Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea

Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea

Nahliadnite do zakázaného sveta Severnej Kórei a vyberte sa do Pyongyangu prostredníctvom komiksu. Výstižné vykreslenie jednej z mála striktne komunistických krajín.

Fist of the North Star 3

Fist of the North Star 3

Tretí diel mangy Fist of the North Star, ktorej príbeh sa odohráva v nehostinnom postapokalyptickom svete. Ken sa spoločne s Reiom vydáva hľadať nezvestnú sestru. 

Fist of the North Star 5

Fist of the North Star 5

Postapokalyptická manga Fist of the North Star prichádza s piatym pokračovaním. Ken hľadá svojho brata, čo ho privádza do nebezpečného väzenia. Podarí sa mu ho nájsť?

Fist of the North Star 2

Fist of the North Star 2

Druhé pokračovanie postapokalyptickej manga série Fist of the North Star o putovaní Kenshira a živote na Zemi po jadrovej vojne, ktorá mal ukončiť ľudské utrpenie.

Game of Thrones LCG - Journey to Oldtown (EN)

Game of Thrones LCG - Journey to Oldtown (EN)

Journey to Oldtown je ďalšie rozšírenie pre druhú edíciu kartovej hry Game of Thrones LCG zo série Flight of Crows. Vyžaduje základnú verziu hry Game of Thrones LCG (2. edícia). Karty sú v angličtine.

Fist of the North Star 4

Fist of the North Star 4

Štvrtá časť manga a anime Fist of the North Star. Keď ľudstvo povstalo z popola jadrovej vojny sa objavuje nečakaný hrdina, ktorí prináša spravodlivosť.

Ephemeral Scenes of Setsunas Journey 1

Ephemeral Scenes of Setsunas Journey 1

Prvý diel isekai manga série Ephemeral Scenes of Setsunas Journey. Spoznejte príbeh Setsuna, ktorý je povolaný do nového sveta a získava vedomosti a silu hrdinu.

Fist of the North Star 6

Fist of the North Star 6

Postapokalyptická manga série Fist of the North Star prichádza so šiestym pokračovaním. Toki a Kenoh pokračujú v smrtonostnom súboji, ktorý začal už dávno.

SW: Resistance Reborn [Roanhorse Rebecca] (Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)

SW: Resistance Reborn [Roanhorse Rebecca] (Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)

In this Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novel, Poe Dameron, General Leia Organa, Rey, and Finn must struggle to rebuild the Resistance after their defeat at the hands of the First Order in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

SW: Resistance Reborn [Roanhorse Rebecca] (Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)

SW: Resistance Reborn [Roanhorse Rebecca] (Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)

In this Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker novel, Poe Dameron, General Leia Organa, Rey, and Finn must struggle to rebuild the Resistance after their defeat at the hands of the First Order in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Fist of the North Star 10

Fist of the North Star 10

Pokračovanie postapokalyptickej manga a anime série Fist of the North Star. Kenshiro nachádza Yuriu a tiež sa stretáva s Raaha, s ktorým sa púšťa do nemilostného boja.

Journey Into Nyx Event Deck

Journey Into Nyx Event Deck

Event Deck sady Journey Into Nyx Wrath of the Mortals vám umožní ovládať zúrivú armádu Izzetových pyromanov, ktorí neustále tlačia na súpera pomocou silných modrých a červených kúziel. Obsahuje 60 kariet, 15-kartičkový sideboard, počítadlo životov a vysvetlenie hry. Produkt je vhodný pre začiatočníkov a stredne pokročilých hráčov.

Fist of the North Star 11

Fist of the North Star 11

11. pokračovanie postapokalyptickej manga (a anime) série Fist of the North Star. Po páde Raoha kenshiro zmizol. Dokáže konečne nájsť mier, po ktorom vždy túžil?

Enchanters EN - spoločenská hra

Enchanters EN - spoločenská hra

In the fantasy card-drafting game Enchanters, you create an artifact and upgrade it each turn. Every card you take retains some of its power. As you grow stronger, you can take on more powerful monsters and, if you plan well, even defeat a dragon. To set up the game, each player takes five crystals, then you shuffle together as many kingdom decks as the number of players, then lay out six cards (either items of enchantments) on the journey track. In the game, players take turns to embark on quests, collec

Dark Souls RPG: The Tome of Journeys

Dark Souls RPG: The Tome of Journeys

Death tugs at your soul as you press on, deeper into a world of forgotten palaces, broken kingdoms, and fading hope. The journey through the treacherous realms of DARK SOULS continues, and we invite you to immerse yourself in the Tome of Journeys. Here lie the means to make your next roleplaying campaign twice as thrilling and thrice as deadly! Within these whispering pages, you’ll find a wealth of new material to further flesh out your RPG campaigns. From classic DARK SOULS locations, to new equipment an

Veniss Underground [VanderMeer Jeff]

Veniss Underground [VanderMeer Jeff]

In his debut novel, literary alchemist Jeff VanderMeer takes us on an unforgettable journey, a triumph of the imagination that reveals the magical and mysterious city of Veniss through three intertwined voices. First, Nicholas, a would-be Living Artist, seeks to escape his demons in the shadowy underground–but in doing so makes a deal with the devil himself. In her fevered search for him, his twin sister, Nicola, spins her own unusual and hypnotic tale as she discovers the hidden secrets of the city. And
