Kluk zastřelil Divokému Billovi koně za soumraku, když si Bill odskočil do křoví ulevit. Všichni kromě koně měli štěstí, že se to přihodilo práve v té chvíli, ale nebyla to zase taková klika, aby se dalo mluvit o boží prozřetelnosti. Autor: Deadwood
Pete Morgan is on a boat in the Caribbean with his mother and father. It is the only boat near Blue Sea Island. Or is it? One day, Pete has a visitor...
Pete Morgan is on a boat in the Caribbean with his mother and father. It is the only boat near Blue Sea Island. Or is it? One day, Pete has a visitor...
Original / British EnglishPete and Carla are students. One day they look at some very old coins and stamps in a shop. Pete wants to buy some stamps, but they are very expensive. Later that day some coins are missing from the shop – and the shopkeeper wants to find Pete.
Original / British EnglishPete and Carla are students. One day they look at some very old coins and stamps in a shop. Pete wants to buy some stamps, but they are very expensive. Later that day some coins are missing from the shop – and the shopkeeper wants to find Pete.
Krátky príbeh o Peťe a Adamkovi pomôže deťom s čistením zubov. Kniha obsahuje obľúbené pohyblivé prvky, ale aj odborné rady pre rodičov a vychovávateľov.
,, Tak čo, Pete, ešte nič ? spýtal sa dvadsiateho mája roku 1859 voľačo vyše štyridsaťročný statkár v zaprášenom zvrchníku a kockovaných pantalónach, čo vyšeil prostovlasý na nízke kryté schodíky zájazdného hostinca na -skej hradskej, svojho sluhu, bucľatého parobka s belavým páperím na brade a s malými nevýraznými očkami. Autor : Ivan Sergejevič Turgenev