SUITABLE FOR Competition Horses & Ponies that need a higher energy requirement for work Competition Horses & Ponies with excitable temperaments but need more ‘oomph’ Young horses and ponies starting to move up a training level Horses & Ponies with a nervous disposition that need power and stamina FEATURES & BENEFITS Utilises a variety of energy pathways to optimise power generation and stamina Supports natural recovery patterns with the replacement of glycogen post exercise ‘Super-fibre’ inclusion to support controlled performance Oil and essential amino acids to maintain skin, coat and peak muscle health Optimum inclusion of yeast to support digestive tract health Fully fortified with vitamins and minerals Fixed formulation providing consistent nutritional quality
Designed FOR Breaking yearlings in and early fittening work Convalescence and box resting Light work, and horses on the easy list Recoup Cubes are a lower energy ration that will maintain appropriate body condition and an even temperament while horses are being broken in, or when they are in early training. As work levels increase, their diet can be upgraded to a higher energy level.
Veľmi chutné zdravé bylinkové pochúťky pre všetky poslušné koníky a poníky vyrobené zo zdravých ingrediencií s nízkym obsahom cukru, čerstvými bylinkami a základnými vitamínmi a minerálmi.
MULTIPURPOSE RACING CUBE Designed FOR Energy efficiency as a multipurpose ration National Hunt and flat horses in full work, as well as point-to-pointers Racehorse Cubes make use of starch, oil and readily digestible fibre to meet the energy needs of a horse in training in a very palatable form that they can cope with. This highly concentrated ration for racehorses in full work helps with improved recovery time after a run, or during periods of intenses fitness training.
Cereálny mix s jablkovou arómou pre zachovanie chutnosti s pridanými elektrolytmi pre kone, ktoré vyžadujú okamžitú energiu, majú slabší apetít a potrebujú maximálnu silu pre svoje výkony.
Doplnkové krmivo, ktoré predlžuje dobu kŕmenia, podporuje žuvanie a slinenie, pôsobí priaznivo aj pri predchádzaní kolikových stavov u náchylných a citlivých koní.
Vhodná pro koně a pony v klidu a v lehké práci. Pro koně a poníky, které reagují na vysokou úroveň obilnin. VLASTNOSTI A VÝHODY: lisované za studena, bez obilovin, energie se pomalu získává ze stravitelných zdrojů vlákniny. Vyvážené složení poskytující neustálou výživovou kvalitu. Chutné krmivo s plným obsahem vitamínů a minerálů.
Walther Competition II Kolimátor Competition II je určený pre lištu 22 mm nazývanú ako weawer alebo RIS. Dve intenzity svitu ovládané na prepínači ON/OFF. Možnosť nastavenia polohy bodu. Kvalitné pevné spracovanie. Napájanie batériou CR2032. Rozmery: 85x34x34 mm
FEATURES & BENEFITS Produced at our UFAS accredited mill A top quality oat Double re-cleaned and clipped for minimal dust and admixture Dust extracted – a cleaner oat means less harmful dust and allergens for horse and user Well filled, bright and plump grains
DIGESTIVE HEALTH SUPPLEMENT SUITABLE FOR Any horse or pony to help maintain normal digestive efficiency Horses and ponies maintained on a predominantly forage based ration Lactating mares to help maintain optimum milk quality and immune transfer to suckling foals Young growing horses to support normal growth patterns and weight gain FEATURES & BENEFITS Natural Increased fibre digestion resulting in better feed utilization Helps support a normal hindgut pH which minimizes hindgut dysfunction Decrea
Bezovsové a bezjačmenné vysokostráviteľné krmivo vhodné pre kone, ktoré potrebujú dostať celkovo lepší vzhľad v podobe svalov, srsti a lesku. Ide o veľmi chutné a vysoko stráviteľné krmivo spracované vo forme granulí, ktoré je vhodné aj pre citlivé, vyberavé, temperamentné a nervózne kone. Podporuje optimálnu kondíciu, tvorbu svalovej hmoty a následnú regeneráciu. Postupné uvoľňovanie energie je dodávané z vysoko stráviteľnej vlákniny pre optimálnu funkciu tráviaceho traktu. Obsahuje EQUI-JEWEL® a kvalitn
SUITABLE FOR Fussy feeders or poor doers, where appetite often limits required energy intake FEATURES & BENEFITS High energy, but low starch - the high oil content contributes to this value, making them lower in starch than any other cereal Consistently high crude protein levels compared to other cereals, with a good level of Lysine maintaining the quality Dust-free No bruising or crushing required. These oats are highly digestible when fed whole, and do not deteriorate during storage. They contain more n
Kolimátor Walther Competition III : väčší zelený bod veľkosti 10 MOA, dva stupne jasu, integrovaná montáž na weaver lištu, dĺžka 78 mm, hmotnosť 58 g. Batéria priložená. Vhodný pre airsoftové a vzduchové zbrane. Novší model 2.1037
SUITABLE FOR Meeting the demands of the performance horse Horses with limited appetites or fussy feeders All horses or ponies needing extra energy Young competition horses in work FEATURES & BENEFITS High Energy Mix Complex carbohydrates for replacement of glycogen during work Additional energy sourced from Super Fibres for controlled energy release Premium quality vegetable protein sources to encourage optimal muscle and tissue maintenance and repair Chelated minerals included which will help optimise na
SUITABLE FOR Supporting weight gain for poor doers or those with limited appetites Horses & ponies requiring a feed to support optimum muscle and topline development Horses requiring controlled, slow-release energy for optimum stamina FEATURES & BENEFITS Unique inclusion of Equi-Jewel® to increase the calorie density of the ration and to support lower feeding rates Barley and oat-free formulation to reduce starch content Highly digestible “super-fibres” to provide controlled energy release and support a
COMPETITION SERIE Špecialna sútažná nástraha. Velkosť 6-7mm kombiovane obsahuje 2 rozne farby jednotlive farby majú inú príchuť.Nenadvíha nadvazec. Velkosť 6-7mm Balenie 25g N-butyric-Biela Orange- oranžová farba