Riders of The SIlver Rim

Riders of The SIlver Rim

Burned nearly to death under the desert sun, he is brought back to life by the hands of a stranger. The powerful blacksmith now faces challenges he never dreamed of and resposibilities he never wanted. Autor : Brock & Bodie Thoene

Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates

Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates

Hans Binker and his sister Gretel would love to enter the great ice skating contest with all the other children. Who wouldnt ? Autor : Mary Mapes Dodge

World Travel Silver nástenná stieracia mapa sveta+tubus+darček 60x80cm / angl

World Travel Silver nástenná stieracia mapa sveta+tubus+darček 60x80cm / angl

Stieracia mapa sveta „Travel Map Silver World” je skvelý pomocník pre cestovateľov.    Stieraj mincou miesta, ktoré si navštívil, zapisuj si poznámky, maľuj plánované trasy, zaznamenaj si pocity.   Stieracia mapa Travel Map ti pripomenie pestrú históriu tvojich ciest a dobrodružstiev - v batohu na cestách i doma na stene.   Mapu dodávame v darčekovom tubuse spolu s drobnými praktickými darčekmi: - minca na zotieranie krajín, ktoré ste precestovali - plstená handrička na odstránenie drobných nečis

Silver a jeho pomsta

Silver a jeho pomsta

Môj život sa začal pohrebom a mohol sa ním aj skončiť - a nik, ani len ja, by sa nič nebol dozvedel ani ma neoplakával, nebyť majstra Oakleyho, starého truhlára a majiteľa pohrebného ústavu. Toho dňa ho zavolali do mestského chudobinca v ....... v západnom Anglicku. Autor: Robert Leeson

Europe Travel Silver nástenná stieracia mapa európy 40x60cm / anglicky

Europe Travel Silver nástenná stieracia mapa európy 40x60cm / anglicky

Vydaj sa do úzkych uličiek Viedne, prejdi sa po pláži v Španielsku, vychutnaj si croissant v Paríži. Pre milovníkov cestovania po Európe je tu nová stieracia mapa „Travel Map Silver Europe”. Zaznamenávaj svoje cesty Európou, zotri miesta, ktoré si navštívil, a predstavuj si, kam pôjdeš nabudúce. Stieracia mapa Európy Travel Map je aj skvelým darčekom pre tvojich priateľov. Hľadáš unikátnu mapu Európy? Štýlová stieracia mapa „Travel Map Silver Europe” je pre teba ako stvorená! Stieraj mincou krajiny, ktoré


Geronimo 8 - Attack of the Bandit Cats (VÝPRODEJ)

Who is Geronimo Stilton? Thats me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing tales of adventure. Here in New Mouse City, the capital of Mouse Island, my books are all bestsellers! My stories are full of fun tastier than Swiss cheese and tangier than extrasharp cheddar. They are whiskerlickinggood stories, and thats a promise! Captured by cats! Its every rodents worst nightmare. It all started when my cousin Trap convinced me to join him on a quest for a legendary island covered in silver. We set

Danube Bike Trail 5 from Belgrade to Black Sea cyklosprievodca Esterbauer / angl (Part 5: From Belgrade to the Black Sea)

Danube Bike Trail 5 from Belgrade to Black Sea cyklosprievodca Esterbauer / angl (Part 5: From Belgrade to the Black Sea)

Bikeline Cycling Guide cykloturistický sprievodca DANUBE BIKE TRAIL 5 - Esterbauer Part 5: From Belgrade to the Black Sea GPS-Tracks spiral bounding local maps height profiles distance 1400 km 200 pages Charakteristika cyklosprievodcu vydavateľom: The fifth part of the Danube Bike Trail begins in Belgrade and ends in Romania on the Black Sea.With a total length of 2,845 kilometres, the Danube is Europe’s second longest river (after the Volga with 3,534 kilometres), and the only one on which kilometres


ELI - A - Teen A2 - Treasure Island - readers + Downloadable Audio Files (do vyprodání zásob)

Treasure Island is an adventure novel, narrating a tale of pirates and buried gold. Treasure Island is an adventure tale known for its atmosphere, characters and action. In this Reader you will find Focus on difficult words Comprehension activities Test yourself CLIL activity Tags Adventure Courage After Jim Hawkins finds a map in an old sea chest, he starts an exciting adventure which will take him to a far off island in search of treasure. He sets sail with his friends, but they do not


Četba pro začátečníky - Pollyanna (A1 - A2)

Cheerful, chatty Pollyanna can always find something to be glad about. Even when the newly orphaned girl has to live with her cold and strict aunt Polly, she remains full of hope and brightens up the life of everyone she meets. But when tragedy strikes, Pollyanna finds her optimistic attitude tested. Is there a silver lining for her even in this cloud? Pollyanna is a beautiful, heartwarming story with a powerful moral message. Veselá a upovídaná Pollyanna si vždy dokáže najít nějaký důvod k radosti. I kd


Mozaika - Četba - Pollyanna (A1 - A2)

Cheerful, chatty Pollyanna can always find something to be glad about. Even when the newly orphaned girl has to live with her cold and strict aunt Polly, she remains full of hope and brightens up the life of everyone she meets. But when tragedy strikes, Pollyanna finds her optimistic attitude tested. Is there a silver lining for her even in this cloud? Pollyanna is a beautiful, heartwarming story with a powerful moral message. Veselá a upovídaná Pollyanna si vždy dokáže najít nějaký důvod k radosti. I kd

Danube Bike Trail 2 - Astrian Danube cyklosprievodca Esterbauer / angl (Part 2: Austrian Danube: From Passau to Vienna)

Danube Bike Trail 2 - Astrian Danube cyklosprievodca Esterbauer / angl (Part 2: Austrian Danube: From Passau to Vienna)

Bikeline Cycling Guide cykloturistický sprievodca DANUBE BIKE TRAIL 2 - Esterbauer PART 2:  Austrian Danube - From Passau to Vienna GPS-Tracks spiral bounding local maps height profiles distance 320 km 160 pages Charakteristika cyklosprievodcu vydavateľom: In the last decade the Danube bike trail has emerged as Europe’s most important long-distance bicycle touring route. Its popularity is due primarily to the Danube’s natural beauty and the wealth of cultural and historical sites that line its banks. B

Europe Silver Deluxe nástenná stieracia mapa európy + tubus 66x90cm

Europe Silver Deluxe nástenná stieracia mapa európy + tubus 66x90cm

Najkrajším darčekom je poznávanie a cestovanie, napĺňa nás a príjemné spomienky nám ostanú po celý život! Cestujte s celou rodinou alebo priateľmi a spoznávajte kúty našej zeme. Detailná kresba So zameraním na ikony a bohatstvá krajín Prehľadná mapa Jednoduché a prehľadné značenie, čistý dizajn motto: Cestuj - spoznávaj - stieraj - odhaľuj!l Každý kúsok mapy je ručne maľovaný, dokonca aj stieracia vrstva, aby bola mapa krásna aj predtým než ju celú zotriete. Vlastnosti: Obsahuje 52 št
