Sail Away is a course for pupils learning English at primary level. It can be used as a first step to introduce young learners to English or as a followup to the Set Sail series. Sail Away is a unique, childfriendly course, specially designed for pupilsholistic development.
Set Sail is a twolevel course for teaching English at early primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. Pupils Book contains realistic dialogues, lively songs and chants, cratfwork, listening activities and consolidation pages for each theme.
Sail Away is a course for pupils learning English at primary level. It can be used as a first step to introduce young learners to English or as a followup to the Set Sail series. Sail Away is a unique, childfriendly course, specially designed for pupilsholistic development.
Sail Away is a course for pupils learning English at primary level. It can be used as a first step to introduce young learners to English or as a followup to the Set Sail series. Sail Away is a unique, childfriendly course, specially designed for pupilsholistic development.
Set Sail is a twolevel course for teaching English at early primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. Pupils Book contains realistic dialogues, lively songs and chants, cratfwork, listening activities,consolidation pages for each theme and a school play to be performed at the end of the year.
Set Sail is a twolevel course for teaching English at early primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. Pupils Book contains realistic dialogues, lively songs and chants, cratfwork, listening activities and consolidation pages for each theme.
Set Sail je dvoudílný kurz pro děti, které ještě neumí číst a psát. Set Sail 2 poskytuje procvičení všech jazykových dovedností a směřuje k náročnějším úkolům konstruovaným tak, aby učebnice vybavila děti dovednostmi nutnými k úspěšné komunikaci v jazyce.
Set Sail is a twolevel course for teaching English at early primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. Pupils Book contains realistic dialogues, lively songs and chants, cratfwork, listening activities,consolidation pages for each theme and a school play to be performed at the end of the year.
Série Sail Away je vhodná pro začínající malé děti, které již umí číst a psát. Učebnici a cvičebnici je možné zvládnout během 70 vyučovacích hodin. Tato série zahrnuje oblíbenou pohádku Goldilocks and the Three Bears a to v knižní podobě, na videu, audio CD nebo kazetě.
Storytime Readers je série známých příběhů a pohádek, které zábavnou formou procvičují četbu. Jsou rozděleny do tří stupňů pokročilosti a jsou napsány způsobem, který umožňuje vyučujícím použít je jako scénáře k dětským divadelním představením.
Set Sail je dvoudílný kurz pro děti, které ještě neumí číst a psát. Set Sail 2 poskytuje procvičení všech jazykových dovedností a směřuje k náročnějším úkolům konstruovaným tak, aby učebnice vybavila děti dovednostmi nutnými k úspěšné komunikaci v jazyce.
The Class CDs or Cassettes include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book, Story Book and the Test Booklet.
The Class CDs or Cassettes include all the recordings for the listening activities in the Pupils Book, Activity Book, Story Book and the Test Booklet.
The Set Sail! Series focuses on getting young learners to enjoy communicating in English through a wide variety of activities in all four skills. Its pupilcentred approach motivates young learners, thus ensuring a positive experience in the English language classroom. In Set Sail! 4 pupils are exposed to acrossthecurriculum sections which increase their level of engagement and improve their learning as pupils interact with their classmates, teachers, and members of the community while exploring other subj
The Student Test and Speed Drill Book for Arithmetisc 3 includes 32 weekly tests and 136 speed drills ( four per week ). One copy of the book is needed for each student.
The Teachers Book provides interleaved stepbystep lesson plans, the answers to the exercises in the Pupils Book, the Activity Book and the Test Booklet and a marking scheme for each test.