Application of the JET BJ 45/75 pump supplying houses with clean water from wells where the suction depth does not exceed 8 metres for increasing water pressure in water supply systems irrigation as part of a domestic waterworks The JET BJ 45/75 pump is equipped with a power cable, thermal protection, switch and handle. Advantages of the JET BJ 45/75 pump large pump flow rate quiet running corrosion resistant easy to operate
Použitie Čerpadla JET BJ 45/75: zásobovanie rodinných domov čistou vodou zo studní, kde sacia hĺbka nepresahuje 8 metrov na zvyšovanie tlaku vody vo vodovodoch na zavlažovanie ako súčasť domácej vodárne Čerpadlo JET BJ 45/75 je vybavené napájacím káblom, tepelnou ochranou, vypínačom a rukovaťou. Výhody Čerpadla JET BJ 45/75: veľký prietok čerpadla tichý chod odolné proti korózii jednoduchá obsluha
Single-stage self-priming cast iron pump. Use of the IBO WZI 750 pump: pumping from wells where the suction height does not exceed 8 meters supplying clean water to houses, cottages, etc. irrigation pump is suitable for year-round use in case of occasional (seasonal) use we recommend pumps with stainless steel body. Advantages of the IBO WZI 750: high displacement corrosion resistant easy operation
The pump is used as part of a domestic waterworks with different pressure vessel sizes. Use of the WZI 250 pump: pumping of clean domestic water irrigation pumping The pump is suitable for year-round use in case of occasional (seasonal) use we recommend pumps with a stainless steel body. Advantages of the WZI 250 pump: small pump dimensions corrosion-resistant easy pump installation and operation
Self-priming horizontal pump JET 100 A is used for supplying family houses with clean water from wells where the suction height does not exceed 8m. Use of the JET 100A pump: pumping of clean domestic water irrigation in conjunction with a pressure switch and a pressure vessel as a domestic water supply The pump is suitable for year-round use in case of occasional (seasonal) use we recommend pumps with stainless steel body Advantages of the JET 100A pump: reliability easy operation excellent price-performa
Application of the JET BJ 40/55 pump supplying houses with clean water from wells where the suction depth does not exceed 8 metres for increasing water pressure in water supply systems irrigation as part of a domestic waterworks The JET BJ 40/55 pump is equipped with a power cable, thermal protection, switch and handle. Advantages of the JET BJ 40/55 pump high pump flow rate quiet running corrosion resistant easy operation
Centrifugal self-priming pump MH 1300 INOX horizontal in inox design with thermal circuit breaker against motor overheating. It comes from the production of the manufacturer Omnigena. Application: supplying houses with clean water from wells where the suction depth does not exceed 8 metres for increasing water pressure in water supply systems irrigation as part of a domestic waterworks Advantages: large pump flow rate quiet running corrosion-resistant easy to operate
JET 300 T-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 62 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 251 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 151 T-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 251 T-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 300 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 82 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 200 T-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 102 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories
JET 151 M-P Single-stage self-priming pump with accessories