Knihy Steve Jobs se na českém trhu prodalo od listopadu již téměř 35000 výtisků. Teraz Vám prinášame audio nahrávku na 3 CD. Celkem 26 hodin 23 minut
Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Its how it works. In 1976, Steve jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak started a computer company called Apple in a garage in California. Today, Apple is one of the worlds largest companies, famous for its innovative products and beautiful designs. Hundreds of millions of people around the world use the technology that Steve Jobs helped to create.
Ako uvažuje Steve Jobs Kniha Ako uvažuje Steve Jobs je portrétom dvoch Stevov – charizmatického perfekcionistu, vynikajúceho podnikateľa a inovátora s citom pre trhové trendy (a výrobky, ktoré ovplyvnili celú generáciu používateľov), a manipulátora a elitára so sociopatickými sklonmi, ktorý, nedbajúc na prognózy, už niekoľko rokov úspešne bojuje so zákerným ochorením. Jeho závratný úspech Kahney sleduje od chvíle, keď sa Jobs vracia do firmy Apple, ktorá sa ocitla na pokraji bankrotu. Svojím perfekcioni
Steve Rogers wants to fight for his country, but he is a small, weak man. The United States Army doesn't want him. Then a super serum changes him - suddenly, Steve is tall and very strong. Can the new Steve Rogers be a soldier? Can he save his country - a
Príbeh Steva Jobsa, plný lekcií o inovácii, líderstve a osobných i firemných honotách, je preto pre čitateľa inšpiratívnym návodom a zároveň i poučením.
Dôverný pohľad na skutočnú osobnosť Steva Jobsa. Jediná biografia, ktorá prináša doteraz nezverejnené detaily, vyslúžila si uznanie od tých, ktorí Jobsa poznali najlepšie, a na ktorú pozitívne reagovala aj firma Apple.
Vydavateľ: 2005 MotýľPreklad: Ján Kamenistý Počet strán: 205Náklad: - (Vydanie -)Väzba: pevná väzba, bez prebalu Váha: - kg Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, inak v poriadku
With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading skills with the help of engaging Disney stories and characters they know and enjoy. Supers are illegal and Mr Incredible and Elastigirl don’t have jobs. Then Winston Deavor and his sister Evelyn call with an exciting job for Elastigirl. Elastigirl works hard in the city and Bob works hard at home... But can they work together to save the day?With the brand-new Disney Readers series, young learners can build their reading s
Career Paths Natural Gas II is a new educational resource for petroleum and natural gas industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Natural Gas II addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of rigs, gas storage and transport, safety proced
Career Paths Natural Gas I is a new educational resource for petroleum and natural gas industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating career specific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Natural Gas I addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of rigs, gas storage and transport, safety procedur
Career Paths Petroleum I is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum I addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the drill
Career Paths Petroleum I is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum I addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the drill
Career Paths Petroleum II is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum II addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the dri
Career Paths Petroleum II is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum II addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the dri
Career Paths Petroleum I is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum I addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the drill
Career Paths Petroleum I is a new educational resource for petroleum industry professionals who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Petroleum I addresses topics including jobs in the industry, types of oil rigs, petroleum mapping, oil rig mechanical systems and the drill