Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall

Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall

Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall, román prekypujúci romantikou a nebezpečenstvom, vťahuje čitateľa do fascinujúceho sveta služobníctva anglického panského sídla z 19. storočia, kde výzor môže byť klamlivý.V snahe uniknúť pred sobášom s

  • Obchod: Teofania
  • Zaradenie: Novinky
  • Výrobca tovaru:
  • Dostupnosť tovaru: do 1000 hodín
  • Aktualizované: 17.2.2024
  • Cena: 12.50 Eur
Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall

Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall

Slúžka z Fairbourne Hall, román prekypujúci romantikou a nebezpečenstvom, vťahuje čitateľa do fascinujúceho sveta služobníctva anglického panského sídla z 19. storočia, kde výzor môže byť klamlivý.V snahe uniknúť pred sobášom s bezcharakterným mužom sa Margaret Macyová prezlečie za slúžku a uteká z Londýna. Ak sa jej do najbližších narodenín podarí ostať slobodnou, získa dedičstvo a s ním aj sladkú nezávislosť. Nikdy však neplánovala naozaj pracovať ako slúžka. A rozhodne nie v dome Nathaniela a Lewisa Up

The New Streets and Roads

The New Streets and Roads

John and Susan Hall and their little brother Tommy lived in a large city. Thier home was on the second loor of a big building. Tim White lived on the top floor of the same buliding. One morning Tim knocked on the Hall familys door. Autor : William S. Gray, A. Strel Artley, May Hill Arbuthnot

Môj syn vrah ?

Môj syn vrah ?

Bola sobota ráno a ešte som ležal v posteli. Leora, moja slúžka, ma rada rozmaznáva, odkedy som sám, a tak mi priniesla podnos s raňajkami do postele. Nerád jedávam v posteli, ale nechcel som raniť jej city. Autor: Patrick Quentin

Ruža pre Jula Verna alebo Päť týždňov bez balóna

Ruža pre Jula Verna alebo Päť týždňov bez balóna

Na vine bola nedeľa a prebdená noc. Mestský strážnik Lambin dnes prehral bežecký súbojs nebezpečným zločincom. Navyše prechladol, keď ho rozhorúčeného skropila slúžka pána Verna vedrom ľadovej vody... Autor: Peter Glocko

Mreže ( Edícia Eva)

Mreže ( Edícia Eva)

Luster zo žltej izby konečne odpratali. Slúžka, čo jej prišla otvoriť, keď sa vrátla zo školy, akoby to mala napísané na čele, zástera samá pavučna, ruky zaprášené po lakte. Mohla s odpustť aj tých zopár slov na vysvetlenie, keď už odchádzala a nezatvorila dvere tak úctivo, ako sa v tomto paláci vyžadovalo... Autor: Laura Di Falco

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People say that they were killed by a gigantic devil-like creature – the Hound of the Baskervilles! Can that be true? And can Sherlock Holmes save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death?

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles + Audio CD  (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Hound of the Baskervilles + Audio CD (Arthur C Conan Doyle | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSir Charles Baskerville is found dead just outside his home, Baskerville Hall. Many of the Baskerville family have died mysteriously. People say that they were killed by a gigantic devil-like creature – the Hound of the Baskervilles! Can that be true? And can Sherlock Holmes save the new owner of Baskerville Hall from a terrible death?   This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Ruža pre Jula Verna

Ruža pre Jula Verna

Na vine bola nedeľa a prebdená noc. Mestský strážnik Lambin dnes prehral bežecký súboj s nebezpečným zločincom. Navyše prechladol, keď rozhorúčeného skropila slúžka pána Verna vedrom ľadovej vody. Teraz sedí doma pri kachliach, zabalený v deke, popíja pernod, kýcha a smrká. Ako sa mu to mohlo stať?... Autor: Peter Glocko

Šepoty a výkriky

Šepoty a výkriky

Dve zámožné sestry (Ingrid Thulinová a Liv Ullmannová) prichádzajú na rodinný ranč, aby so smrteľne chorou sestrou (Harriet Anderssonová) strávili posledné dni jej života. Zatiaľ čo obe ženy, poznačené manželstvom a egoizmom, nie sú schopné prejaviť citový vzťah k umierajúcej, nesebecká slúžka (Kari Sylwanová), ktorá ju ošetruje, stará sa o jej každodenné potreby - jej poskytuje čistú a nekonečnú lásku. Autor: Ingmar Bergman

Typing 1

Typing 1

Series Seven in an exciting all-new edition of the famous Gregg typing programs. Developed with the needs of students and teachers in mind, Series Seven offers all the text and workbook materials needed for a comperhensive, modern type writting porgram Autor : Lloyd Hall, Winger Morrison, Johnson Rowe

Six Great Modern Short Novels

Six Great Modern Short Novels

Lilly, the caretakers daughter, was literally run off her feet. Hardly has she brought one gentleman into the little pantry behind the office on the ground floor and helped him off with his overcoat than the wheezy hall-door bell clanged again and she had to scamper along the bare hallway to let in another guest. Autor : William Faulkner, James Joyce, Herman Melville, Nikolay Gogol, Katherine Anne Porter, Glenway Wescott

Pearson English Readers: The Chamber  (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Chamber (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Contemporary / American EnglishThe horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills you.Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi’s death row. Sam hates lawyers but his date with the gas chamber is close, and time is running out. Then Adam Hall, a young lawyer arrives. Can he and his secret persuade Sam to accept his help?

Pearson English Readers: The Chamber + Audio CD  (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Chamber + Audio CD (John Grisham | C1 - Level 6 - 3000 headwords)

Contemporary / American EnglishThe horror of death row is that you die a little each day. The waiting kills you.Seventy-year-old Sam Cayhall is on Mississippi’s death row. Sam hates lawyers but his date with the gas chamber is close, and time is running out. Then Adam Hall, a young lawyer arrives. Can he and his secret persuade Sam to accept his help? Pack contains a Book and MP3


Usborne - English Readers 3 - Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is an orphan, poor and ordinarylooking. Her life is poor and ordinary too until she comes to Thornfield Hall and meets Mr. Rochester but Thornfield hides a dangerous secret. Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre

Orphaned into the household of her Aunt Reed at Gateshead, subject to the cruel regime at Lowood charity school, Jane Eyre nonetheless emerges unbroken in spirit and integrity. How she takes up the post of governess at Thornfield Hall, meets and loves Mr Rochester and discovers the impediment to their lawful marriage are elements in a story that transcends melodrama to portray a woman's passionate search for a wider and richer life than that traditionally accorded to her sex in Victorian society.

ASB 2020/03

ASB 2020/03

lt;span style= color: #000000; >Kancelárie na Slovensku; Bude BIM aj na Slovensku technológiou budúcnosti?; Projekty: Woven City, Japonsko; Bytový komplex Nuppu, Bratislava; Slnečnice POP, Bratislava; Realizácie: Ostrovná hala, Nemecko; Plaváreň Gary Hall Center, Rakúsko; AIZ, Bonn; Lindis Lodge, Nový Zéland; Detské ihriská - nový zákon; Zasklené fasády: technológie, inšpirácie; Pritzkerova cena 2020
