Toto je rozprávanie o severoamerickej archeológii, presnejšie povedané: o archeológii dnešných Spojených štátov, a teda aj o severoamerických prehistorických kultúrach Indiánov. Každý vie, že Španieli pred takmer päťsto rokmi zničili v Strednej a Južnej Amerike vysokorozvinuté kultúry Aztékov a Inkov. Autor: C. W. Ceram
Original / American EnglishMost people around the world today know something about American life. The United States is a big country. Not all Americans are the same! In this book you will see the many faces of American life.
The book comes sequel to the Reader in modern american literature (1917-1941) compiled by the same authors in 1974. The volume covers the 40s and the 50s. It was the time of certain decline in American literature, which was marked by a decrease of social and artistic value of literary production, as compared to that of roaring thirties .... Autor: Kolektív autorov
Hello agaain, and welcome to American English I! I´M Barbara Lee Alexander, and this is Program 31. As you know, all our lessons are based on a video English course developed by Pace International, headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The course includes 4 texts and 64 programs... Autor: Edwin T. Cornelius, Jr.
Contemporary / American EnglishInman leaves the horrors of the American Civil War and begins a long, dangerous journey home to Ada, the woman he loves. Along the way, he witnesses great poverty, cruelty, and violence. Will he ever see Ada again? And if he does, will she recognize the man he has become?
Contemporary / American EnglishOne of the most famous American books of the century.Love, jazz, and excitement! These are all part of Sal Paradise’s adventures “on the road” with wild friend Dean Moriarty, and their crazy companions, as they travel across the USA
When an American family buy Canterville Chase, they also buy a ghost. In this lively and comic portrayal of the meeting of two cultures modern American and traditional British Wilde uses his satire and humour to describe the attempts of the ghost, Sir Simon, to frighten away the new owners.
Original / American EnglishIn the 1930s Grey Owl was the most famous North American Indian in the world. He wanted to save his land, its forests and animals. He wanted to change the world. He also had a very strange secret. This book tells his true story.
Contemporary / American EnglishInman leaves the horrors of the American Civil War and begins a long, dangerous journey home to Ada, the woman he loves. Along the way, he witnesses great poverty, cruelty, and violence. Will he ever see Ada again? And if he does, will she recognize the man he has become? This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Contemporary / American EnglishToday Maya Angelou is one of the world’s most respected writers and poets. In the 1930s and 1940s she was a poor Black girl growing up in the segregated American South. She suffered prejudice and cruelty from people she trusted as well as at the hands of an unjust society. Above all, Maya learned about the power of love and hope. This is Maya’s true story.
Oreganový olej je považovaný za najsilnejšie prírodné antibiotikum a antiseptikum na svete – je to účinný zabijak parazitov, vírusov, baktérií, kvasiniek a plesní. Oreganol P73 je prvým CO2 extraktom svojho druhu na svete, ktorý na svetový trh priniesla americká firma North American Herb and Spice už v minulom storočí. Používajú to najlepšie divoko rastúce oregano vo vysokých nadmorských výškach v Tureckých horách.
Oreganový olej je považovaný za najsilnejšie prírodné antibiotikum a antiseptikum na svete – je to účinný zabijak parazitov, vírusov, baktérií, kvasiniek a plesní. Oreganol P73 je prvým CO2 extraktom svojho druhu na svete, ktorý na svetový trh priniesla americká firma North American Herb and Spice už v minulom storočí. Používajú to najlepšie divoko rastúce oregano vo vysokých nadmorských výškach v Tureckých horách.
Krútila sa okolo mňa vrtkejšie a starostlivejšie ako mama pred birmovkou. Sprvoti sa mi videlo, že všetko robí kvôli nájomnému. Prvý raz som zaplatil vopred! A prvý zo... Autor: Milan Ferko
A person does not suddenly become a good American citizen when he reaches adulthood. Each child needs to be taught day by day the principles that made our country great.
A person does not suddenly become a good American citizen when he reaches adulthood. Each child needs to be taght day by day the princles that made our country great.
Můj přítel v životě byl Zulu, Zulu byl i můj prvý nepřítel, a můj prvý domov, na který jsem schopen se rozpomenout, byla zulská usedlost zbudovaná na návrší přehlížejícím oceán narezlé trávy vlnící se nížinou, kam až jen oko dohlédlo. Autor: Alan Scholefield