Reign of the Seven Spellblades 1

Reign of the Seven Spellblades 1

Úvodný diel fantasy manga série Reign of the Seven Spellblades. Sledujte ako si noví prváci dokážu poradiť s tajomstvami a nebezpečenstvami na novej škole.

Seraph of the End 09: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 09: Vampire Reign

Upírski šľachtici pomaly padajú až kým nepríde rad na Crowleyho Eusforda, ktorý zajíma rukojemníkov. Ponorte sa do 9. dielu mangy (a anime) Seraph of the End.

Seraph of the End 29: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 29: Vampire Reign

V postapokalyptickom svete chcú upíri dosiahnuť pád ľudstva a na Zemi sa rozpútal obrovský boj. Ponorte sa do 29. dielu dark fantasy mangy a anime Seraph of the End.

Seraph of the End 08: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 08: Vampire Reign

Akčná dark fantasy manga (a anime) Seraph of the End s upírskou tematikou pokračuje. Ponorte sa do boja upírskych šľachticov proti ľudským bojovníkom.

Seraph of the End 28: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 28: Vampire Reign

Postapokalyptický súboj ľudí a upírskych šľachticov pokračuje v 28. časti mangy a anime Seraph of the End. Yuchiro sa musí rozhodnúť - životy rodiny alebo život Miku.

Seraph of the End 06: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 06: Vampire Reign

Pokračovanie akčnej dark fantasy mangy Seraph of the End. Aby si Yuichiro zvýšil silu sa musí dostať do stavu podobnému kóme a zmazať hranicu medzi démonom a človekom.

Seraph of the End 07: Vampire Reign

Seraph of the End 07: Vampire Reign

Sledujte boj Yuichirovej jednotky, ktorá sa pridáva k Moon Demon Company. Dokážu spoločne poraziť upírskych šľachticov? Dark fantasy manga (a anime) Seraph of the End.

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra 4 - Crimson Reign

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra 4 - Crimson Reign

Pokračovanie komiksového príbehu z galaktického sveta Star Wars. Sledujte Doctorku Aphra a Sana Starros na úteku z Vermillionu v štvrtom dieli komiksu od Marvel.

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five 3

Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five 3

Autor: Brian Buccellato     Séria: Injustice The epic prequel graphic novel series to the hit video game INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US comes to its shocking conclusion here! The reign of Superman is over.

Star Wars 4: Crimson Reign

Star Wars 4: Crimson Reign

Príbeh Lukea Skywalkera, ktorý je odhodlaný stať sa rytierom Jedi a poraziť mocného pána Sithov po tom, čo takmer zomrel v rukách Vadera. Star Wars komiks od Marvelu. 

Star Wars: Crimson Reign

Star Wars: Crimson Reign

Ponorte sa do príbehu z ďalekej galaxie a sledujte ako sa Crimson Dawn dostali k moci. Komiks plný epických zvratov a obľúbených postáv zo sveta Star Wars.

Supergirl 1: Reign of the Cyborg Supermen (Rebirth)

Supergirl 1: Reign of the Cyborg Supermen (Rebirth)

Autor: Steve OrlandoSéria: Supergirl Critically acclaimed writer Steve Orlando (MIDNIGHTER) comes a new beginning for Kara Zor-El in SUPERGIRL VOL. 1, a new series that is sure to appeal to fans of the TV series! Collects SUPERGIRL: REBIRTH #1, SUPERGIRL #1-6.

Pop! Games - Marvels Spider-Man - Miles Morales (Purple Reign)

Pop! Games - Marvels Spider-Man - Miles Morales (Purple Reign)

Marvels Spider-Man - Miles Morales je akčná adventúra z roku 2020 vyvinutá spoločnosťou Insomniac Games a vydaná spoločnosťou Sony Interactive Entertainment pre PlayStation 4 a PlayStation 5. Hmotnosť: 154g Kód produktu: FK54695

Walking Dead 17 - Something To Fear

Walking Dead 17 - Something To Fear

Autor: Robert Kirkman         Séria: Walking Dead In this volume of the NYT bestselling survival horror, Rick and his band of survivors work to build a larger network of thriving communities, and soon discover that Negan's "Saviors" prove to be a larger threat than they could have fathomed. Crossing Negan will lead to serious, dire consequences for the group; it seems that for the first time since the Governor's reign of terror that Rick may have Something

Shield Maiden [Emmerichs Sharon]

Shield Maiden [Emmerichs Sharon]

Having grown up hearing tales of her uncle, the great King Beowulf, Fryda's one desire is to become a shield maiden in her own right. Yet a terrible childhood accident has left Fryda disabled - thus, she believes, thwarting her dream of becoming a warrior-woman for good. But still, somehow, she feels an uncontrollable power begin to rise within herself. Meanwhile, a great celebration of Beowulf's reign is underway, and Fryda's house is soon overrun with foreign kings and chieftains. Amidst the drunken rev

Shield Maiden [Emmerichs Sharon]

Shield Maiden [Emmerichs Sharon]

Having grown up hearing tales of her uncle, the great King Beowulf, Fryda's one desire is to become a shield maiden in her own right. Yet a terrible childhood accident has left Fryda disabled - thus, she believes, thwarting her dream of becoming a warrior-woman for good. But still, somehow, she feels an uncontrollable power begin to rise within herself. Meanwhile, a great celebration of Beowulf's reign is underway, and Fryda's house is soon overrun with foreign kings and chieftains. Amidst the drunken rev
