Product Description: The INFRARED IC HEATE T962 A is a micro processor controlled reflow-oven. It can be used for effectively soldering various SMD and BGA components.The whole soldering process can be completed automatically and it is very easy to use, This machine uses a powerful infrared emission and circulation of the hot air flow, so the temperature is being kept very accurate and evenly distributed. A windowed drawer is designed to hold the work-piece,and allows safe soldering techniques and the manipulation of SMDBGA and other small eletronic parts mounted on a PCB assembly. The T962 may be automatically rework solder to correct bad solder joints,removereplace bad components and complete small engineering models of prototypes. Product Features: â…. 1 A large infrared soldering area Effective soldering area:300×320mm;this increases the usage range of this machine drastically and makes it an economical investment. â…. 2 Choice of different soldering cycles Parameters of eight solderng cycles are pre defined and the entire soldering process can completed automatically from Preheat,Soak and Reflow through to cool down. â…. 3 Special heat up and temperature equalization with all designs Uses up to 1500 Watts of energy efficient Infrared heating and air circulation to re-flow solder. â…. 4 Ergonomic design,practical and easily operated Good build quality but at the same time light weight and a small footprint allows the T962 to be easily bench positioned transported or stored . â…. 5 Large number of available functions The T962 can solder most boss-eyed or double-face PCB boards small parts,for example CHIP,SOP,PLCC,QFP,BGA etc.It is the ideal rework solution from single runs to on-demand small batch production. â…. 6 Technical Specifications       ● Maximum soldering area: 300×320mm       ● Size: 43×37×26cm       ● Packing Size: 50×43×33cm       ● Rated Power: 1500W      ● Processing Time: 18 min       ● Power Supply: AC220V5060HZ      ● Net Weight: 12.5kg      ● Gross Weight: 14kg
Pec T - 962C dps pre reflow ! ! ! Pec pre spájkovanie T - 962C Puhui používať jse pre ohrievanie , spájkovanie SMD , BGA , Celý proces je veľmi jednoduchý a je plne automaticky , s ovládanie s pomocou mikropočítača . Jeho konštrukcia umožňuje sa dostať na presnú rovnomernú teplotu , čo ma vplyv na kvalitu spájkovania. Prístroj používa výkonný infračervený vysielač a cirkuláciu horúceho vzduchu , a preto proces spájkovanie prebieha veľmi opatrne . vlastnosti : Veľká spájkovacia plocha 600 x 400 mm Veľký po
Product Description: The INFRARED IC HEATER T962 is a micro processor controlled reflow-oven. It can be used for effectively soldering various SMD and BGA components. The whole soldering process can be completed automatically and it is very easy to use. This machine uses a powerful infrared emission and circulation of the hot air flow, so the temperatureis being kept very accurate and evenly distributed. Awindowed drawer is designed to hold the work-piece, and allows safe soldering techniques and the mani
7032 3V SAMSUNG LED Backlight Edge LED Series 7032 Cool white TV Application Manufacturer :  SAMSUNG Forward Current     IF :120mA Pulse Forward Curren t1    IFp:200mA Reverse Current   IR:uA Reverse Voltage  VR:0.7-1.2V 5mA Power Dissipation PD: W Operatin Tgemperature  Topr:   -40 85C° Storage Temperature  Tstg: -40 - 100 C° Soldering Temperature    Tsld: Reflow Soldering:260 C° for 10secs Hand Soldering:350C° for 3secs Junctio Tnemperature  Tj : C° Forward Vo
7032 6V SAMSUNG LED Backlight Edge LED Series 7032 Cool white TV Application Vhodné pro TV Samsung UExxESxxx Manufacturer :  SAMSUNG Forward Current     IF :180mA Pulse Forward Curren t1 IFp:mA Reverse Current   IR:uA Reverse Voltage VR:0.7-1.2V 5mA Power Dissipation PD: W Operatin Tgemperature Topr: -40 85C° Storage Temperature  Tstg: -40 - 100 C° Soldering Temperature    Tsld: Reflow Soldering:260 C° Hand Soldering:350C° for 3secs Junctio Tnemperature Tj : C° Forward Volta
Kremenný ohrievač preheater T-8280 - 1600W Kremenný ohrievač T-8280 zariadenie s uchytom o rozmeroch 410x316mm a výkonom 16ooW. Zariadenie vybavené PID regulátorom teploty, aby sa teplota monitorovali a riadená bola presným spôsobom. Je ideálny pre prácu s veľkými PCB doskami s pcetu, notebooku alebo konzol.PCBs môžu byť vyrobené v technológie bezolovnatý a olovnatý. Je vybavená displejom, ktorý zobrazuje teplotu. Používanie ohrievača eliminuje problém ohýbanie a rovnanie PCB.To je nevyhnutné, ak Paje te
Spájkovacia system LY PRE SC V3 LY PRO SC V3 je to spájkovacia stanica, ktorá umožňuje montáž a demontáž súčiastok CBGA, CCGA, CSP, QFN, MLF, PGA? BGA dla CBGA, CCGA, CSP, QFN, MLF, PGA diky tmave Infrared. Â | LY IR-PRO-SC V3 zaprojektowano do napraw laptopów, komputerów, telefonów, XBOX, PS3 i inne konsole do gier, płyty Główne aj karty Graficzne i innych urządzeń elektronicznych, przy naprawie których jest wymagane wysoka PRECYZJA aj dokładność lutowania. Príklady použitia: - V stredných a veľkých elek
BGA stanice Scotle IR6000 Â POZNÁMKA Na trhu je množstvo BGA staníc s označením IR6000, ktoré obsahujú len 1 vyhrievacie teleso o výkone 800W a rozmere 18,5cm x 18,5cm. Naša ponúkaná stanica je od výrobcu Scottle s 1 vyhrievacím telesom o výkone 1800W a rozmere 26 x 19,5cm. Tieto parametre sú veľmi dôležité pri práci s BGA stanicou. Prístroj je vybavený Scotle IR6000: Â Â Â Â Malý stanica pre opravy BGA bol navrhnutý britským tímom technikov s 8 rokov skúseností so stanicami BGA Â Â Â Â Použité IR vykurov