Starter kit

Pracovná sada na magnetické,za sucha stierateľné tabule. Obsahuje 4 popisovače, magnetický držiak na popisovače, čistiaci roztok, magnetickú stierku a náhradné filce, 10 magnetov.

SÚPRAVA BATÉRIE A RÝCHLONABÍJAČKY 36 V/ 5,0 AH (Battery power 36/5.0 starter kit)

SÚPRAVA BATÉRIE A RÝCHLONABÍJAČKY 36 V/ 5,0 AH (Battery power 36/5.0 starter kit)

Rýchlonabíjačka súpravy Starter Kit Kärcher Battery 36/ 5,0 Ah zaisťuje 80 percentné nabitie batérie 36 V / 5,0 Ah Kärcher Battery Power za 1,5 hodiny. Sada je vhodná na použitie vo všetkých zariadeniach na 36 V batériovej platforme Kärcher.

Reproduktory + myš MC-STARTER

Reproduktory + myš MC-STARTER

Reproduktory: Výkon: 2 x 0,5W frekvencia: 200-20Khz USB,kábel 3,5mm Mini Jack,Rozmery: 120 x 65 x 50mm,ovladanie hlasitosti Podložka 120 x 65 x 50mm Káblová myš: USB, 800DPI,rozmer 104x33x59,dĺžka kábla 140cm

HOME charging kit with charging AC power socket Type 2 | 16A | 1phase | 3,7 kW | 5m

HOME charging kit with charging AC power socket Type 2 | 16A | 1phase | 3,7 kW | 5m

The starter pack of the HOME charging kit enables an easy assemble of a charging station. It can be used for AC charging of all electric cars with type 2 connector. The set meets all the requirements of the European standard IEC 62196-2 and IEC 61851-1.

HOME charging kit with charging AC power socket Type 2 | 16A | 3phase | 1 kW | 0,7m

HOME charging kit with charging AC power socket Type 2 | 16A | 3phase | 1 kW | 0,7m

The starter pack of the HOME charging technology set is used for easy assemble of a charging station. The system has a built-in integrated lock actuator release function to disconnect the infrastructure charging connector and the infrastructure charging socket. The set meets all the requirements of the European standard IEC 62196-2 and IEC 61851-1.

SÚPRAVA BATÉRIE A RÝCHLONABÍJAČKY 36 V 2,5 AH (Battery power 36/2.5 starter kit)

SÚPRAVA BATÉRIE A RÝCHLONABÍJAČKY 36 V 2,5 AH (Battery power 36/2.5 starter kit)

Jedna súprava pre všetky zariadenia systému batérií 36V Kärcher: Štartovacia súprava Battery Power 36/ 2,5 Ah od spoločnosti Kärcher pozostáva z vymeniteľnej batérie 36 V/ 2,5 Ah Battery Power s inovatívnou technológiou Real Time, ako aj rýchlonabíjačky 36 V, ktorá nabije batériu na 80 percent iba za 48 minút.

Phoenix Contact PHOENIX CONTACT charging kit HOME TWIN with charging AC power sockets Type 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22 kW | 0,7m

Phoenix Contact PHOENIX CONTACT charging kit HOME TWIN with charging AC power sockets Type 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22 kW | 0,7m

The TWIN charging technology kit starter kit allows easy assembly of a charging station for two electric cars in Mode 3, Case B. It is used to charge electric cars with alternating current. The charging station is equipped with two sockets! The set meets all the requirements of the European standard IEC 62196-2 and IEC 61851-1.

Phoenix Contact PHOENIX CONTACT charging kit HOME TWIN with charging AC power cables Type 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22 kW | 5m

Phoenix Contact PHOENIX CONTACT charging kit HOME TWIN with charging AC power cables Type 2 | 32A | 3phase | 22 kW | 5m

The TWIN charging technology starter kit allows easy assembly of a charging station for two electric cars in Mode 3, Case B. It is used to charge electric cars with alternating current. The charging stations is equipped with two cables. The set meets all the requirements of the European standard IEC 62196-2 and IEC 61851-1.
