star Wars. Obsahuje exkluzívnu figúrku Dartha Maula. Spoznaj každý LEGO kúsok zo sveta Star Wars!
Zápisník pre hráčov Dungeons & Dragons. Rozmery: 15 x 10 cm 60 strán EN: You will be prepared for adventure with the Monster Manual Pad of Perception for Dungeons & Dragons! Each pad features 60 pages of updated 6mm bullet style graph paper and secures shut with an elastic band. The Hydro 74 cover artwork is beautifully accented with metallic ink and pages are watermarked with the iconic D&D ampersand logo. These pads are excellent for mapping movement and taking notes during yo
Fully Loaded Edition obsahuje DLC obsah - Legends Pack + Action All-Stars Pack:Legends Pack: 6 nových outfitov - Retro Commando, Sheep, Donkey, Skunk, Cow a Pigeon (každý v 3 rôznych farebných variantoch) 6 nových skinov na zbrane - Retro, Wooly, Concrete, Poison, Bovine, Feathers 6 BannerovAction All-Stars Pack: 3 nové outfity - Superhero, Wizard a Ninja (každý v 3 rôznych farebných variantoch) 3 nové skiny na zbrane - Heroic, Magical a Cherry Blossom) 3 emotikony 3 bannery Worms Rumble, ako keby ste
Fully Loaded Edition obsahuje DLC obsah - Legends Pack + Action All-Stars Pack:Legends Pack: 6 nových outfitov - Retro Commando, Sheep, Donkey, Skunk, Cow a Pigeon (každý v 3 rôznych farebných variantoch) 6 nových skinov na zbrane - Retro, Wooly, Concrete, Poison, Bovine, Feathers 6 BannerovAction All-Stars Pack: 3 nové outfity - Superhero, Wizard a Ninja (každý v 3 rôznych farebných variantoch) 3 nové skiny na zbrane - Heroic, Magical a Cherry Blossom) 3 emotikony 3 bannery Worms Rumble, ako keby ste
Tales from the Yawning Portal provides D&D fans with adventures, magic items, and deadly monsters—all of which have been updated to the fifth edition rules. Tales from the Yawning Portal Includes the following adventures: Against the GiantsDead in ThayForge of FuryHidden Shrine of TamoachanSunless CitadelTomb of HorrorsWhite Plume Mountain
Unleash your imagination, creating worlds and stories beyond measure with the new Pathfinder GM Core for Pathfinder Second Edition! This comprehensive 336-page hardcover rulebook gives Game Masters everything they need to craft thrilling tales of adventure, from a single-night’s dungeon delve to complex epics spanning years. Within these pages you’ll find clear guidelines for creating new hazards and monsters, tools to design challenging, balanced encounters, and rules for rewarding characters for the das
Unleash your imagination, creating worlds and stories beyond measure with the new Pathfinder GM Core for Pathfinder Second Edition! This comprehensive 336-page hardcover rulebook gives Game Masters everything they need to craft thrilling tales of adventure, from a single-night’s dungeon delve to complex epics spanning years. Within these pages you’ll find clear guidelines for creating new hazards and monsters, tools to design challenging, balanced encounters, and rules for rewarding characters for the das
The Pathfinder Player Core presents a new entry point to Pathfinder Second Edition, with everything a player needs to learn how to play the game! Choose from eight ancestries, eight complete character classes, and hundreds of feats and spells to make unique characters ready for deadly adventures in a world beset by magic and evil! This 464-page hardcover tome is the definitive rules resource for all Pathfinder Second Edition players! Pathfinder Player Core is the first core rulebook for the fully remaster