Risen (PS4)

Risen (PS4)

Ponorte sa do drsného a atmosférického sveta Risen, kde má každý čin svoj následok. Ovládnite meč, naučte sa umeniu boja s palicou, alebo sa staňte silným mágom na ceste zemou plnou záhadných zemetrasení, obávaných príšer a nepredstaviteľných pokladov.

Silné otrasy na ostrove Faranga sú pre jeho obyvateľov zlé znamenie. Prastaré chrámy povstali zo zeme a priviedli so sebou bizarné tvory, ktoré terorizujú okolitú oblasť. Medzi ľuďmi sa šíri strach a panika.
Silná skupina, ktorá si hovorí „Inkvizítori“, si dala za úlohu urobiť týmto udalostiam prietrž. Poslali na Farangu výpravu, ale lode sa na mori zmocnila divoká búrka a zničila ju.
Vám sa stroskotanie lode podarilo zázračne prežiť a uviazli ste sami na sopečnom ostrove. Ocitáte sa uprostred rebélie, tyranie a mystických rituálov. Je na vás, aby ste sa rozhodli, ktorým smerom sa rozhúpe kyvadlo osudu.

Risen (NSW)

Risen (NSW)

Ponorte sa do drsného a atmosférického sveta Risen, kde má každý čin svoj následok. Ovládnite meč, naučte sa umeniu boja s palicou, alebo sa staňte silným mágom na ceste zemou plnou záhadných zemetrasení, obávaných príšer a nepredstaviteľných pokladov. Silné otrasy na ostrove Faranga sú pre jeho obyvateľov zlé znamenie. Prastaré chrámy povstali zo zeme a priviedli so sebou bizarné tvory, ktoré terorizujú okolitú oblasť. Medzi ľuďmi sa šíri strach a panika. Silná skupina, ktorá si hovorí „Inkvizítori“,

Risen 2 - Dark Waters (XBOX 360)

Risen 2 - Dark Waters (XBOX 360)

Pokračovanie RPG odnože Gothic, ktoré je zasadené do prostredia pirátov. Risen 2 sa už neodohráva na ostrove Faranga, ale na rôznych ostrovoch. Caldera je posledná bašta Inkvizície, ktorá sa stále sústreďuje na porazenie titánov. Na mori však vládnu búrky, kvôli ktorým sú zásobovacie lode odsúdené na stroskotanie. Jedného dňa je na pevninu vyplavená Patty, hrdinova priateľka z prvého dielu, vďaka čomu si hrdina spomenie na svoj osud. Okrem Patty vás čaká veľa známych a ešte viac nových postáv. Na z

The Priory of the Orange Tree [Shannon Samantha]

The Priory of the Orange Tree [Shannon Samantha]

A world divided.A world divided.A queendom without an heir.An ancient enemy awakens.The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction—but assassins are getting closer to her door.Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic.Acros

God Emperor of Dune [Herbert Frank]

God Emperor of Dune [Herbert Frank]

Book four in Frank Herbert's magnificent Dune Chronicles--one of the most significant sagas in the history of literary science fiction. Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world's savior, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity's future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years. Leto's rule

God Emperor of Dune [Herbert Frank]

God Emperor of Dune [Herbert Frank]

Book four in Frank Herbert's magnificent Dune Chronicles--one of the most significant sagas in the history of literary science fiction. Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world's savior, the Emperor Paul Muad'Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity's future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years. Leto's rule

Dungeons & Dragons: Princes of the Apocalypse EN

Dungeons & Dragons: Princes of the Apocalypse EN

Abolish an Ancient Evil Threatening Devastation in this Adventure for the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald E

Dungeons & Dragons: Princes of the Apocalypse EN

Dungeons & Dragons: Princes of the Apocalypse EN

Abolish an Ancient Evil Threatening Devastation in this Adventure for the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald E

WoW: War of The Ancients 2 - The Demon Soul [Knaak Richard A.] (War of the Ancients Trilogy #2)

WoW: War of The Ancients 2 - The Demon Soul [Knaak Richard A.] (War of the Ancients Trilogy #2)

THE BURNING LEGION HAS COME. Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers now march across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death and devastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery invasion stands the mystic Well of Eternity -- once the source of the night elves' arcane power. But now the Well's energies have been defiled and twisted, for Queen Azshara and her Highborne will stop at nothing to commune with their newfound god: the fiery Lord of the Burning Legion...Sargeras. The

WoW: War of The Ancients 2 - The Demon Soul [Knaak Richard A.] (War of the Ancients Trilogy #2)

WoW: War of The Ancients 2 - The Demon Soul [Knaak Richard A.] (War of the Ancients Trilogy #2)

THE BURNING LEGION HAS COME. Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers now march across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death and devastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery invasion stands the mystic Well of Eternity -- once the source of the night elves' arcane power. But now the Well's energies have been defiled and twisted, for Queen Azshara and her Highborne will stop at nothing to commune with their newfound god: the fiery Lord of the Burning Legion...Sargeras. The
