Stylová podložka pod myš v designu hry GTA. Špičková kvalita potisku a provedení povrchu podložky zaručí bezchybný provoz myši. Expresní dodání podložky díky velké skladové dostupnosti.
Záverečný diel komiksovej (manga) trilógie The Sunwel Trilogy zo sveta hry Warcraft. Majú elfovia a ich krajina ešte nejakú nádej? Ponorte sa do pútavého príbehu!
The electrifying conclusion to the Winnowing Flame trilogy. Jump on board a war beast or two with Vintage, Noon and Tor and return to Sarn for the last installment of this epic series where the trio must gather their forces and make a final stand against the invading Jure'lia.
The electrifying conclusion to the Winnowing Flame trilogy. Jump on board a war beast or two with Vintage, Noon and Tor and return to Sarn for the last installment of this epic series where the trio must gather their forces and make a final stand against the invading Jure'lia.
The hour of wrath draws near...The valiant night elves have been shattered by the loss of their beloved general. The black dragon, Neltharion, has claimed the Demon Soul and scattered the mighty dragonflights to the winds. Above all, the demonlord, Archimonde, has led the Burning Legion to the very brink of victory over Kalimdor. As the land and its denizens reel from this unstoppable evil, a terror beyond all reckoning draws ever nearer from the Well of Eternity's depths...WARCRAFTIn the final, apocalypt
The hour of wrath draws near...The valiant night elves have been shattered by the loss of their beloved general. The black dragon, Neltharion, has claimed the Demon Soul and scattered the mighty dragonflights to the winds. Above all, the demonlord, Archimonde, has led the Burning Legion to the very brink of victory over Kalimdor. As the land and its denizens reel from this unstoppable evil, a terror beyond all reckoning draws ever nearer from the Well of Eternity's depths...WARCRAFTIn the final, apocalypt
Prvý diel série Mafia z roku 2002 patrí v Českej republike medzi nesmrteľné videoherné legendy. K príležitosti 20. výročia série vznikne unikátny prémiový artbook The Art of Mafia Trilogy, v ktorom si čitateľ prezrie celú sériu Mafia od prvých vývojárskych krôčikov až po súčasnosť. Mafia je jeden z prvých veľkých titulov, ktorý dobyl aj zahraničné trhy a zasadil ČR do videohernej mapy sveta. Spolu s dvojicou nasledujúcich pokračovaní séria predala milióny kusov po celom svete. Kniha The Art of Mafia Trilo
Crash Bandicoot sa vracia v hre Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy a k tejto príležitosti je tu nachystaná krásna figúrka hlavného hrdinu, samotného Crasha. Po prvý krát predstavila videohra Crash Bandicoot pred 20 rokmi, u nás sa stala známou vďaka televíznej Maxihre. K hrám už neodmysliteľne patria aj figúrky, či sošky – a toto je jedna z tých, ktorú skrátka musíte vo svojej zbierke mať! Keď už pre nič iné, tak z nostalgie. Na Crashovi predsa vyrastala celá jedna generácia. Soška je vyrobená z PVC, je ručn
Skvelá okrúhla podložka pod myš pre všetkých počítačových čarodejníkov a kúzelníkov nielen z Bradavíc! Správna podložka pod myš pre fanúšikov Harryho Pottera!
Luxusné vydanie úspešnej sci-fi trilógie Duna od Franka Herberta v pevnej väzbe. Preneste sa na púštnu planétu Arrakis a sledujte osud Paula Atreida a jeho matky.
Kolekcia Dark Souls Trilogy ponúkne 3 legendárne Dark Souls hry v jednom balíku: Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin a Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition. Vstúpte do fantastického sveta Dark Souls, ktorý nič neodpúšťa a prebojujte si cestu skrz hordy nemilosrdných nepriateľov.Dark Souls Remastered Oheň vzplanul. Zažite znovu kriticky oceňovanú, žáner definujúcu hru, ktorá to všetko začala. Vráťte sa do Lordranu v tejto nádherne prepracovanej hre s oslňujúcimi detailmi vo vys
The first book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy, inspired by the civilizations of the Pre-Columbian Americas and woven into a tale of celestial prophecies, political intrigue, and forbidden magic.The first book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy, inspired by the civilizations of the Pre-Columbian Americas and woven into a tale of celestial prophecies, political intrigue, and forbidden magic.A god will returnWhen the earth and sky convergeUnder the black sunIn the holy city of Tova, the winter solsti
The first book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy, inspired by the civilizations of the Pre-Columbian Americas and woven into a tale of celestial prophecies, political intrigue, and forbidden magic.The first book in the Between Earth and Sky trilogy, inspired by the civilizations of the Pre-Columbian Americas and woven into a tale of celestial prophecies, political intrigue, and forbidden magic.A god will returnWhen the earth and sky convergeUnder the black sunIn the holy city of Tova, the winter solsti
THE BURNING LEGION HAS COME. Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers now march across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death and devastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery invasion stands the mystic Well of Eternity -- once the source of the night elves' arcane power. But now the Well's energies have been defiled and twisted, for Queen Azshara and her Highborne will stop at nothing to commune with their newfound god: the fiery Lord of the Burning Legion...Sargeras. The
THE BURNING LEGION HAS COME. Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers now march across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death and devastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery invasion stands the mystic Well of Eternity -- once the source of the night elves' arcane power. But now the Well's energies have been defiled and twisted, for Queen Azshara and her Highborne will stop at nothing to commune with their newfound god: the fiery Lord of the Burning Legion...Sargeras. The
Legendárna Star Wars trilógia prichádza v nádhernej deluxe edícii s ešte krajšími ilustráciami. Rozpovie vám príbeh Lukea Skywalkera z pôvodnej trilógie.