A football stars career is endangered by a bad knee. A champion ice skater needs a training program to get her into shape for her Olympic race. Autor : Melvin Berger
People, Geography, History, Government, Business, Education, Science and Medicine, Religion, Social services, the Arts, Sports and Entertainment, the Media... Autor: George Clack
The revolution is occuring in health care. Science an medicine now have in their possession the technology and understanding necessary to appreciate the value of natural therapies. Autor : Michael T. Murray N.D. , Joseph E. Pizzorno N.D.
Kom The present catalogue lists medals, plaquettes, coins, tokens, badges, and decorations issued or made to commemorate medical events or in connection with any health affair. Most of the two thousand odd items described here commemorate Hungarian physicians, the rest, divided into 31 groups, illustrates the history of Hungarian medicine from the 16 th century up to the present. The collection and presentation of these peerless relics of Hungarian cultural and medical history will surely interest not onl
B2 Medals relating to Medicine and Allied Sciences in the Numismatic Collection of The Johns Hopkins University. A Catalogue - Sarah Elizabeth Freeman
Career Paths Sports is a new educational resource for sport professionals and enthusiasts who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Sports addresses topics including the field of play, rules of play, equipment, players and leagues for the worlds most popular sports. The s
Career Paths Sports is a new educational resource for sport professionals and enthusiasts who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Sports addresses topics including the field of play, rules of play, equipment, players and leagues for the worlds most popular sports. The s
Career Paths Sports is a new educational resource for sport professionals and enthusiasts who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Sports addresses topics including the field of play, rules of play, equipment, players and leagues for the worlds most popular sports. The s
Career Paths Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS is a new educational resource for sortevent support staff who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS addresses topics including sports events, security, first aid, concessions, and communications. The series is
Career Paths Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS is a new educational resource for sortevent support staff who want to improve their English communication in a work environment. Incorporating careerspecific vocabulary and contexts, each unit offers stepbystep instruction that immerses students in the four key language components reading, listening, speaking and writing. Career Paths Worldwide SPORTS EVENTS addresses topics including sports events, security, first aid, concessions, and communications. The series is
Miracles are happening to exceptional patients every day - patients who have the courage to work with their doctors to participles in and influence their own recovery. Autor : Bernie S. Siegel, M. D.
Toto nie je kniha o lekároch. Tam, kde hrajú dajakú úlohu, nie je to úloha hlavných predstaviteľov. Nie je to ani kniha o medicíne. Tam, kde medicína hrá dajakú úlohu, je len javiskom a kulisou. Hrdinami tejto knihy sú ľudia ako ty a ja... Autor: Jűrgen Thorwald
Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyones surprise!). Harry and his three friends are selected to take part in the Police Sport Competition. They arrive at the luxury hotel by the sea where the competition is to take place. Everything seems normal ... but something strange is going on at the hotel. Tags Adventure Crime Games and language activities An audio recording of the sto
Ašvaganda je omladzujúce tonikum, ktoré je v ajurvédskej medicíne využívané za účelom podpory obnovenia rovnováhy. Living Nutrition používa staroveké umenie trojitej fermentácie na prirodzený vývoj Ašvagandy do oveľa vitálnejšej a energickejšej formy.
Môže nám intuícia pomôcť pri práci a najmä pri rozhodovaní? Pouvažujte nad tým, ako sa zvyknete rozhodovať. Spoliehate sa na logickú analýzu situácie alebo dáte na svoje tušenie? Moja bezprostredná odpoveď bola, že používam oboje, ale musela som sa poriadne zamyslieť nad tým, kedy a kde siaham po jednej možnosti skôr ako po druhej a čo ovplyvňuje môj výber. V medicíne sa treba často rozhodovať. Naučili nás používať vedomosti a osvedčené postupy, aby sme vedeli diagnostikovať napríklad infarkt a poskytnúť
Kom13opr Written and updated by experts of North American pathology, this second edition of Pathology provides coverage of general and systemic pathology, with contemporary biology and clinical medicine integrated throughout. Illustrated, and with a pragmatic and straightforward style, it aims to show pathologic processes and concepts in a format that makes it a reference with everyday practicality. Rewritten and updated to reflect advances in the research of disease processes, this book includes many n