Robert Louis Stevenson - Ostrov pokladov

Robert Louis Stevenson - Ostrov pokladov

Vydavateľ: 2009 FragmentPreklad: Mária HavranováIlustrácie: Tony Wolf
Počet strán: 48Náklad: - (Vydanie prvé)Väzba: tvrdá, bez prebalu
Váha: - kg
Stav: veľmi pekný, buchnuté rohy, v knižke venovanie, sem tam vpis, inak v poriadku

A Childs Garden of Verses

A Childs Garden of Verses

Scotish novelist, poet and essayist Robert Louis Stevenson dedicated a Childs Garden of Verses to Alison Cunningham, the nurse of his early childhood years in Edinburg. Autor : Robert Louis Stevenson

Ostrov pokladov

Ostrov pokladov

Statkár Trelawney, doktor Livesey a ostatní páni ma požiadali, aby som spísal všetky podrobnosti od začiatku až do konca o ostrove...... Autor:R.L.Stevenson                                

Čierny šíp

Čierny šíp

Raz popoludní na konci jari zahlaholil v nezvyčajnej hodine zvon tunstallského hradu Moat House. V neďalekom lese a na poliach pozdĺž rieky nechávali ľudia prácu a ponáhľali sa k miestu, odkiaľ sa ozývalo zvonenie... Autor: Robert Louis Stevenson

Pearson English Readers: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde  (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishWhy is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? And why does he seem to have power over the doctor? After a terrible murder, everyone is looking for Mr Hyde. But he has disappeared. Or has he?

Pearson English Readers: Treasure Island  (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishJim Hawkins and his parents have a quiet inn by the sea. Then one day, an old sailor arrives at the inn. What is he afraid of? Dangerous men come to the inn. Jim’s quiet life changes, and he goes across the sea by ship to Treasure Island.

Pearson English Readers: Treasure Island + MP3 Audio CD  (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Pearson English Readers: Treasure Island + MP3 Audio CD (Robert Louis Stevenson)

  Classic / British EnglishJim Hawkins and his parents have a quiet inn by the sea. Then one day, an old sailor arrives at the inn. What is he afraid of? Dangerous men come to the inn. Jim’s quiet life changes, and he goes across the sea by ship to Treasure Island. Book and MP3 pack.  

Pearson English Readers: Kidnapped  (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Kidnapped (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 2 - 600 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishAfter his parents die, young David Balfour goes to the house of his uncle Ebenezer. But his uncle is a dangerous man. When he puts David on a ship to America, a difficult and dangerous time begins. But who is the stranger on the ship? Can he help David?

Pearson English Readers: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde + Audio CD  (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde + Audio CD (Robert Louis Stevenson | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Why is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? And why does he seem to have power over the doctor? After a terrible murder, everyone is looking for Mr Hyde. But he has disappeared. Or has he?

Pearson English Readers: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde  (Robert Louis Stevenson | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson | B2 - Level 5 - 2300 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishDr Jekyll is a London doctor who is liked and respected for his work. Mr Hyde is an evil man, completely unknown in London society. There is a murder and Hyde seems to be responsible. So why does the good doctor give Mr Hyde the key to his house – and decide to leave everything to Mr Hyde in his will?

Ostrov pokladů

Ostrov pokladů

Nerozhodnému čtenáří Máš-li, jak já měl, dnešní kluk, rád dávné zkázy o pirátech, o dobrodružstvích mořských vlků, o tajfunech a o pasátech, o škunerech, jež zhltly vlny, o plavbách moří dalekými, kde vábí ostrov tajuplný s dublony v písku pod hřebenými - pak vypluj se mnou bez váhání! Autor: R.L.Stevenson



Dobrodružný román. Posádka anglickej lode Blosson zabije kapitána a prvého dôstojníka pre kruté zaobchádzanie. Hľadajú ostrov, kde by mohli žiť. Vylodia sa na Tahiti, vezmú si za manželky Tahiťanky, ale žijú s otrovanmi v nepriateľstve, po krutých bojoch prežijú len dvaja. Autor: Robert Merle

Robko a Ďobko

Robko a Ďobko

Robo sedí v člne a ďalekohľadom pozerá na more. Rád by objavil tajomný ostrov alebo aspoň nejaký neznámy ostrov. Zatiaľ však neobjavil ani ostrov tajomný, ani neznámy... Autor: Jana Šrámková


Usborne Classics Retold - Kidnapped

A faithful retelling of Robert Louis Stevensons classic story of daring, intrigue and danger. Clearly written in a modern, approachable style to introduce young readers to muchloved classic stories. Includes informative notes on both the author and the original text. Ideal for encouraging young readers to pursue an interest in literature.

Pearson English Readers: An Ideal Husband  (Oscar Wilde | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Pearson English Readers: An Ideal Husband (Oscar Wilde | A2 - Level 3 - 1200 headwords)

Classic / British EnglishSir Robert Chiltern is a successful politician and an honest man. He is an ideal husband for the beautiful and serious Lady Chiltern. But somebody knows a dangerous secret about Sir Robert. Can Sir Robert’s charming Society friends save his job and his marriage?This Penguin Reader play is written for acting – making English come alive.

Ten neznámy

Ten neznámy

Rieka Mlynówka tečie pomedzi úhory, piesčiny a lesy. Neďaleko od osady Olszyny je na Mlynówkw ostrov. Málokto o ňom vie, lebo je to pusté miesto a navyše ostrov vznikol len nedávno, za poslednej jarnej povodne... Autor: Irena Jurgielewiczová
