Solárny regulátor nabíjania PWM oloveného akumulátora malým solárnym FV panelom max. 6A-12V od výrobcu KEMO Electronic séria SC model M149N
PARAMETRE STC: Typ nabíjania: PWM dobíjanie - strata 10-30%, Doporučené AKU: Olovo-kyselinové akumulátory 20-50Ah/12V, Určenie: FV panely vstup U=14-30V, Parametre: 6A/12V, Ochrana: proti prebíjaniu, Príkon FV: do 100Wp, Rozmery: 72x50x42 mm, Farba: Čierna
Určenie: pre malé ostrovné solárne FV systémy a aplikácie UN=12V
Popis produktu:
Malý, lacný a spoľahlivý solárny PWM regulátor nabíjania s modulovým výkonom do max. 100 Wp. Pripojený akumulátor nabije spoľahlivo, rýchlo a šetrne. Dve integrované LED signalizujú, či je akumulátor ešte nabíjaný alebo je už nabitý. Pripojiteľný solárny kábel o priemere nad 1,5 mm2. Pracuje s elektrickým výstupným napätím 12V a max. prúdom 6A. Odpojenie a pripojenie akumulátora regulátor realizuje v zmysle charakteristiky olovených akumulátorov.
Regulátor nabíjania slúži hlavne pre kontrolu toku elektrickej
Solárny regulátor PWM nabíjania dvoch akumulátorov malým solárnym FV panelom max. 16A-12V od výrobcu KEMO Electronic model M174 DC12V DUAL PARAMETRE STC: Typ nabíjania: PWM dobíjanie - strata 10-30%, Doporučené AKU: olovo-kyselinové akumulátory 30-100Ah/12V, Určenie: FV panely vstup U=15-30V, Parametre: 16A/12V, Ochrana: proti prebíjaniu, Príkon FV: do 250Wp, Rozmery: 87x60x33 mm, Farba: Čierna Určenie: pre malé ostrovné solárne FV systémy a aplikácie UN=12V DUO Popis produktu: Malý, lacný a spoľahlivý
Modul zariadenia - regulátor nabíjania mobilných zariadení a LED svetiel z Dynama bycikla určený pre dynamo aplikácie a systémy od výrobcu KEMO Elektronic model M172N AC6-70V Pracovné napätie: Vstup dynamo AC6-70V/Výstup USB=5.2V, Spotreba energie: min. 20mA, Výstup: 1x micro USB-A 5.2V/500-800mA, Prepínač: USB/LED žiarovky, Stav nabíjania: 1x LED, Prípojný kábel: SADA pre bycikel, Rozmery: 70x62x42mm, Farba: Čierna Popis produktu: Umožňuje nabíjanie mobilných zariadení z dynama pripevneného na bicyk
Mikroprocesorom riadený solárny Regulátor PWM nabíjania akumulátora malým solárnym FV panelom max. 45A-12/24/48V s možnosťou pripojenia LCD displeja a PC a funkciou časovača EP SOLAR série ViewStar VS4548BN COM PC-APK PARAMETRE STC: Strata PWM dobíjanie: 20-30%, Použitie: Olovo-kyselinové akumulátory 200-300Ah 12/24/48V, Vstupné napätie FV panel: Us=50V, Ochrana: proti prebíjaniu, vybíjaniu, preťaženiu a opačnej polarite, obvod v skrate, Príkon FV modulu: do 540Wp-12V-36č/2000Wp-48V-144, Displej: 3xLED,
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New model EVECUBE 2B+ charging station with new features and 5 years warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 2x 3,7kW to 22kW. The new feature is a display that informs about the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New EVECUBE B+ charging station model with new features and a five-year warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 3.7 kW to 22 kW. The new feature is a display that informs you of the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!
New model EVECUBE 2B+ charging station with new features and 5 years warranty. This station is made of stainless steel, laser engraved and allows charging from 2x 3,7kW to 22kW. The new feature is a display that informs about the charging status of your electric car. The charging station can charge your electric car from the surplus of your solar power plant. It is available with a plug or with an integrated cable. The warranty for this station can be up to 5 years!