Stan Lees How to Write Comics

Stan Lees How to Write Comics

Kniha, ktorá vám zrozumiteľne, jasne a stručne vysvetlí, ako písať komiksy od majstra Stana Leeho, ktorý je jedným z najznámejších autorov Marvel komiksov.

Write and Draw Your Own Comics

Write and Draw Your Own Comics

Kniha plná aktivít a návodov na to, ako si nakresliť vlastný komiks. Naučte sa rozvrhnúť komiksové prvky ako dejovú líniu, postavy, bubliny, zvukové efekty a ďalšie.

Batman Detective Comics 7: Anarky

Batman Detective Comics 7: Anarky

Autor: Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul Séria: Batman Detective Comics Collects issues Detective Comics #35-40, Detective Comics: Endgame #1 and Detective Comics: Futures End #1.

Batman Detective Comics 8: On the Outside

Batman Detective Comics 8: On the Outside

Autor: Bryan HillSéria: Batman Detective Comics The greatest superhero team in Gotham City history is gone... this time, for good. How will the Dark Knight pick up the pieces knowing that his squad of vigilantes is gone? Find out in Batman: Detective Comics Vol. 8!

Low, Low Woods Hill House Comics

Low, Low Woods Hill House Comics

Mysteriózny komiks o záhadnom meste, ktorý je plný napätia a tajuplných udalostí, od bestseller autorky Carmen Maria Machado a DC comics.

DC Comics: The Art of Lee Bermejo

DC Comics: The Art of Lee Bermejo

Artbook s rozhovorom s úspešným autorom Lee Bermejom a jeho partnermi, napr. Brian Azzarello. Tvorba a život jedného z najúspešnejšík ilustrátorov DC comics.

Action Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition

Action Comics #1000: The Deluxe Edition

Autor: Brian Michael Bendis, Geoff Johns, Scott Snyder, Tom King   Séria: Action Comics Begin the next chapter of the iconic superhero's journey by celebrating 1,000 issues of Action Comics, with a lineup of top talent as they pay tribute to the comic that started it all.

Joker: A Celebration of 75 Years

Joker: A Celebration of 75 Years

Autor: rôzni autoriSéria: Joker Celebrating Batman and Joker's seventy-five years as cultural icons, this hardcover Joker Anthology collects stories from the characters seven decades as the greatest villain in comics. Featuring stories from BATMAN #1, 5, 25, 32, 85, 163, 251, 427, BATMAN #15 (THE NEW 52), DETECTIVE COMICS #64, 168, 180, 475, 476, 726, 741, 826, DETECTIVE COMICS #1 (THE NEW 52), WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #61, SUPERMAN #9 and BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #66.

DC Comics: The Art of Darwyn Cooke

DC Comics: The Art of Darwyn Cooke

Autor: Darwyn Cooke  Writer Darwyn Cooke lent his signature retro style to all corners of the DC Universe, from Catwoman to Jonah Hex to Watchmen. DC Comics: The Art of Darwyn Cooke brings together more than 400 pages of comics and cover art from throughout the career of one of the greatest artists of his or any other generation.

Batman Detective Comics Omnibus

Batman Detective Comics Omnibus

Zberateľské omnibusové vydanie komiksov o Batmanovi zo série Detective Comics. Ponorte sa do detektívneho príbehu, ktorý začína zinscenovanou vraždou.

Batman Detective Comics 2: Fear State

Batman Detective Comics 2: Fear State

Pustite sa do komiksu plného akcie a pátrania v Batman Detective Comics - Fear State. Mesto z DC comics - Gotham - zachvátilo šialenstvo. Dokáže to Batman zvrátiť?

DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe

DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the DC Universe

Objavte viac ako 1200 postáv DC Comics v tejto luxusnej encyklopédii - povinná jazda pre fanúšikov komiksov! Oslávte 75 rokov DC histórie s úžasnými ilustráciami!

Batman Detective Comics 5: A Lonely Place of Living (Rebirth)

Batman Detective Comics 5: A Lonely Place of Living (Rebirth)

Autor: James Tynion IV.      Séria: Batman From writer James Tynion IV (BATMAN/TMNT) and the spectacular art team including Alvaro Martinez (BATMAN ETERNAL) comes the newest volume of DETECTIVE COMICS! Collects DETECTIVE COMICS #963-968 and DETECTIVE COMICS ANNUAL #1.

Batman Detective Comics 1: Gotham Nocturne: Overture (Pevná väzba)

Batman Detective Comics 1: Gotham Nocturne: Overture (Pevná väzba)

Ponorte sa do temného príbehu o Batmanovi od DC comics, v ktorom sa Batman zamýšľa nad svojím démonom. Má nejakého v sebe? Ak áno, prečo ho neovládol?

DC Comics Year By Year New Edition: A Visual Chronicle

DC Comics Year By Year New Edition: A Visual Chronicle

Spoznajte 85-ročnú históriu DC Comics od Supermana až po Rebirth v tejto najucelenejšej a vizuálne ohromujúcej kronike! Hlboký pohľad do sveta ikonických hrdinov a záporákov.

Batman Detective Comics 3: Arkham Rising

Batman Detective Comics 3: Arkham Rising

Gotham City čelí teroristickej organizácii Red Crown a v kanlizácii je stotisíc vajec s príšerami vo vnútri. Dokáže Batman zabrániť katastrofe? Napínavý príbeh od DC comics.
